Тест по английскому языку, 3 класс


I.Найдите лишнее слово в каждой строчке.

1.giant, gym, general, present, girl

2.driver, singer, nurse, teacher, runner

3.bright, hot, not, thirsty, long

4.eat, ski, skate, sing, sleep

5.hungry, merry, happy, funny, sad


1.What is your job?

a)We are brothers. b)I am a nurse.

2.Where is your mother?

a)She is fine. b)She is in the kitchen.

3.What’s the time?

a)It’s ten in the morning. b)It’s a bright morning.

4.Can you swim?

a)Yes, I do. b)Yes, Ican.

III.Выберите нужные глаголы в скобках.

1.(Do/Are) you tired?

2.(Does/Is) Nick play tennis on Monday?

3.(Do/Are) the clouds in the sky white?

4.(Does/Is) your sister a doctor?

5. (Do / Is) your grandparents live in Moscow?

IV. Выберите: do или does.

1. _________ your parents like pets?

2. _________ your friend have a bike?

3. _________ boys play with toy trains?

4. _________ this horse eat cakes?

5. _________ your kite fly high in the sky?

V. Заполните пропуски нужными местоимениями.

1. What is your name? — ____ am Mark.

2. Where is the bank? — ____ is by the tower.

3. Sally has her birthday today. _____ is very happy.

4. We can see pupils. _____ are on the stage.

5. Mr Black is our teacher of English. _____ is very clever.


I.Прочитайте текст и исправьте неверные утверждения.

Mary Parker is fourteen. She is a schoolgirl. She speaks French very well. Mary has got two pets – a dog and a cat. She feeds them in the afternoon and walks the dog in the evening.

1.Mary is a student.

2.Mary is thirteen.

3.Mary can’t speak French.

4.Mary has one pet.

5.Mary walks her dog in the morning.

II.Прочитайте текст и отметьте верные утверждения.

Len Ross is from London. He has a big house. He has seven rooms in his house. The walls are yellow. The doors are white.

1. Len is not from Moscow.

2. His house is not small.

3. He has five rooms in his house.

4. The walls are not blue.

5. Thedoorsarebrown.


1.driver rider teacher cook

2.Kate Mary John Rose

3.happy yellow black green

4.catsfrog rabbits foxes


IV.Напишите, какможноназватьэтихлюдей, судяпоихзанятиям.

1.Tom can ride a horse well. He is a good horse ……………….

2.Sam likes to read books. He is a good ………………

3.Mrs Green swims well. She is a good ……………….

4.My sisterdances well. She is a good ……………….

5.Lary jumps well. Heisagood ……………………

V.Закончите предложения, используя dont/ doesnt.

1.Nick ………..like bananas.

2.We …………play basketball.

3.Frogs and crocodiles …………fly.

4. My brother ……………ride a bike.

5. Sally and Betty …………..sing well.

TEST (Unit 3)

I.Запишите слова в 3 столбика: существительные, прилагательные, глаголы.

/ bear / low / sparrow / feed / narrow/ ride /

/ brown/sky / read / dark / house / sing /

II.Соотнесите вопросы с подходящими ответами.

1.What colour is a sparrow? A. It’s under the window.

2.Can they sing well? B. They are bright green and dark red.

3.Where is the flower? C. No, she can’t, she is weak.

4.What colour are the kites? D. It’s grey and brown.

5.Can Betty help you? E. Yes, theycan.

III.Заполните пропуски в предложениях, используяcan /cant.

1.Mice _______ be white, grey but they _______ be orange.

2.Horses _________ be yellow but they ________ be brown, black or white.

3.The sky _______ be bright blue but it ________ be green.

4.Pigs ________ be blue but they _________ be pink.

5.Books _______ be thick but they _________ be fat.

IV.Заполните пропуски, вставив —to-, где необходимо.

1.She likes ___ eat apples.

2.Dan can ____ speak English very well.

3.They like ___ sit by the lake in the evening.

4.My dad likes ___ cook fish.

5.We can ___ ride our bikes in the park.

V.Выберите нужную форму глагола: is / are.

1.What colour ____ the flowers?

2.Where ___ your teddy bear?

3.What colour ___ the sky?

4.Where ___ Bob and Ted?

5.Whatcolour ___ thetree?

VI. Запишите предложения, обращая внимание на порядок слов.

1. roses / red / are / The.

2. colour / is / your / What / book?

3. granny / cook / well / My / can.

4. can’t / Frogs / fly.

5. swim / Sam / Can / well?

TEST (Unit 3)

I.Запишите слова в 3 столбика: существительные, прилагательные, глаголы.

/ bright / tower / cow / speak / slow / run /

/ thick / play / pilot / purple / swim / chimp /

II.Соотнесите вопросы с подходящими ответами.

1.Where is the rainbow? A.They are dark brown.

2.Can Steve cook well? B. They are young.

3.Is it a strong horse? C. In the sky.

4.What colour are the doors? D. No, it isn’t.

5.Are they old or young? E. Yes, he can.

III.Заполните пропуски в предложениях, используя can / cant.

1.Cats ______ be white or black but they ______ be blue.

2.The sun ______ be green but it ______ be yellow.

3.Rabbits _______ be white or grey but they _______ be purple.

4.Trees _______ be fat but they _______ be thick.

5.Bananas ________ yellow but they ________ be grey.

IV.Заполните пропуски, вставив —to-, где необходимо.

1.I like ___ read books.

2.My little sister can ___ dance very well.

3.Peter can ___ ride a bike.

4.Jill and Polly like ___ sing English songs.

5.You can ___ see an elephant in the zoo.

V.Выберите нужную форму глагола: is / are.

1.Where____ the tower?

2.What colour____ the sparrows?

3.What ____ your name?

4.Where ____ Kate and Mary?

5.What colour ____ the window?

VI.Запишитепредложения, обращаявниманиенапорядокслов.

1.sky / blue / is / The.

2.colour / are / the / What / apples?

3.brother / play / can / My / tennis.

4.can’t/ Dogs / cats / and / fly.

5. read / you / Can / well?

Итоговый тест по английскому языку, 3 класс

Итоговый тест по английскому языку, 3 класс

Учебник «Английский в фокусе»

1 Отметь треугольником предложения в Present Simple, кругом – в Present Continuous. (4 балла)

  1. I ride a bike on Saturdays.

  2. Mike is driving a car now.

  3. They have lunch at 1 o’clock.

  4. We are having fun!

2 Вставь am, is, are: (4 балла)

  1. Lulu ______ sleeping now.

  2. Larry and Chuckles _____watching TV now.

  3. I _____playing a ball now.

  4. A dog_____eating now.

3 Напиши множественное число следующих существительных: (4 балла)

  1. Book — ____________

  2. Tooth -___________

  3. Shelf- _________

  4. Glass — ______________

4 Выбери правильное слово и подчеркни его: (3 балла)

  1. I’ve got some/any juice in the glass.

  2. We haven’t got some/any pens on the table.

  3. Has he got some/any toys in his toy box?

5 Вставь артикль а или an. (4 балла)

  1. _______child

  2. _______apple

  3. _______box

  4. _______armchair

6 Вставь there is или there are: (4 балла)

  1. _________________ a cooker in the kitchen.

  2. _________________four toy-soldiers in the toy box.

  3. _________________a sofa in the living-room.

  4. _________________two windows in my bedroom.

7 Выбери и обведи подходящий перевод к предложению. (2 балла)

  1. The girls’ room is yellow.

  1. Комнаты девочек желтые.

  2. Комната девочки желтая.

  3. Комната девочек желтая.

  1. The btother’s pencil is blue.

  1. Карандаш брата синий.

  2. Карандаш братьев синий.

  3. Карандаши братьев синие.

8 Прочитай текст и напиши Yes или No. (7 баллов)

Max is a nice English boy. He is nine. He doesn’t like to paint pictures, but he likes to play soccer. Max likes to go to school. His favourite subject is PE. Max has got a ball. He likes to go to the park and play soccer there.

Max likes to visit his grandma. He visits his grandma on Saturdays. They play and read books.

Max likes to eat. His favourite food is pasta. He doesn’t like soup.

  1. Max is from Russia. __________

  2. Max is 9. __________

  3. Max likes to paint pictures. __________

  4. Max visits his grandma on Fridays. __________

  5. They read books. __________

  6. Max likes to eat. __________

  7. His favourite food is sausages. __________

Итого: 32 балла

Тест по английскому языку для учеников 3 класса

Тест по английскому языку для учеников 3 класса

Разработала: Телешева Наталья Владимировна, учитель 2 категории, СОШ № 56, г. Набережные Челны

Цель тестирования: контроль усвоения грамматических конструкций to be, there is\there are и лексических единиц по теме «Мой дом».

Число заданий: 5

Рекомендуемое время выполнения: 40 минут

Критерии оценивания (1 балл за каждый верный ответ):

25-20 баллов – оценка «5»

20-15 баллов – оценка «4»

15-10 баллов – оценка «3»

10 балов и меньше – оценка «2»

1.Заполни пропуски в предложениях. Выбери верный ответ:

    1)________ a book on the table.

      a)There are b) There is c) There


        2)_________ two girls near the blackboard.

          a)There are b) There is c) There


            3)________many flowers in the vase.

              a)There are b) There is c) There


                4)_______ a chair in the middle of the room.

                  a)There are b) There is c) There


                    5)_______ three big mirrors on the wall.

                      a)There are b) There is c) There


                        2.Заполни пропуски в предложениях. Выбери правильную форму глагола to be:

                          1)I ____ from Russia

                            a)am b ) is c) are


                              2)I have got a sister. She ____ 5 years old.

                                                a) am b ) is c) are

                                               3) ____ your house big?

                                               a) am b ) is c) are

                                             4) These beds ____ very old.

                                             a) am b ) is c) are

                                             5) English ___ my favourite subject.

                                            a) am b ) is c) are


                                3. Вычеркни лишнее слово:1

                                1) Mirror, desk, dress, cupboard

                                  2) Zebra, tiger, orange, monkey

                                  3) Shirt, trousers, milk, vest

                                  4) Engineer, doctor, house, teacher

                                  5) Suitcase, bookcase, shelf, armchair


                                    4. Прочитай текст и дополни предложения ниже:

                                      My name is Ann. I am ten years old. I live with my Mum and Dad in a big house. There are five rooms: a kitchen, a living-room, a dining-room and two bedrooms.

                                      My room isn’t big. There is a desk, a wardrobe and a bed there. I like to draw. There are many pictures on the wall in my room.


                                      1)Ann is ____ years old.

                                        a) five

                                         b) ten 

                                         c) twelve


                                          2) She lives with her ________.

                                            a) friends

                                             b) parents 

                                             c) grandparents


                                              3)There are ______ rooms in their house.


                                                 b ) five

                                                 c) seven


                                                  4)Ann’s hobby is __________.


                                                     b) reading

                                                     c) drawing


                                                      5) Ann has got a ________ room.

                                                        a)very big

                                                         b) small

                                                          5. Ответь на вопросы по картинке, используя

                                                            оборот there is или there are :


                                                            1) How many pictures are there on the wall?

                                                              There are ___________________________________________



                                                              2) How many flowers are there in the vase?




                                                                3) How many balls are there on the chair?



                                                                  4) How many apples are there on the table?




                                                                    5) How many carpets are there on the floor?



                                                                      Тест 4 по английскому языку УМК «Английский в фокусе» 3 класс

                                                                      Тест 4 по теме «Заходи, поиграем!»____________________________________

                                                                      1. Напиши перевод слов.


                                                                        Чайн. серв._________________







                                                                      2. Вставь нужное указательное местоимение: this, that, these, those.


                                                                      1. Вставь нужный артикль: a или an.


                                                                      1. Выбери правильный ответ.


                                                                      1. Прочитайте текст и запишите в тетрадь ответы на вопросы.

                                                                      My name’s Ben. I’m in year 3 at school. My favourite subject is PE. I’ve got a sister Ann and a brother Dick. I like rice and burgers, I don’t like carrots and pasta.

                                                                      My room is yellow. I’ve got many toys: a green aeroplane, a grey cat and a brown mouse.

                                                                      1. What year is Ben in at school?


                                                                      2. What is his favourite subject?


                                                                      3. What’s his sister’s name?


                                                                      4. What is his favourite food?


                                                                      5. What colour is his mouse?


                                                                      Тест по английскому языку для 3 класса Модуль 5 » Мои любимые животные»

                                                                      Module 5

                                                                      Name____________________________________ Date________________________________

                                                                      Class____________________________________ Mark_______________________________

                                                                      1. Прочитай и подчеркни верное слово.

                                                                      e.g. hello_html_2e3f3a94.jpg hello_html_2e3f3a94.jpg hello_html_2e3f3a94.jpg

                                                                      It’s got a big / small nose. It’s got a fat / thin legs. It’s got a big / small ears.

                                                                      hello_html_2e3f3a94.jpgIt’s got a short / long tail.

                                                                      2. Запиши названия животных под картинкой.



                                                                      bird, tortoise, rabbit, parrot, seahorse

                                                                      3. Запишите числа с помощью слов или цифр.

                                                                      4. Посмотри на картинки и запиши форму единственного и множественного числа существительных.

                                                                      5. Вставь has got / have got и прочитай.

                                                                      1. Cows ________________ long tails.

                                                                      2. Cats __________________ small heads.

                                                                      3. A frog __________________ big eyes.

                                                                      4. Mice ____________________ small eyes.

                                                                      5. A bear ___________________ a fat body.

                                                                      6. A sheep __________________ a small nose.

                                                                      7. A dog ____________________ a big head.

                                                                      8. Chimps ____________________ big ears.

                                                                      6. Напиши, что могут или не могут делать животные, вставляя саn или cant.

                                                                      Образец: Rabbits ______ jump. — Rabbits can jump.

                                                                      Birds ____ swim. — Birds can’t swim.

                                                                      1. Birds ____________ fly.

                                                                      2. Spiders ___________ crawl.

                                                                      3. Parrots _____________ talk.

                                                                      4. Tortoises _____________run.

                                                                      5. Seahorses _____________ fly.

                                                                      6. Rabbits _______________ sing.

                                                                      7. Cats _________________ jump.

                                                                      8. Fish _________________ walk.

                                                                      7. Внимательно прочитай и заполни пропуски.


                                                                      I have got a pet parrot. Her name is Beauty. She’s got a blue small head, a fat body and a long green tail. Beauty can fly and she can talk, too! She’s lovely!


                                                                      5. Напиши соответствующее местоимение.

                                                                      Образец: grandma – she

                                                                      1. mummy _______________________ 6. sister and I_________________________

                                                                      2. daddy _________________________ 7. Nanny Shine_______________________

                                                                      3. grandpa _______________________ 8. Lulu, Larry, chimp __________________

                                                                      4. Judy and Paco __________________ 9. Larry _____________________________

                                                                      5. brother and you_________________ 10. Я _____________

                                                                      Тест по английскому языку по теме: тест по грамматике 3 класс

                                                                      Контрольная работа по грамматике 3 класс 1 четверть

                                                                      Test 1

                                                                      Name __________________________________________

                                                                      I. Вставьте am, is или are.

                                                                      1. I         …….. strong.
                                                                      2. Bob         …….. nine.
                                                                      3. Kate         …….. in the forest.
                                                                      4. Bob and Kate         ….. pupils.
                                                                      5.  We ……………….brave.

                                                                      II. Вставьте  some или  a/an :

                                                                      _____________________________ tomato,

                                                                      _____________________________ bread,

                                                                      _____________________________ jam,

                                                                      _____________________________ sweet,

                                                                      _____________________________ lemon,

                                                                      _____________________________ cheese,

                                                                      _____________________________ sandwich,

                                                                      _____________________________ tea,

                                                                      _____________________________ ham,

                                                                      _____________________________ nut

                                                                      Контрольная работа по грамматике 3 класс 1 четверть

                                                                      Test 2

                                                                      Name __________________________________________

                                                                      I. Вставьте am, is или are.

                                                                      1. It ……………………………….. a book.
                                                                      2. I ………………………………… lazy.
                                                                      3. Tricky …………………………… angry.
                                                                      4. Nom and Tim…………………… at home.
                                                                      5. His name ……………………… Bill.

                                                                      II. Вставьте  some или  a/an :

                                                                      _____________________________ milk,

                                                                      _____________________________ carrot,

                                                                      _____________________________ cake,

                                                                      _____________________________ juice,

                                                                      _____________________________ apple,

                                                                      _____________________________ meat,

                                                                      _____________________________ orange,

                                                                      _____________________________ coffee,

                                                                      _____________________________ butter,

                                                                      _____________________________ potato

                                                                      Контрольная работа по грамматике 3 класс 2 четверть

                                                                      Test 1

                                                                      Name __________________________________________

                                                                      1. Сопоставь правильный перевод числительных. 
                                                                      1. three
                                                                      2. thirteen
                                                                      3. nine
                                                                      4. twenty
                                                                      5. twelve
                                                                      1. тринадцать
                                                                      2. двадцать
                                                                      3. девять
                                                                      4. три
                                                                      5. двенадцать
                                                                      1. Напиши числительные цифрами.
                                                                      1. twenty six ………………………………..
                                                                      2. fifty five……………………………..
                                                                      3. seventy two………………………….
                                                                      4. eighty one……………………………
                                                                      5. thirty eight ……………………………..
                                                                      1. Распределите слова по колонкам:

                                                                      milk, carrots, cakes, juice, apples, meat, oranges, coffee, butter, potatoes

                                                                      Контрольная работа по грамматике 3 класс 2 четверть

                                                                      Test 2

                                                                      Name __________________________________________

                                                                      1. Сопоставь правильный перевод числительных. 
                                                                      1. thirty
                                                                      2. eight
                                                                      3. seventeen
                                                                      4. forty
                                                                      5. eleven
                                                                      1. сорок
                                                                      2. семнадцать
                                                                      3. одиннадцать
                                                                      4. тридцать
                                                                      5. восемь
                                                                      1. Напиши числительные цифрами.
                                                                      1. eighty nine ………………………….
                                                                      2. twenty four…………………………
                                                                      3. forty three…………………………..
                                                                      4. thirty nine…………………………..
                                                                      5. sixty six…………………………….
                                                                      1. Распределите слова по колонкам:

                                                                      tomatoes, bread, jam, sweets, lemons, cheese, sandwiches, tea, ham, nuts

                                                                      Тест на тему: Комплексный тест по английскому языку для 3-4 классов


                                                                      Dear pen friend,

                                                                      My name is Max. I am a boy. I am nine. I am from the USA. I live with my mum, dad and two sisters Helly and Kate. They are five. The girls like fairy tales. What is your name? How old are you? Have you got a sister or a brother? My birthday is on the 18th of August. Summer is my favourite season. In summer I ride my bike and swim. I can swim very well. I like to play football and tennis. When is your birthday? What is your favourite season? What do you like to do? What can you do well? I have got a grey rabbit Harry. Harry is nice and funny. He likes to skip and play. Harry likes carrots, cabbage and bread. I like my rabbit but I would like to have a dog and a big parrot. Have you got a pet? Is it funny? Please write back.

                                                                      Your pen friend,

                                                                      Max Smith

                                                                      1. How old is Max?

                                                                      a) eleven         b) ten      c) nine

                                                                      2. Max has got…

                                                                      a) mum, dad, two sisters and a brother Harry. b) mum, dad and two sisters. c) mum, grandpa and two sisters.

                                                                      3. When is John’s birthday?

                                                                      a) in spring      b) in summer      c) in autumn

                                                                      4. Harry is boy`s…

                                                                      a) rabbit          b) turtle               c) cat

                                                                      5. Read the sentences. Choose the false one.

                                                                      a) John is from the USA. b) He has a rabbit. c) Max likes to read fairy tales. d) He would like to have a big parrot and a dog.


                                                                      6. a) I           b) you             c) he            d) my

                                                                      7. a) am         b) is               c) has          d) are

                                                                      8. a) go        b) in               c) on             d) at

                                                                      • Finish the Jim`s story about himself. Use the following words:

                                                                      a) school    b) ice cream    c) friends     d) together      e) like     f) breakfast      g) read

                                                                      I am Jim. I go to ___ (9). I can ___ (10) and write. I ___ (11) to swim and skip. For ___ (12) I like sandwiches, cakes and ___ (13). I have got a lot of ___ (14). We play ___ (15) on Sundays.


                                                                      16. On what continent are the British Isles situated? 

                                                                      a) Australia                b) Europe          c) Africa             d) America

                                                                      17. What is the official name of the country whose language you study?

                                                                      a) Great Britain                                 b) England    

                                                                      c) the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

                                                                      18.  Who is the head of the state in Britain?

                                                                      a) Prime Minister              b) Queen    c) President     d) Speaker

                                                                      19. Which of these cities is not in Britain?

                                                                      a) New York     b) London        c) Oxford      d) Liverpool

                                                                      20. The British money is ….

                                                                      a) franks            b) dollars         c) crones         d) pounds


                                                                      21. Tell about yourself using the plan:

                                                                      — What is your name?

                                                                      — How old are you?

                                                                      — Where do you live?

                                                                      — What do you like to do?

                                                                      — Do you have a big family?

                                                                      — What do you usually do at the weekends?

                                                                      22. Tell about your flat/house using the plan:

                                                                      — Do you live in a flat or in a house?

                                                                      — How many rooms do you have in your flat/house?

                                                                      — What rooms are they?

                                                                      — Is your room cosy?

                                                                      — Where is your bed in your room?

                                                                      — What do you like in your flat/house?

                                                                      23. Tell about your school using the plan:

                                                                      — Is your school big or small? Is it old or new?

                                                                      — Is your classroom big or small?

                                                                      — How many desks and chairs are there in your classroom?

                                                                      — Do you have plants is your classroom? Where are they?

                                                                      — Is there a map (a clock/a picture) in tour classroom? Where are they?  

                                                                      — Do you like your school? Why?

                                                                      24. Speak about «Food» using the plan:

                                                                      — What can you cook?

                                                                      — What do you usually have for breakfast/supper/dinner?

                                                                      — What is your favourite food? Why?

                                                                      — What is your favourite drink? Why?

                                                                      — What do you think is good food for breakfast?

                                                                      — What do you think is good food for dinner?

                                                                      25. Tell about you’re the last weekend using the plan:

                                                                      — What do you usually do at weekends?

                                                                      — What is the best weather for a weekend? Why?

                                                                      — Where were you last weekends?

                                                                      — What was the weather like in that place?

                                                                      — Who was with you?

                                                                      — Would you like to go to that place again? Why?


                                                                      1 – c

                                                                      2 – b

                                                                      3 – b

                                                                      4 – a

                                                                      5 – c

                                                                      6 – d

                                                                      7 – c

                                                                      8 – a

                                                                      9 – a

                                                                      10 – g

                                                                      11 – e

                                                                      12 – f

                                                                      13 – b

                                                                      14 – c

                                                                      15 – d

                                                                      16 – b

                                                                      17 – c

                                                                      18 – b

                                                                      19 – a

                                                                      20 – d