Олимпиада по английскому 4 класс 2018
Городская олимпиада по английскому языку для учащихся 4 классов
2017-2018 уч. год
Код __________
Задания на 2 балла:
Поменяйте местами буквы и отгадайте виды спорта:
1) DINAMOTNB ________________________________
2) GWMSIMNI _________________________________ ___ б.
2. Вставьте формы глагола to be (was, were, am, is, are, will be):
1) It ________ hot next summer.
2)_____ you hungry now?
3)There ______ a lot of cold days last winter.
4) My sister _____ at school yesterday. ___ б.
3. Обведите правильную форму прилагательного:
The mouse is (small / smaller / smallest) than the cat.
Russia is a (large / larger / largest) country.
Alice is the (good / better / best) girl in her class.
There are some (beautiful/ more beautiful / the most beautiful) pictures on the wall. ___ б.
Задания на 3 балла:
4. Напишите вопросы, которые были заданы.
1._______________________________________________________________________ ?
Yes, he did. He danced very well.
2. _______________________________________________________________________?
Yes, they can. They can skate.
Yes, we do. We ski every day. ___ б.
5. Решите примеры и запишите ответ по-английски (буквами):
forty nine + one = _______________________________________________
eight + fifty six = _______________________________________________
thirty five — nine = _______________________________________________
___ б.
6. Вставь в каждое предложение глагол «walk» в соответствующей форме:
1) She _________________ to school every day.
2) He _______________ to school last Monday.
3) They _________________ to school tomorrow.
___ б.
Задания на 5 баллов:
7. Прочитайте текст:
One day the rabbit was very hungry and ran to Mr. Grey’s garden. There were some sweet carrots, red tomatoes, big potatoes and red apples there! The rabbit was happy in the garden!
At 12 o’clock Mr. Grey came into the garden and started his work. Suddenly he saw Peter: “A rabbit in my garden!” Mr. Grey jumped up and ran after the rabbit. The rabbit jumped up and ran away from Mr. Grey. But he couldn’t see the garden door.
He lost his red shoes near the tomatoes. He had no shoes on! Now he could run on his four legs. Then he jumped out of his jacket. Now he had no clothes on and ran very fast.
Suddenly he saw the garden door. Closed! The rabbit went under it. How happy he was to be out of the garden.
Mr. Grey was happy too. He had no rabbits in his garden. When he saw a blue jacket and shoes, he got happier:
“Now I have got some nice clothes! Two red shoes and a blue jacket.”
Mr. Grey put the rabbit’s clothes on a scarecrow (пугало).
Отметьте буквой T (True) правдивые утверждения, а буквой F (False) – ложные.
1. There were yellow bananas in Mr. Grey garden. ___
2. The rabbit had some clothes on when he came into the garden. ___
3. Mr. Grey didn’t like the rabbit in his garden. ___
4. The rabbit helped Mr. Grey to work in the garden. ___
5. The rabbit’s shoes were blue. ___
___ б.
8. Напиши 5 предложений о себе.
___ б.
9. Прочитай записку, посмотри на картинку и ответь правильно на вопрос:
In what house does Sam live?
Hi, friend!
So, you are at the king’s palace. Go out and turn right, then go straight
to the trees and turn left. Go down the street to the house. Turn right.
Go straight to the end of the street. My house is on the left.
See you soon, Sam.
Ответ: In house _____.
___ б.
Спасибо за участие в олимпиаде!
Ответы к городской олимпиаде по английскому языку для 4 класса:
1. За каждое слово – по 1 баллу.
Итого: 2 балла.
2. За каждую форму глагола — по 0,5 балла.
will be
Итого: 2 балла.
3. За каждую форму прилагательного — по 0,5 балла.
1) smaller
2) large
3) best
Итого: 2 балла.
4. За каждый вопрос – по 1 баллу.
Did he dance very well?
Can they skate?
Do you ski every day?
Итого: 3 балла.
5. По 1 баллу за каждый правильный ответ.
1) fifty
2) sixty four
3) twenty six
Итого: 3 балла.
6. За каждую форму глагола – по 1 баллу.
1) walks
2) walked
3) will walk
Итого: 3 балла.
7. За каждую правильно поставленную букву – по 1 баллу.
1) F 2) T 3) T 4) F 5) F
Итого: 5 баллов.
8. За каждое предложение – по 1 баллу. За каждую ошибку снимаем 0,5 балла.
Итого: 5 баллов.
9. За правильный ответ – 5 баллов.
In house С.
Итого: 5 баллов.
Всего за олимпиаду: 30 баллов (100%).
Коллеги! Спасибо за работу на городской олимпиаде
по английскому языку!
Олимпиадные задания по английскому языку по теме: Олимпиада по английскому языку. 4 класс
Олимпиада по английскому языку 4 класс
- Фонетика. Отметь слово…
- в котором буква «i» читается как звук [I]
a) hi b) time c) give d) like
2. буква «е» читается как звук [е]
a) speak b) clever c) eat d) please
3. буква «а» читается как звук [ei]
a) have b) cat c) snake d) start
II. Лексика. Какое слово можно добавить в каждую строчку? Выбери правильный вариант ответа.
4. giraffe, kangaroo, lion, tiger,______
a) dog b) elephant c) cat
5. field, forest, road, river,______
a) hall b) ball c) hill
6. year, month, week, day,______
a) hour b)our c) warm
7. chair, sofa, table, desk,______
a) head, b) bed, c) bread
8. under, above, behind, between,______
a) near, b) love, c) hear
III. Глаголы to be, to have (got). Выбери правильный вариант ответа.
9.This _____orange juice.
a) is b) has c) are
10. I _____tea with sugar.
a) has b)have c)is
11. _____you and your friend go bikes?
a) has b) have c) are
IV. Настоящее, прошедшее и будущее время. Выбери правильный вариант ответа.
12. Yesterday the children _____football in the yard
a) played b) play c) will play
13. I don’t _____milk in the evening
a) drink b) drank c) drinks
14. My brother _____to school everyday
a) go b) goes c) will go
15. Our family _____to London next year
a) will go b)went c) goes
16. Tomorrow she _____her grandmother
a) visit b) visits c) will visit
V. Прочитай текст. Выполни тест на понимание прочитанного текста. Если утверждение верно, то рядом с номером поставь «T» (True), если нет, то «F» (False).
The Fox and the Grapes
One day the Fox goes for a walk. He comes to a wall and sees some sweet grapes there. The Fox wants to get and eat sweet grapes. But the sweet grapes are very high up on the wall. So the Fox jumps to get the grapes.
He jumps again and again, but he cannot get the grapes.
He is very angry and decides to stop. Then the Fox says, «The grapes are green and sour. They are very sour». And he goes away.
17) The Fox sees some pears in a tree
18) The Fox doesn’t want to eat the grapes.
19) The sweet grapes are high up on the wall.
20) The Fox jumps to get the grapes.
21) The Fox tries again and gets the grapes.
22) The Fox says that the grapes are green and sour.
Ответы: 17) F 18) F 19)T 20)T 21)F 22)T
Олимпиада по английскому языку 4 класс
Олимпиада по английскому языку 4 класс
Рекомендуемое время выполнения заданий – 45 минут.
1. Соотнеси звуки со словами, в которых они имеются.
A) 1f, 2d, 3b, 4c, 5a, 6e Б) 1b, 2d, 3a, 4c, 5f, 6e
В) 1f, 2d, 3a, 4b, 5c, 6e Г) 1f, 2d, 3a, 4c, 5b, 6e
2. Каких животных ты видишь на картинке?
A) bear, monkey, giraffe Б) cat, tiger, bear
В) bear, fox, monkey Г) bear, lizard, elephant
3. Соотнеси цифры на картинках со словами.
A) 1h, 2i, 3a, 4f, 5e, 6b, 7c, 8g, 9d Б) 1h, 2a, 3i, 4f, 5e, 6b, 7d, 8g, 9c
В) 1h, 2i, 3a, 4d, 5e, 6b, 7f, 8g, 9c Г) 1h, 2i, 3a, 4f, 5e, 6b, 7d, 8g, 9c
4. Соотнесите места на картинках и слова, которые к ним относятся.
A) 1d, 2b, 3c, 4e, 5a, 6f Б) 1b, 2d, 3c, 4e, 5a, 6f
В) 1d, 2b, 3e, 4c, 5a, 6f Г) 1d, 2b, 3c, 4e, 5f, 6a
5. Соотнесите пожелания и открытки.
A) 1b, 2a, 3c, 4d Б) 1a, 2d, 3c, 4b
В) 1d, 2a, 3b, 4c Г) 1d, 2a, 3c, 4b
6. Найдите слова, в которых содержится звук [dʒ].
A) 3, 6, 7, 8, 11 Б) 3, 6, 7, 8, 10
В) 3, 2, 6, 7, 8, 10 Г) 1, 6, 7, 8, 10
7. Соотнесите запрещающие знаки и правила.
1. You must put your rubbish in the bin.
2. You mustn’t run.
3. You must leave your pets at home.
4. You mustn’t ride bikes.
5. You mustn’t play loud music.
6. You mustn’t feed the animals.
A) 1.f, 2.a, 3.e, 4.b, 5.d, 6.c Б) 1.d, 2.a, 3.c, 4.b, 5.f, 6.e
В) 1.f, 2.b, 3.c, 4.a, 5.d, 6.e Г) 1.f, 2.a, 3.c, 4.b, 5.d, 6.e
8. Какие животные спрятались на картинке?
A) shark, crocodile, monkey, giraffe, hippo, elephant
Б) whale, crocodile, monkey, giraffe, hippo, elephant
В) whale, crocodile, monkey, tiger, hippo, elephant
Г) whale, crocodile, bear, giraffe, hippo, elephant
9. Раздели текст на предложения. Сколько предложений получилось?
A) 5 Б) 6 В) 7 Г) 8
10. Соедини часики и время на плитках домино. Начинай с плитки со словом «Start». Выбери соответствующую последовательность цифр.
A) 3,6,7,1,2,4,5,9,10,8 Б) 3,6,7,1,2,4,9,5,10,8
В) 3,6,7,2,1,4,5,9,10,8 Г) 3,7,6,1,2,4,5,9,10,8
Олимпиада (школьный этап) по английскому языку (4 класс)
4-ый класс (Итог: 43 балла)
Аудирование текста. (10 баллов)
The English Weather.
In England people like to speak about the weather every day. England is not a large country. There are no long rivers. The towns in England are not far from the sea. There are no large forests. There are many meadows and fields.
Spring in England is a nice season. It is warm. The trees and grass are green.
The English summer is sunny but not very hot. Sometimes there are cool winds.
Autumn is a cool season. It is windy and foggy. But it is a season of apples.
Winter is not very cold. There is not much snow in winter. It is rainy and foggy. Sometimes it is sunny and people have got nice days.
Отметь верные предложения.
England is a large country.
There are many rivers in England.
There are no large forests.
The English summer is hot.
In autumn it is windy and foggy.
Summer is a season of apples.
There is not much snow in winter.
Winter is rainy and foggy.
In winter people have got nice days.
It is sunny in winter.
How the Dog and the Hen Became Domestic Animals.
There was a time when some birds and some animals lived in the sky. The Dog and the Hen lived there too. One day it was very cold and rainy in the sky. The birds ask the Dog to go down to the earth and bring some fire to make the sky warm.
The Dog went down and came to a man’s house. He saw many bones near the house. He began to eat the bones and forgot the birds and the fire… The birds waited and waited for the Dog, but he didn’t come back. He decided to live with the man.
As it was still cold, the birds sent the Hen down to bring some fire. The Hen went to a man’s house and saw some seeds near the house. She liked the seeds very much. The Hen did not think about the fire, but ate up the seeds. And she decided to live with the man too.
That’s why the birds and the animals do not like the Dog and the Hen: they left their friends in the cold for the sake of good food. Now you know how the dog and the hen became domestic animals.
Cлова и выражения:
fire – огонь earth — земля
bones – кости seeds – зернышки
left – оставлять for the sake of – ради чего-то
domestic – домашний
Исправьте предложения в соответствии с текстом.
(5 баллов)
One day it was very sunny in the sky.
The girls asked the dog to go down to the earth and bring some fire to make the sky warm.
The Dog came back.
The fox decided to live with the man.
The birds and the animals like the Dog.
Ответьте на вопросы по тексту. (4 балла)
Who lived in the sky?
Why did the Dog go down to the earth?
Who decided to live with the man?
Why did they decide to live with the man?
Отметьте соответствуют ли предложения тексту (+, -)
(5 баллов)
There was a time when some birds and animals lived in the sky.
The birds asked the cat to go down to the earth.
The hen decided to bring some fire.
The Dog saw the fire near the house.
They left their friends in the cold for the sake of good food.
Замените выделенные слова соответствующими местоимениями. (7 баллов)
Nick can swim.
Alice and Kate like to skip.
Mum can sing.
This cat is white.
My friend and I like to play football.
Nick’s cat is grey.
Mary’s teddy bear is nice.
Употребите глагол в нужном времени. Заполните пропуски вспомогательными глаголами. (5 баллов)
There (to be) a video in our classroom.
Kate and her Mother (to go) for a walk yesterday and they (to see) a lot of yellow trees.
In two hours they (to play) football.
… you (to ask) many questions at the last lesson?
What …you (to buy) yesterday?
Найди семь зашифрованных названий животных:
(7 баллов)
VII. 1. is
2. went, saw
3.will play
4. did, ask
5. did, buy
VIII. cow, elephant, lion, dog, tiger, cat, horse
Олимпиадные задания (иностранный язык, 4 класс) по теме: Школьный тур олимпиады по английскому языку для 4 класса
Школьный тур олимпиады по английскому языку для 4 класса (45 минут)
Максимальное количество – 30 баллов.
Задания I уровня – 1 балл.
Задания II уровня – 2 балла.
Задания III уровня – 3 балла.
Прочитай текст и выполни задания после него.
One day Mary and Bob went shopping. They wanted to buy some ice cream. Then they saw a little man selling balloons. “Mister, we want a balloon”, said Mary to the man. “Here is our money”. “What balloon do you want?”, said the balloon man. Mary and Bob wanted a bright green balloon. So they gave the man some money. The little man began to blow the balloon. He blew and blew. He blew up a big green cat. It was beautiful. Mary and Bob were happy to have a green cat balloon. Now they didn’t want any ice cream.
I. Верно (+) или неверно (-) утверждение.
___1.One day Mary and Bob went to the park.
___2.They saw a little man selling balloons.
___3.They gave the man a big apple.
___4.The balloon was beautiful.
II.Выбери утверждения, которые соответствуют содержанию текста.
1.Mary and Bob went shopping because:
a) they wanted some oranges; b) they wanted ice cream; c) they liked shopping.
2.The children wanted:
a) a red ball; b) a green balloon; c) a bright green balloon.
3.So they gave the man:
a) some sweets; b) some money; c) some oranges.
4.They didn’t want any ice cream because:
a) they had no money; b) they were happy to have balloon; c) it was cold.
III.Пронумеруйте предложения в соответствии с содержанием прочитанного текста.
___a)Mary and Bob wanted a bright green balloon.
___b)One day Mary and Bob went shopping.
___c)The little man began to blow the balloon.
___d)He blew up a big green cat.
___e)They saw a little man selling balloons.
I.Составь слова из букв.
a) onmyek –
b) elcricood –
II.Какое слово лишнее? Зачеркни его.
Ten, twelve, tea, fourteen.
Hockey, tennis, football, corn.
Cheese, bread, breakfast, meat.
Monday, Sunday, Wednesday, Tom.
III.Напиши парами слова с противоположным значением.
Good, country, white, short, cold, happy, town, tall, sunny, black, bad, hot, sad.
1._____________________ 4.__________________
2._____________________ 5.__________________
3._____________________ 6.__________________
I.Выбери правильную форму глаголу.
She ___ her brother last week.
a) sees; b) saw; c) see.
II.Выбери правильный вариант.
1.I think the blue jeans are the _______.
a) goodest; b) best; c) most best.
2.There is ___ juice in the glass.
a) no; b) any; c) some.
III.Составь предложения из слов.
- Jill, not, play, did, games, computer.
- the, lays, the, table, morning, Ann, in.
- you, help, grandma, your, Will?
I.Дополни пословицу.
East or west ___________________________ .
- home is nice; b) home is good; c) home is best.
II.Составь полные предложения.
The 1st of January is … … the first day of school.
The 25th of December is … … Christmas in England.
The 1st of September is … … Christmas in Russia.
The 7th of January is … … the New Year.
III.Кто этот сказочный герой?
He is little. He is funny. He is pink. His best friends are Christopher Robin and Teddy bear.
- Kaa; b) Brother Rabbit; c) Piglet.
I.Выбери правильный ответ на вопрос.
1.Where are you from?
a) – I am ten.
b) – I am from Russia.
c) – It is fine.
2.May I have some bread?
a) – You are welcome.
b) – Yes, you may.
c) – Here you are.
II.Расставь фразы по порядку, чтобы получился диалог.
___ It’s warm and sunny.
___ Would you like to go to the park and have a picnic?
___ What’s the weather like today?
___ Of course. I can fly my kite there.
III.Дополни диалог.
— Hello!
— …
— What is your name?
— …
— Where are you from?
— …
Школьный тур олимпиады по английскому языку (4 класс).
Дорогой друг!
Надеюсь, что задания будут тебе интересны и ты со всеми справишься, ведь ты уже многому научился на уроках английского языка.
Желаю тебе успеха!
1. Давай почитаем! Прочитай рассказ и выполни задание.
Two Sisters
Winnie was six. She went to school. So she could read. Winnie took one of my books and began to read it. But Nancy did not go to school. She could not read. So she ran into the garden, picked apples and flowers, and when tea-time came, her hands were dirty and her face was dirty, and her dress was dirty, too.
Mother put a big cake on the table. She said to Winnie:
«Have some cake, Winnie.»
«Thank you,» said Winnie, and she took a little piece of cake.
But Nancy took a very big piece of cake. She liked cakes very much.
Надеюсь, рассказ понятен, теперь напиши TRUE, если предложение верно, FALSE, если оно не соответствует прочитанному, DOESN‘T SAY, если об этом в рассказе не говорится.
Winnie is a schoolgirl.
Winnie likes to read.
Nancy could read well.
Mother put a small cake on the table.
Nancy likes cakes very much.
2. Давай займемся грамматикой Думаю это интересно. Выбери и обведи правильное слово.
1. Nick to the theatre every Sunday.
will go
2. Tom usually coffee, but today he tea.
drank… drank
drinks … is drinking
drinks … will drink
3. It tomorrow.
won’t rain
isn’t raining
doesn’t rain
4. Look! Betty! She the same dress as me.
is wearing
с) will wear
3. А теперь вставь в пропуски слова: his, her, our, me, them, her, us. Одно слово лишнее!
Please, give that book. It’s on the table.
We like English teacher. She is very kind to .
Jane is very pretty. eyes are blue and hair is black.
4.1 don’t know that man. What is name?
4. Составь вопросы и запиши их.
Where / he / go / yesterday?
hen / you / get up / in the morning?
hat /can / you / see / in London?
hat /usually/ she / buy / in the supermarket?
5 . Выбери и обведи нужное слово.
y mother works at school. She is a (doctor/ teacher)
There are a lot of small (cities / towns) in each country.
Cross the street when the (traffic /traffic lights) is green.
At the age of 25 he (began/ became) a famous writer.
6. Придумай рассказ сам. Закончи предложения и узнаешь многое о мальчике.
His name is . Не doesn’t go to school on______________.
He has got a at home. He likes to play with___________ .
Sunday is a wonderful day in life.
He likes it!
Вот ты и справился со всеми заданиями. Молодец!
Надеюсь, что результат будет хороший. Ты набрал баллов.
Желаю дальнейших успехов!
Олимпиада по английскому языку (4 класс)
Олимпиада по английскому языку 2016 «Начальная школа»
1. Прослушай и запиши ответ. Дан один пример.
2. Что Майк делал на прошлой неделе? Прослушай и запиши правильный день. Дан один пример.
Грамматика и лексика:
1. Выбери правильный вариант.
My bed…. very comfortable.
A are В am С is
My Granny….make cakes every day.
A don’t В isn’t C doesn’t
He…. go to school tomorrow.
A won’t В isn’t C didn’t
4. Who is the ….. boy in your class?
A strong В stronger C strongest
5. I drink…. coffee in the morning.
A many В much C a lot of
6. There are…. in the bag.
A a pen В a lot of books C a book
7. His daughter…. a computer.
A have В has got C have got
8. What…. interesting book!
A a В an C —
9. You…. at the cinema two days ago.
A was В were C are
10. His parents have got two…..
A child В children C childs
11. Listen to your mother. Listen to…..
A him В me C her
12. ….do you usually go to the park? — At 12 o’clock.
A What В Where C When
13. The flowers….very beautiful.
A are В is C am
14. The white shirt is….than the black shirt.
A good В better C the best
15. There….only one sandwich in the basket.
A isn’t В are C is
16. Mary ….a new fairy tale next month.
A writes B will write C wrote
17. We go for a walk on ….Saturday.
A a B the C –
18. Have you got ….friends?
A many B much C a lot of
19. There are fifty….in the basket.
A cherry B cherries C cherrys
20. The girl….a nice picture yesterday.
A draws B drew C will draw
2. Посмотри на картинку и напиши правильный предлог.
3. Прочитайте текст и вставьте в пропуски подходящие по смыслу слова из рамочки. В каждый пропуск только одно слово.
pet cat two name party birthday cake
I have got a __________(1). It’s a nice and beautiful ________(2). It’s_______(3) is Pussy. Pussy is_________(4). Pussy’s birthday is on the 12th of February. We have got a big birthday__________(5). Pussy’s friends come to see us. They are a red cat Jane, a white rabbit Pat and a black dog Rex. They have much milk, cakes, fish and meat. They are happy.
Pussy has got many presents: a red ball, a nice teddy bear and a big___________(6). Happy_________________(7) to you, Pussy!
II. Чтение
1. Прочитайте рассказ и напишите, верны ли предложения после текста (True or False). В бланк ответов запишите T (верно) или F (неверно).
Pandas are mammals. They look like small bears. Their bodies are black and white. They’ve got black arms and legs and black spots on their eyes. They live in central part of China.
Pandas spend most of their time eating. Their favorite food is bamboo leaves. They also eat fruit and vegetables. Pandas can’t see very well that is why they move very slowly. The biggest bear can weigh up to 150 kilos. They live for 15 years.
Pandas are not reptiles. …..T….
1. They are two-coloured animals. ………..
2. Pandas live all over China. ……….
3. Most of the time pandas sleep. ……….
4. They eat only bamboo leaves. ……….
5. Pandas can weigh more than 100 kg. ……….
2. Роберт встретил свою подругу Юдифь возле школы. Она торопится. Прочитайте диалог и выберите правильный ответ. Дан один пример.
Допиши письмо другу.
_____________________________ ,
It was so nice to hear from you. I hope everything is OK.
On winter holidays our class went to __________________________.
It’s a very ___________________________________________ place.
There are _______________________________________________________________ there.
The trip was fun because _____________________________________________________ .
Did you __________________________________________________________ ?
Write me or Skype me soon,