Тест по английскому языку на тему: контрольные задания для 4 класса по английскому языку

Промежуточная аттестация по английскому языку


4 класс

Заполните Ваши данные печатными буквами 




        Класс :


  1. Аудирование

A1.Послушай и отметь какие предметы нравятся Мэг и не нравятся.






Mag likes

Mag doesn’t like

  1. Чтение    

          B1. Прочитайте текст и вставьте необходимые по смыслу слова.

A. ball

B. meat

C. fox baby

D. mushrooms

E. river

My name is David. Last summer I lived in the village with my granny and grandpa.

There is a big forest and a (1) near our village.

Every day my friends and I went to the river. We swam and played with a (2) on the green grass.

One day in July we got up at 6 o’clock in the morning and went to the forest. There were many (3) and berries in the forest. We picked flowers, gathered berries and mushrooms.

Suddenly one of the boys stopped and said, “Look! What is this?”

We ran up to him and saw a small (4) under a big tree. It was very nice and funny. “Where is your mother, baby?” we asked him.

We took the fox baby home. We gave him fish and (5). He grew up quickly. We named him “July”. July liked to play with us. We were friends.

One day when we wanted to play with July  we couldn’t find him. He ran away to the forest.



 B2 . Last summer David lived in … .

  1. town
  2.  the village
  3.  the forest

B3.  Every day the boys went … .

a.  to the forest

b.  to the zoo

c.  to the river

B4. The boys saw a baby fox … .

  1. under a big tree
  2. near the river
  3. in the village

B5. The boys gave July … .

a.  berries and mushrooms

b.  meat and fish

c.  some water

B6. One day July ran away… .

  1. to the village
  2. to the river

               c.  to the forest


  1. Грамматика

C1. Поставьте глаголы в нужную форму. Запишите грамматически     правильное предложение

1. My brother _______yesterday.                 

a)will cry        b) cries      c) cried

2. My little sister _____every day.

a) will cry        b) cries      c) cried

3.Granny_____to us last week.

a)came            b)will come       c) comes

4.Mary often____at the parties.

a)will sing         b)sings       c)didn’t sing

5.Our family____to London next year.

a)will go            b)went        c)goes

6. We ____our cat an hour ago.

a)feed               b)will feed       c) fed

7.Ann___a party last Saturday.

a) has             b) had         c) have

8.I usually ____up at 7 o’clock.

a) get      b) will get         c) got

9 )Kate____TV two hours ago.

a) watch    b) will watch       c) watched

10. This girl____in the park yesterday.

a) skates       b) skated         c)will skate



      C2.  Образуйте форму множественного числа

  1. Tooth _______________________________________________________
  2. Lady ________________________________________________________
  3. Table________________________________________________________
  4. City _________________________________________________________
  5. Day _________________________________________________________
  6. Fox __________________________________________________________
  7. Child ________________________________________________________
  8. Woman ______________________________________________________
  9. Street ________________________________________________________
  10.  Book________________________________________________________

        C3. Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степени сравнения прилагательных

Начальная форма













  1. Письмо

D1. Заполни анкету для занятий в кружке любителей английского языка

  1. Name_________________________________________________
  1. Age___________________________________________________
  1. Phone number________________________________________________
  1. Favourite subjects_________________________________________________
  1. Your hobby.  I like to_______________________________________________
  1. What do you like to do in your English lessons?



Упражнения по английскому для 4 класса

Данная подборка упражнений для 4 класса составлена Казаковой Е.В. и является 2 вариантом этого теста.

Автор: Казакова Елена Владимировна – частный репетитор. Новосибирск.

Представленные упражнения для 4 класса охватывают следующие темы:

Лексико-грамматические упражнения для 4 класса. Variant II

  1. Match the words with the translation. (Соотнесите слова с их переводом)















День рождения



Домашняя работа










Морской берег

2. Insert have or has. (Вставьте have или has )

1) They _____ got 7 lessons today.

2) My friends _____ got a lot of money.

3) I ________ got a brother and 2 sisters.

4) My parents ________ got blue eyes.

5) My grandmother ________got dark hair.


III. Choose the right option. (Выберите верный вариант)

1) His parents am\is\are kind.

2) My mother clean \cleans the rooms every day.

3) Do\Does you go to work every day?

4) My sisters don’t\doesn’t like to read.

5) He wear /wears a hat on his head.

6) I wear helmet \gloves on my hands.

4. Give short answers. (Дайте короткие ответы)

1) Do you go to school every day?


2) Can you play computer?


3) Can your brother swim?


4) Has your mother got a book?


5) Does your friend wash the dishes?


6) Are there two bedrooms in your flat?


7) Have your parents got roller-skates?


8) Is there a kitchen in your flat?


5. Write negatives and questions.(Напишите отриц. и вопросит. предложения)

I am a baker.


He has got a cat.


I play computer every day.


She always takes a shower.


My dad can drive.


There is a bag on the table.


Надеюсь, Вам понравились эти упражнения по английскому языку для 4 класса.

Понравилось? Сохраните на будущее и поделитесь с друзьями!

Комплекс упражнений по грамматике английского языка 2-4 класс

Громова Татьяна Юрьевна

Учитель английского языка первой квалификационной категории

МКОУ ООШ Чехов-8

Комплекс упражнений

по грамматике английского языка для 2-4 класса


В данном комплексе представлены упражнения по английскому языку. Упражнения разбиты по грамматическим темам. Выполнение данных упражнений позволяет закрепить на практике грамматические правила и проверить уровень их усвоения обучаемыми. Представленная система  упражнений на определенные правила английской грамматики, позволяет также выработать с целью автоматизм у обучаемых. Процесс обучения должен быть интересен ученику, привлекать его внимание, мотивировать его. Некоторые упражнения по английскому языку, кроме закрепления правил грамматики, знакомят учащихся с новой лексикой и обладают познавательной ценностью. Какие-то упражнения проверяют знания одной определенной темы, а какие-то являются комплексными. 

Количество грамматических упражнений предлагаемых любым УМК, как правило, недостаточно. Даже использование дополнительной тетради по грамматике не является гарантией автоматизации навыка. При составлении данных упражнений я использовала лексические единицы в соответствии с частотностью их употребления.

Не все учителя вводят незнакомую лексику на пассивное восприятие на своих уроках, поэтому упражнения, в которых она задействована,  я выделила в отдельную группу. Я использую такие упражнения для контроля. Встречая незнакомые лексические единицы, ученик переключает свое внимание на грамматическую структуру, тренируя тем самым языковую догадку. В подобные упражнения включено не более 20% незнакомой лексики.

Упражнения для 2-4 классов  можно использовать и в 5 как единицу входного контроля.

                 Вставьте необходимую форму глагола tobe.

№ 1.

1. He  …….    a doctor.

2. How …..   your  father?  He  …..  fine.

3. We  ……  pilots.

4. My father …. an engineer.

5. ……  this  fox little? Yes, it …. .

6. Where …. you  from? I …. from Russia .

7. Her uncle ….  a  worker.

8. That elephant ….  grey.

9. How …. you? I …. fine.

10. The  big balls …. on the table.

№ 2 .

1.                This fox … little.

2.                The little hares …. in the box.

3.                How … your brother? He … fine.

4.                Where … they from? They  … from  America.

5.                Those horses  … brown.

6.                They  … engineers.

7.                My mother … a doctor.

8.                … her aunt a teacher? Yes, she … .

9.                That  bear  … in the  bag.

10.            … they  from Great  Britain? Yes, they  …  .

 № 3.

1.                This monkey  …  in the bag.

2.                My father  …is  a  worker.

3.                … they  drivers? Yes, they … .

4.                How  … your  sister? She … fine.

5.                That  fox  …  near  the table.

6.                Where … you from? I  …  from Great  Britain .

7.                These  tigers …  big.

8.                The green crocodiles … in the box.

9.                My  sister  …  an engineer.

10.            We  …  doctors.

№ 4

1.                My uncle  …  a  cosmonaut .

2.                …  she  a  pilot? Yes, she  …  .

3.                They  …  workers.

4.                This  monkey  …  little.

5.                How  …  your  aunt? She  … fine.

6.                These  elephants  …  big.

7.                Where … he  from? He  … from America.

8.                The  nice  dolls  …  under  the table.

9.                 … her  aunt  a driver ? Yes, she … .

10.            … we teachers? No, we … not .

№ 5.

1.     I  …  a doctor .

2.     These  dogs  … funny .

3.     How  …  your  mother ? She  …  fine .

4.     This  hare  …  under  the  chair .

5.     My  uncle  …  a pilot .

6.     That  fox  …  nice .

7.     Where  …  they  from? They … from Africa .

8.     We  …  workers .

9.      … her  aunt  a cosmonaut ? Yes, she … .

10.     … they  from Russia ? No, they … not .

№ 6.

1.     They  … teachers .

2.      … her uncle  a  cosmonaut ?

3.     Where … you  from? I  … from  Africa .

4.     Those  kittens  …  funny .

5.     How  … her  aunt ? She … fine .

6.     This  bear … big .

7.      That giraffe … under the table .

8.      … your  father  a  pilot ? Yes, he … .

9.     The  big  tigers … near  the  chair .

10.                        … we  engineers?

№ 7.

1.     Her aunt … not  a doctor.

2.      Where  …  he  from ? He  …  from  Russia .

3.     These  birds  …  nice .

4.     That  monkey  … funny .

5.     How  … her  brother ? He … fine .

6.     They  … workers .

7.     What  colour … these toys? They  …  red .

8.      … your  uncle  a  driver ? No, he … not .

9.     This  crocodile … in the bag .

10.    What  … on the table?  The  cat  …  on the table .

№ 8.

1.     How  … you ? I … fine .

2.     The  nice  cats  …  near  the  table .

3.     My  father  …  an  engineer .

4.      …  that  tiger in the bag ?

5.      Where  … she from ?  She  …  from  Great  Britain .

6.      …  we  cosmonauts ? No, we … not .

7.      … his  aunt  a teacher ? Yes, she  … .

8.     What  …  in  the  bag ? The bird  … in the  bag .

9.     They  …  doctors .

10.                        How  …  her  sister ?  She  … fine .

Задайте  вопрос начиная со слова в скобках .

№ 1.

1.     This fox is in the bag . (What)

2.     My  father  is  a  pilot . ( Is)

3.     We  are  cosmonauts . (What )

4.     The  little  puppies  are  on  the  chair . (Where )

5.     That  tiger  is  big . ( What )

6.     These  horses  are  brown . (What  colour )

7.     They  are  pilots . ( Are )

№ 2.

1.     Her  uncle  is  a  pilot . ( What )

2.     This  horse  is  big . (Is)

3.     These  kittens  are  funny . ( Are )

4.     That  bear  is  brown . (What  colour )

5.     The  yellow  ducks  are  under  the  chair . ( Where )

6.     My  father  is  a  cosmonaut . ( Is )

7.     Those  hares   are  in  the  bag . (What )

№ 3.

1.     She  is  a  teacher . ( What )

2.      These  bears  are  big . ( Are )

3.     This  elephant  is  in  the  bag . (Where )

4.     His uncle  is  from  America . (Where )

5.     That  horse  is  brown . ( What  colour )

6.     My  brother  are  engineers . (Are )

7.     Her  aunt  is  fine . ( How )

№ 4.

1.     Our  mother  is  fine . ( How )

2.     They are  cosmonauts . ( Are)

3.     That  dog  is  in  the bag . (Where )

4.     Those  birds  are  little . ( What )

5.     Her  brother  is from  Russia . (Where )

6.     Those  ducks  are yellow . (What  colour )

7.     This  elephant  is  big . (Is )

Вставьте подходящую форму  глагола  tobe

 № 1.

1.     This  tiger  …  big .

2.     How …  your  uncle ? He  …  fine .

3.     Where  …  he  from ? He  …  from  America .

4.     We  …  teachers .

5.     This  cat  …  in  the  bag .

6.     I  …  a  dentist .

7.     Where  … you  from ? I  … from  Italy .

8.     This  eagle  … brown .

9.     How  …  you ?  I  …  fine .

10.                        Those  flowers  …  red .

 № 2 .

1.     This  apple  …  yellow.

2.     Where  …  they  from ? They  … from  Great  Britain .

3.     We  …  workers .

4.      I  …  a  painter .

5.     The  dog  … in  the  house .

6.     He  …  from  Norway .

7.     His  uncle  …  a  pilot .

8.     How  …   his  mother ? She … fine .

9.     These  foxes  … nice .

10.                        How  old  … you ? I  … seven .

№ 3.

1.   This   dog  … big .

2.   These  monkeys  …  funny .

3.   She   …  a  doctor .

4.   Where  …  he  from ? He  …  from  Africa .

5.   Those  rabbits  … in  the  box .

6.   Her  mother  …  an  actriss.

7.   These  snakes  …  yellow .

8.   Their  families  … from  Germany .

9.   How  old  … you ? I  … nine .

10.  His  aunt  … fine .

№ 4 .

1.                Where  …  she  from ? She  … from  Brazil .

2.                Her  niece  …  a  doctor .

3.                How  …  you ? I  …  fine .

4.                I   … a  hunter .

5.                What  colour  … those  flowers ? They  … violet .

6.                He  … a  teacher .

7.                That  dog  …  little .

8.                Those  monkeys  … funny .

9.                The  toys  …  on  the  shelf .

10.            How  old  …  he ? He  …  eight .

Переведите с русского на английский


1.                Те слоны — большие.

2.                Мой брат —  рабочий.

3.                Та птица —  маленькая.

4.                Как твой папа? Он —  хорошо.

5.                Откуда ты? Я —  из России.

6.                Птица — на столе.

7.                Положи ту игрушку под стул, пожалуйста.

8.                Дай мне этих игрушечных медведей, пожалуйста.

9.                Возьми этого слона и положи его в ту большую коробку.

10.           Как тебя зовут?


1.     Как его зовут? Его зовут Дима.

2.     Я  — рабочий. Я  — не шофер.

3.     Как его тетя? Его тетя хорошо.

4.     Его дядя —  космонавт.

5.     Эта птица маленькая? Да.

6.     Положи того котенка в эту маленькую сумку, пожалуйста.

7.     Те зеленые крокодилы  — в коробке.

8.     Возьми этих милых кукол, пожалуйста.

9.     Дай мне ту забавную обезьянку, пожалуйста.

10.    Откуда твой дядя? Он из Америки.



1.     Эти медведи —  коричневые.

2.     Как ее зовут? Ее зовут Катя.

3.     Твой папа шофер? Да.

4.     Та лисица на стуле?

5.     Они —  пилоты.

6.     Положи желтую утку внутрь  коробки, пожалуйста.

7.     Дай мне этих двух жирафов, пожалуйста.

8.     Откуда ее сестра? Она  — из Африки.

9.     Возьми эту красную лису и положи ее под большой стул.

10.   Те серые слоны  — большие.



1.     Твоя тетя врач? Нет.

2.     Сколько тебе лет? Мне  — 8.

3.     Те большие медведи на твоем столе.

4.     Мы ученики.

5.     Откуда ты? Я из Великобритании.

6.     Та красивая кукла — под стулом.

7.     Какого цвета твоя игрушечная птица?

8.     Возьми этого серого слона и положи в ту коробку.

9.     Мой папа не шофер.

10.   Дай три мяча, пожалуйста.



Вставь have или has.


1.     He ____________ got an uncle?

2.     I ____________got many balls.

3.     __________ they got many toys?

4.     His aunt ______________got a cat.

5.     She __________ not got a sister.

6.     I _____________not got one doll.

7.     ___________ she got a father?



1.     He __________ got an uncle.

2.     I ___________ got many balls.

3.     ____________they got many toys?

4.     His aunt ____________got a cat.

5.     She ___________not got a sister.

6.     I _____________not got one doll.

7.     ____________she got a father?



1.     They ___________got a daughter.

2.     His aunt ___________got a dog.

3.     She _____________ not dot a brother.

4.     I ___________ got two cats.

5.     _______________her uncle got a son?

6.     He ______________not got a daughter.

7.     ___________ they got a puppy.



1.     Her aunt ________________got a daughter.

2.     She _____________ not got a niece.

3.     _______________they got a toy crocodile?

4.     I _____________got four ducks.

5.     He ____________not got an aunt.

6.     __________his sister got a nephew?

7.     Her uncle __________ got a daughter.

Вставьте необходимую форму глаголов  to be \ to have


1.     This bird ________ little.

2.     She ___________ got a grandfather.

3.     How ____________he? He ____________ fine.

4.     The brown cows _____________ near the box.

5.     Where _____________ he from?  Нe ______________ from Great Britain.

6.     I ____________ got five giraffes.

7.     Those elephants ______________big.

8.     His uncle _____________ a pilot.

9.     ____________his brother many toys?

10.                       They ___________not got a cat.



1.     This kitten _____________ little.

2.     He ____________ got a brother.

3.     Where ___________they from? They ____________ from Russia.

4.     Those tigers ____________ big.

5.     Her uncle __________ got a son.

6.     How ____________his father? He ________ fine.

7.     My sister _____________ a worker.

8.     _______________ you got two toy hares?

9.     They __________ pilots.

10.                       ___________ his aunt from America?



1.     That bird _________ nice.

2.     How ____________ she? She ______________ fine.

3.     I _____________got six crocodile.

4.     He ___________ a worker.

5.     He ___________ got a grandmother.

6.     Where __________ you from? I _________from Africa.

7.     ____________your brother’s drivers? Yes, they ____________.

8.     She ___________ not got an uncle.

9.     Those funny monkeys ____________________ in the bag.

10.                       _______________you got a grandmother? Yes, I ________________.





1.     Where ____________ they from? They ____________ from America.

2.     She _____________ got an aunt.

3.     How ____________ his brother? He ______________ fine.

4.     That kitten ______________ funny.

5.     Their friends _____________ teachers.

6.     __________he got a nephew? Yes, he _______________.

7.     These big tigers ______________ on the table.

8.     I ______________ got seven hares.

9.     _____________ those little hares white?

10. Her uncle ___________ a driver.


Вставьте глаголы  to be / to have в правильную форме. 20% незнакомой лексики.


1.     His uncle ___________ a cosmonaut.

2.     I ____________ got eight cows.

3.     Where ___________ she from.

       She __ _________from America.

4.     He  ______________got a mother.

5.     How ___________ you? I _______ very well.

6.     ____________ you got a sister? No, I ___________.

7.     My aunt _________ a reporter.

8.     ____________ she got a red ribbon.

9.     Where __________ you from? I ________ from Finland.

10.   They _____________not got domestic animals.


 She ____________ got a mother.

1.     He ______________ an engineer.

2.     My brother ____________ a worker.

3.     He _____________ not got a grandfather.

4.     Where ________ she from? She ___________ from Africa.

5.     How ____________ they? They __________ fine, thanks.

6.     They __________ got six goats.

7.     _____________ he got a computer? No, he ____________.

8.     Where __________ you from? I __________ from Greece.

9.     I _____________not got a violin.


1.     He _____________ got a father.

2.     How ____________ he? He ____________ fine.

3.     They ___________ got a big car.

4.     Where ____________you from? I _________ from France.

5.     He ____________ a driver.

6.     ______________ they tailors? No, they ___________.

7.     What colour _______________ this hat?

8.     ____________she got a pet? Yes, she _____________.

9.     ____________your uncle from America? Yes, he _________.

10.   We _____________ got many friends.


1.     He _____________ not got a sister.

2.     ____________ they sailors? Yes, they ________.

3.     Where ___________ your aunts from? They_____________ from Brazil.

4.     His aunt ______________ an engineer.

5.     My brothers ___________ not got a toy helicopter.

6.     How __________ her father? He __________ fine.

7.     Where ___________ those toy dinosaurs? The _____________ under the table.

8.     ___________ her sister many hens? No, she ________.

9.     This big bear _____________ not grey.

10.                       ____________ you got a big house? Yes, I _____________.

Глагол can. Постройте вопросительные и отрицательные предложения.


1.     My brother can read.

2.     They can play football very well.

3.     Her aunt can swim.

4.     I can see this hen.


1.     Her uncle can jump very well.

2.     She can skate.

3.     Those boys can play hokey.

4.     My mother can sky very well.


1.     We can run very well.

2.     He can play volleyball.

3.     These girls can play badminton very well.

4.     His father can sledge.

Переведите на английский язык.


1.     Твои сестры умеют скакать на скакалке?

2.     Я умею играть в чехарду очень хорошо.

3.     Мой маленький брат не умеет читать.

4.     Они умеют играть в настольный теннис?


1.     Он может видеть твою птицу.

2.     Твоя мама умеет плавать.

3.     Эти мальчики умеют играть в баскетбол очень хорошо.

4.     Твоя маленькая сестра умеет играть в классики?


1.     Мой папа умеет кататься на лыжах очень хорошо.

2.     Ты можешь видеть тех слонов.

3.     Его тетя умеет играть в волейбол.

4.     Они не умеют плавать.


1.     Твой дядя умеет играть в хоккей?

2.     Она умеет кататься на коньках очень хорошо.

3.     Твои друзья не умеет играть в чехарду.

4.     Эта девочка умеет писать очень хорошо.

Постройте вопрос и отрицание.


1.     My brother can play badminton very well.

2.     This box is on the table.

3.     Her aunt has got two children.

4.     Those crocodiles are big.

5.     They have got a father.

6.     They can swim very well.

7.     My uncle is a driver.

8.     These brown bears are under the chair.


1.     She is from Great Britain.

2.     My sister is a teacher.

3.     These girls can skip very well.

4.     Her brothers are fine.

5.     His grandmother has got three cats.

6.     Hares can jump very well.

7.     Those foxes are in the bag.

8.     These dogs have got five puppies.


1.     His uncle is a worker.

2.     This girl can ski very well.

3.     Her grandfather has got a car.

4.     Those tigers are on the table.

5.     Your mother can play table tennis.

6.     I’m from Russia.

7.     They have got two children.

8.     My sister is fine.


1.     He is a pilot.

2.     His uncle has got a puppy.

3.     Their sisters are from America.

4.     I can run very well.

5.     She is from Africa.

6.     They have got a grey cat.

7.     That boy can play hockey.

8.     Those dolls are in the box.


Переделайте предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную форму.


1.     I like my toys.

2.     We give these flowers to our teacher.

3.     They skate at the stadium.

4.     My mother skips very well.

5.     My brother takes my toys.


1.     Her aunts take that flower.

2.     I put my toys under the chair.

3.     He loves his sister.

4.     We skate at the school sports ground.

5.     My father plays football at the stadium.


1.     My friend gives me a toy.

2.     Her sister skips very well.

3.     He likes his toys.

4.     I play tennis at the school sports ground.

5.     They read books every day.


1.     She swims with her friend.

2.     My brother plays football on Monday.

3.     I love my family.

4.     Our teacher takes our books.

5.     We ski at the school sports ground.

Поставьте глагол в нужную форму.


1.     My father _________(read) magazines in the morning.

2.     His sister __________(not  run) at the school sports ground.

3.     We ____________(put) our monkeys into the box.

4.     _________ they ___________ (sledge) every day?

5.     His aunt ____________(skip) very well.

6.     I ___________(not ski) at the stadium.

7.     His friends ___________(give) him those ducks.

8.     ___________his friend ___________(swim) at the swimming pool?

9.     They _____________(not give) me those toys.

10.   __________ you ________(go) to the school sports ground.


1.     She __________(not read) books every day.

2.     ___________ they _________(ski) at the stadium?

3.     His father _________(swim) very well.

4.     Her brother ___________(put) these bears on the chair.

5.     We _______________(not sledge) every day.

6.     Her little sister ___________(not like) to play with toys.

7.     ___________you __________ (love) your brother?

8.     I____________(skip) at the school sports ground?

9.     He ______________(not play) tennis very well.

10.  _________your friend __________(play) hockey?


1.     He ______________(play) football  at the school sports ground.

2.     We ____________(not swim) on Thursdays.

3.     She ___________(like) her toys.

4.     My mother _________(put) my elephant on the table.

5.     __________she _________(sledge) with her friends?

6.     They ___________(not go) to school on Saturday.

7.     She __________(give) me some books.

8.     _______they _________(play) tennis on Tuesday.

9.     I ___________(not play) snowballs at the stadium.

10.                       We _________(love) our dog.


1.     She ________(love) her dog.

2.     You __________(skip) at the stadium.

3.     ___________she ________(take) her bag?

4.     I ___________(give) my father his book.

5.     _______you _______(play) volleyball on Friday?

6.     They _____________(not swim) in the river.

7.     My brother ________(skate) very well.

8.     I ________(not  play) hockey at school.

9.     My sister _________(read) many books.

10.  We ___________(run) at the school sports ground.


1.     His sister _________(skate) very well.

2.     She __________(not ski) on Tuesday.

3.     You __________(love) your family.

4.     _________your  aunt _________(read) books in the evening?

5.     They ___________(swim) at school every Wednesday.

6.     His brothers __________(not play) volleyball.

7.     ________those boys ________(jump) at the stadium?

8.     He __________(give) her many toys.

9.     They ________(play) snowballs in winter.

10.     ________that boy _______(play) hockey?


1.     _________you _________(play) badminton on Monday?

2.     We __________(like) our toys.

3.     ___________your aunt _________(play) tennis at the stadium?

4.     I__________(take) my toys.

5.     She ___________(skip) at the stadium.

6.     __________she _________(jump) at the stadium?

7.     They __________(not go) to school on Saturday.

8.     We ____________(play) volleyball at the school sports ground.

9.     _________his little brother __________(play) snowballs?

10.  I _________(read) a lot of books.


1.     Her aunt ________(give) her this funny monkey.

2.     This girl __________(jump) at the school sports ground.

3.     ________they _______(play) football every Monday?

4.     She ____________(not play) snowballs.

5.     We __________(take) books.

6.     ________ her aunt ________(swim) at the swimming pool?

7.     _______they ________(like) their toys?

8.     These boys _________(play) hockey at the stadium.

9.     I _________(love) my father.

10.                       My sister _________(ski) on weekends.


1.     My aunt ________(play) volleyball at the stadium.

2.     They _________(love) their cat.

3.     I _________(not play) basketball at school.

4.     She ______(take) those bears.

5.     ________they ______(run) at the stadium?

6.     We _________(not go) to the cinema on Monday.

7.     This girl __________(not play) hockey.

8.     _________her uncle ________(run) twice a week?

9.     My friends _________(sledge) at  the stadium.

10.                       ________you ________(go) to the school sports ground  to jump?


1.     She _________(go) to the stadium to run.

2.     We ________(play) hockey twice a week.

3.     They __________(not jump) at school.

4.     Her father ___________(put) her books on the table.

5.     Those girls _________(play) badminton very well.

6.     ________they _______(play) basketball at the school sports ground?

7.     He ________(love) his dog.

8.     ________his brother _________(go) to the swimming pool?

9.     We _________(run) at the stadium on Monday.

10.                       She _________(not play) volleyball.

№ 10

1.     Her father________ (skate) at the stadium.

2.     I _________(love) my cat.

3.     ___________your sister _______(play) badminton?

4.     ___________they ________(play) football at the school sports ground?

5.     This girl __________(not read) many books.

6.     His uncle _________(play) hockey on Friday.

7.     My brother ____________(not go) to school.

8.     _________our teacher ________(run) very well?

9.     Her aunt ________(swim) at the swimming pool.

10.    These monkeys ________(jump) very well.

Удачи вашим ученикам!!!

Олимпиадные задания для 4 класса по предмету Английский язык

Муниципальное бюджетное образовательное учреждение

«Кочёвская средняя общеобразовательная школа»

с. Кочёво Пермский край

Задания для Олимпиады по предмету «Английский язык»

4 класс


Мелехина Людмила Витальевна,

учитель английского языка

МБОУ «Кочёвская СОШ»

2016 год



Задание №1. (12 баллов) Прочитай текст и выполни задания (1 — 12).

Mike and His Friends

Mike is my friend. He is 10 years old. He has many friends, they are animals. He likes animals very much and he has many pets at home. Mike has 2 cats: a black cat and a white cat and three kittens. They all live in a big box. The box is near the door.

They like to eat milk and fish. The black cat`s name is Dolly. Dolly is a big, kind and clever animal. In the morning Dolly awakes Mike. It sits near Mike`s bed and mews. Mike gets up and goes to school. He comes home from school at 2 o`clock. And in the afternoon he goes to the park to play with his cats. They run and play with a ball. The ball is red.

Mike is happy to have good friends.

Отметь знаком «+» предложения, соответствующие содержанию текста, а знаком «- » неверные.

  1. Mike is ten.

  2. He has no friends.

  3. Mike has three cats.

  4. Cats like to eat meat.

  5. In the afternoon he goes to the park with his cats.

  6. Mikes awakes Dolly in the morning.

Найди ошибки в предложениях. Перепиши предложения, исправляя их.

  1. Mike am my friend.

  2. He have many pets at home.

  3. They like eat milk and fish.

  4. The black cat`s name are Dolly.

  5. He comes home school at 2 o`clock.

  6. They run and play ball.

Задание №2. (5 баллов) Прочитай тексты (13 – 17) и заглавия к ним (af). Установи соответствия между текстами и заглавиями. При этом одно заглавие лишнее.




  1. Elephant

  2. Tiger

  3. Dog

  1. It is very big. It lives in Africa and India. It eats grass, bananas and carrots. It drinks water. It likes milk. It is grey. Wу сan see this animal in the zoo.

  2. It is small. It lives in houses and in the forest. It eats corn, bread, apples. It likes cheese. It has a long tail.

  3. It is very funny. It lives in Africa and India. It is brown, grey or black. It likes fruit. It jumps in the trees. We can seу this animal in the zoo.

  4. It is very soft. It lives in the house. It is white, black, red, grey or brown. It can run, jump and climb. It cannot fly. It likes fish, meat and milk.

  5. It can be big or small. It can run, jump, swim. It likes meat and bones. It is a good friend.


Задание №3. (8 баллов) Напишите части тела весёлой обезьянки.


Задание №4. (20 баллов) Распредели слова по группам (первая строчка дана в качестве примера). Затем добавь своё слово к каждой группе в ячейки со знаком «+».

Banana, hand, windy, lamp, table, carrot, snowy, jump, face, bathroom, read, honey, foot, cold, ski

















Задание №5. (8 баллов) Поставьте глагол  to be в Present Simple.

  1. They … brave and happy.

  2. Lions …wild animals.

  3. My rucksack … very big.

  4. It … winter. It … cold.

  5. My mother … a teacher of Art.

  6. I … from Russia.

  7. What … you doing?

  8. There … 5 flowers on the table.

Задание №6. (8 баллов) Напиши существительные во множественном числе.

  1. hand

  2. sheep

  3. game

  4. child

  5. sister

  6. sandwich

  7. mouse

  8. apple

  1. Задание №7. (5 баллов) Перепиши предложения так, чтобы они звучали в будущем времени.

  1. We have a picnic next weekend.

  2. Children see many animals in the zoo.

  3. I play computer games after school.

  4. My favourite food is sandwiches and porridge. I eat them for breakfast.

  5. I have my birthday on the twenty-second of March.

  1. Задание №8. (7 баллов) Выбери правильный вариант, используя степени сравнения прилагательных:

    1. Lena is … than Mary.

    1. a. funny   b. funniest   c. funnier

    1. 2. That is the … book of all.

    1. a. badest   b. worst   c. worse

    1. 3. Sue’s doll is… than Lulu’s.

    1. a. pretty   b. prettier  c. the prettiest

    1. 4. I think dolphins are … animals.

    1. a. cleverest   b.  clever   c. cleverer

    1. 5. Roy is the … boy in our class.

    1. a. strongest   b. strong  c. stronger

    1. 6. He is … than his brother.

    1. a. kindest   b. kinder  c. kind

    1. 7. Alice is a … girl

    1. a. cleverer   b. clever c. cleverest


  3. Задание №9. (6 баллов) Закончи предложения о себе.

  4. 1) I am … .

  5. 2) I am … .

  6. 3) I am … .

  7. 4) I have … .

  8. 5) I can … .

  9. 6) I like … .

  10. Максимальное количество баллов: 79 баллов

  11. Время на выполнение всех заданий: 90 минут

  12. Бланк для ответов

  13. Ф.И.О. ученика_______________________________________________________________

  14. Ф.И.О. учителя_______________________________________________________________

  15. Школа, класс_________________________________________________________________

  16. ЧТЕНИЕ

  17. Задание №1.

    Задание №2. 13

    1. 14

    1. 15

    1. 16

    1. 17


  19. Задание 3.

    Задание №4. Weather

    1. House

    1. Food

    1. Actions

    1. Body

    1. sunny

    1. bedroom

    1. apple

    1. skate

    1. shoulder

    1. +

    1. +

    1. +

    1. +

    1. +


  21. Задание 5.

    Задание №6. (8 баллов)

  22. 1.
    1. 2

    1. 3

    1. 4

    1. 5

    1. 6

    1. 7

    1. 8

  23. Задание № 7 (5 баллов)

    Задание №8. (7 баллов)

    1. Ответы

    1. ЧТЕНИЕ

  24. Задание №1.


    1. 2

    1. 3

    1. 4

    1. 5

    1. 6

    1. +

    1. +

  25. 7
    1. Mike is my friend.

    1. 8

    1. He has many pets at home.

    1. 9

    1. They like to eat milk and fish.

    1. 10

    1. The black cat`s name is Dolly.

    1. 11

    1. He comes home from school at 2 o`clock.

    1. 12

    1. They run and play with a ball.

  26. Задание №2.


    1. 14

    1. 15

    1. 16

    1. 17

    1. d

    1. b

    1. a

    1. c

    1. f


  28. Задание 3.


    1. ear

    1. nose

    1. teeth

    1. foot

    1. eye

    1. shoulder

    1. hand

  29. Задание №4.


    1. House

    1. Food

    1. Actions

    1. Body

    1. sunny

    1. bedroom

    1. apple

    1. skate

    1. shoulder

    1. windy

    1. lamp

    1. banana

    1. jump

    1. hand

    1. snowy

    1. table

    1. carrot

    1. read

    1. face

    1. cold

    1. bathroom

    1. honey

    1. ski

    1. foot

    1. +

    1. +

    1. +

    1. +

    1. +


  31. Задание 5 (8 баллов)


    1. are

    1. is

    1. is, is

    1. is

    1. am

    1. are

    1. are

  32. Задание №6. (8 баллов)

  33. 1.
    1. hands

    1. 5

    1. sisters

    1. 2

    1. sheep

    1. 6

    1. sandwiches

    1. 3

    1. games

    1. 7

    1. mice

    1. 4

    1. children

    1. 8

    1. apples

  34. Задание № 7 (5 баллов)

    We will have a picnic next weekend.

    1. Children will see many animals in the zoo.

    1. I will play computer games after school.

    1. My favourite food is sandwiches and porridge. I will eat them for breakfast.

    1. I will have my birthday on the twenty-second of March.

  35. Задание №8. (7 баллов) Выбери правильный вариант использования степени сравнения прилагательных:


    1. b

    1. b

    1. b

    1. a

    1. b

    1. b

Тренировочные задания по английскому языку для 4 класса

Choose the right answer

  1. We are … tickets now.

  1. buy b) bought c) buying

  1. Tomorrow he … go to Paris.

  1. does b) will c) is

  1. …. did they travel about? About France.

  1. When b) Where c) Why

  1. My friends often spend holidays abroad, …?

  1. doesn’t they b) don’t they c) aren’t they

  1. Trains are … than buses I think.

  1. comfortabler b) more comfortable c) comfortable

  1. Birds come back from warm countries … spring.

  1. in b) on c) at

  1. Look at my flat. …flat is big and nice.

  1. a b) the c) –

  1. I’ve bought two … . They are nice.

  1. fish b) fishes c) fishs

  1. … he gone to England?

  1. Does b) Has c) Is

  1. He ate … soup for dinner.

  1. many b) a c) much

  1. Do you have … sweets?

  1. any b) some c) a

  1. There isn’t … money in my purse.

  1. some b) much c) many

  1. … he play hockey yesterday?

  1. Does b)Did c)Is

  1. She will come … .

  1. soon b)every day c)now

  1. They are … TV at the moment.

  1. watch b)watching c)watched

  1. My friends … play the piano.

  1. doesn’t b) aren’t c)don’t

  1. Dogs are … than cats, I think.

  1. big b)bigger c)biggest

  1. What … beautiful dress!

  1. a b)the c)—

  1. He is the … boy in our class.

  1. clever b)cleverer c) cleverest

  1. There … apples on the table. Mum took them.

  1. were b)are c) is

  1. Have you got a brother or a sister?

  2. What is your favourite animal?

  3. What furniture have you got in your room?

  4. How often do you have English?

  5. Have you ever flown by plane?

  6. What do you want to be?

  7. Who do you usually go to school with?

  8. What is your favourite subject?

  9. Where do you usually have P.E.?

  10. Have you ever been to the seaside?

  11. What can your pet do?

  12. What is your surname?

  13. When do you go to bed?

  14. When is your birthday?

  15. Can you ride a horse?

  16. What sport are you good at?

  17. Where did your family travel last summer?

  18. Do you like school and why?

  19. What is your favourite transport and why?

  20. What colour is your dad’s car?

1 variant


lives, is, is having, goes, starts

Mary (1) ………….. in London. She (2) …………….. a secretary. She (3) ………………. work at 9 o’clock and she (4) ……………..… home at 5 o’clock. Now Mary (5) ………………….. breakfast .


Last year we (1) ………..… a new house. It (2) ……………… very big and comfortable. There (3) ……………… two floors in it. My mum (4) ………… a book in the sitting room now. She (5) …………… this room very much. She always (6) ………… much time in it. Tomorrow we (7) ………… our granny. She (8) ……….. not far from our house.


is putting, built, is, has bought, has, have seen, have brought

Last month we ………….. a new house. I ……….… never such a beautiful house. It ………….. very large and comfortable. It ……….… many rooms. We ………….… already all our things from the old flat. My mother………….… just a new carpet. She ………….. the carpet on the floor now.

Choose the right answer

  1. We are … tickets now.

  1. buy b) bought c) buying

  1. Tomorrow he … go to Paris.

  1. does b) will c) is

  1. …. did they travel about? About France.

  1. When b) Where c) Why

  1. My friends often spend holidays abroad, …?

  1. doesn’t they b) don’t they c) aren’t they

  1. Trains are … than buses I think.

  1. comfortabler b) more comfortable c) comfortable

  1. Birds come back from warm countries … spring.

  1. in b) on c) at

  1. Look at my flat. …flat is big and nice.

  1. a b) the c) –

  1. I’ve bought two … . They are nice.

  1. fish b) fishes c) fishs

  1. … he gone to England?

  1. Does b) Has c) Is

  1. He ate … soup for dinner.

  1. many b) a c) much

  1. Do you have … sweets?

  1. any b) some c) a

  1. There isn’t … money in my purse.

  1. some b) much c) many

  1. … he play hockey yesterday?

  1. Does b)Did c)Is

  1. She will come … .

  1. soon b)every day c)now

  1. They are … TV at the moment.

  1. watch b)watching c)watched

  1. My friends … play the piano.

  1. doesn’t b) aren’t c)don’t

  1. Dogs are … than cats, I think.

  1. big b)bigger c)biggest

  1. What … beautiful dress!

  1. a b)the c)—

  1. He is the … boy in our class.

  1. clever b)cleverer c) cleverest

  1. There … apples on the table. Mum took them.

  1. were b)are c) is

  1. Have you got a brother or a sister?

  2. What is your favourite animal?

  3. What furniture have you got in your room?

  4. How often do you have English?

  5. Have you ever flown by plane?

  6. What do you want to be?

  7. Who do you usually go to school with?

  8. What is your favourite subject?

  9. Where do you usually have P.E.?

  10. Have you ever been to the seaside?

  11. What can your pet do?

  12. What is your surname?

  13. When do you go to bed?

  14. When is your birthday?

  15. Can you ride a horse?

  16. What sport are you good at?

  17. Where did your family travel last summer?

  18. Do you like school and why?

  19. What is your favourite transport and why?

  20. What colour is your dad’s car?

2 variant


live, be, have, go, start

Mary (1) …………… in London. She (2) ………………. a secretary. She (3) ………………. work at 9 o’clock and she (4) …………..… home at 5 o’clock. Now Mary (5) ……………………. breakfast .


Last year we (1) ………….. a new house. It (2) …………. very big and comfortable. There (3) ………….. two floors in it. My mum (4) …………… a book in the sitting room now. She (5) ……….. this room very much. She always (6) ……………. much time in it. Tomorrow we (7) ……………. our granny. She (8) ……………. not far from our house.


put, build, be, buy, have, see, bring

Last month we ……….… a new house. I ………….. never such a beautiful house. It ………..… very large and comfortable. It ………..… many rooms. We ………… already all our things from the old flat. My mother……………… just a new carpet. She …………..… the carpet on the floor now.

Задания олимпиады по английскому языку 4 класс

Задания олимпиады по английскому языку

4 класс

Имя, фамилия______________________________________________________


  1. Пин получил странное письмо, в котором ему надо найти все глаголы. Помоги ему, подчеркни глаголы.

  1. make, read, table, animal, come, cut. 5) jump, English, black, learn, smile.

  2. flower, lesson, funny, ask, help. 6) stockings, draw, lion, school, stand.

  3. beautiful, translate, picture, retell. 7) bag, lunch, run, sit, teacher.

  4. desk, count, paper, fast, window. 8) green, tell, winter, garden, small.

  1. Cвяжи по смыслу вместе с Пином слова в двух колонках.

What do we read?

Why do we read?

  1. newspaper

  2. letters

  3. dictionaries

  4. books

  5. cook-books

  6. magazines

  7. menus

    1. to learn news

    2. to buy things

    3. to translate

    4. to eat

    5. to cook food

    6. to be clever

    7. to get new information

1 ___, 2 ___, 3 ___, 4 ___, 5 ____, 6 ____, 7 _____.

3. Помоги Пину вписать глагол в правильной форме.

1) My friend _________ (to live) in London.

2) You ___________ (to want) to go for a walk.

3) His sister _________ (to have) breakfast.

4) Ann and Nick __________ (to read) books in the afternoon.

5) We _________ (to do) morning exercises.

6) He ___________ (to work) at school.

4. Составь вместе с Пином связные предложения.

1) likes, in, to, newspaper, the, read, mother, evening, my;


2) computer, Saturdays, on, games, my, plays, sister;


3) you, hands, eat, do, wash, you, your, before;


4) after, like, football, we, lessons, to, play;


5) bed, I, make, the, in, don’t, my, morning.


5. Пину задали домашнее задание. Помоги ему решить примеры и записать ответ по-английски.

1) forty nine + one = ____________________________________________________

2) ten + fifty six = ______________________________________________________

3) thirty five + sixty five = _______________________________________________

4) fourteen + seventeen = ________________________________________________

5) eighty six + three = ___________________________________________________

6) one hundred and eleven + four = _________________________________________

6. Помоги Пину выбрать личные, притяжательные или указательные местоимения в каждое предложение.

1) ________ soup is very tasty. 5) What is ___ favorite book?

a) It; b) This; c) These. a) he; b) him; c) his.

2) Where is ___ new bag? 6) ___ mother is a doctor.

a) your; b) you; c) he. a) He; b) She; c) Her.

3) This is ___ kitten. 7) Can you see ___ men?

a) we; b) our; c) it. a) they; b) them; c) these.

4) ___ has got a new car. 8) Is that ___ bike?

a) Them; b) They; c) He. a) you; b) it; c) your.

7. Прочитай рассказ Пина об одной собаке. Постарайся понять его, после этого согласись или не согласись с утверждениями из текста.

Miss Lark’s Andrew.

Andrew was a nice small dog. He lived like a prince. He slept in his bed; he had chocolate every day. Miss Lark loved him! But he didn’t like his life. He wanted to be a usual dog.

Andrew had a friend. It was a terrible dog.

One day Miss Lark couldn`t see Andrew. “Andrew! Where are you?”

Then she saw her pet. Andrew was coming to her and near him a terrible dog was walking.

“Oh, you are OK!” said Miss Lark. “But that terrible dog! Go away!”

But the dog didn`t go. “Go away!” said Miss Lark. “And you, Andrew, come in the house!”

Andrew did not. “You are not coming? Only with your friend? That can`t be.”

Andrew barked and turned away.

“What are you saying? Your friend must sleep in bed too? Andrew, how can you?”

Andrew got up. So did the other dog. “Very well, Andrew. He can sleep in bed. A terrible dog!”

usual — обыкновенный to bark — лаять

terrible – ужасный

I agree

I disagree

1. Andrew was a nice small dog.

2. Andrew didn`t eat chocolate.

3. Miss Lark didn`t like Andrew.

4. Andrew had a friend – a usual street dog.

5. Miss Lark didn`t like Andrew`s friend.

6. Andrew and his friend wanted to live in the house.

7. Miss Lark was happy to have the two dogs in her house.

Тематические тестовые задания по английскому языку (4 класс)

Тематические тестовые задания

  1. Вариант

‘’ Seasons’’

Agree or disagree. Put plus or mines:

  1. There are ten months in a year.

  2. There are thirty days in February.

  3. Christmas is in June.

  4. School begins in May.

  5. The spring months are March, April, May.

  6. The weather is frosty and cold in winter.

  7. The leaves are yellow, red and brown in autumn.

  8. There are many leaves in the trees in March.

  9. Birds sing songs in autumn.

  10. The winter months are December, January and February.

  11. There are seven days in a week.

  12. There are four seasons in a year.

  13. There are six weeks in a month.

  14. Summer holidays begin in September.

  15. There is much snow in summer.

  16. It often rains in autumn.

  17. There are three months in every season.

‘’ English Holidays’’


Read, choose and complete.

  1. People in Great Britain celebrate Christmas on the…

a) 25th of December; b) 7th of January;

2. In England they sing… at Christmas.

a) carols; b) koliadas;

3. Who comes at night?

a) Father Frost; b) Santa Claus;

4. Santa Claus puts the presents into…

a) stockings; b) bags;

5. What do English people do some days before Christmas?

a) send greeting cards; b) send presents;

6. The English people decorate a Christmas tree on…

a) Christmas Eve; b) the New Year;

7. The Queen’s speech is on television at…

a) 5 o’clock; b) 3 o’clock;

8. English people also bring… to their homes.

a) flowers; b) Christmas tree;

9. They also have their traditional Christmas dinner with…

a) stuffed turkey; b) apple-pie;

10. The English people … the holiday of Christmas.

a) don’t like; b) like;


Match the words in A with the words in B. Make up the word combinations.


Christmas New Year

Queens Christmas tree

A box carols

Decorate party

Get invitations

Song of sweets

Send Claus

Make greeting cards

Santa presents

Happy speech

My Working Day’’

Read the sentences and circle the correct option.

  1. I get up at 7 o’clock in the morning/evening.

  2. I clean/wash my teeth in the bathroom.

  3. I have my breakfast in the kitchen/bedroom.

  4. I wash my hands and face with a soap/shampoo.

  5. I make my bed/desk.

  6. I drink/eat a cup of tea for breakfast.

  7. I have my dinner at school/home.

  8. I clean/brush my room every Saturday.

9. I eat/drink a plate of soup for dinner.

10. I play with my friends/parents in the yard.

11. I help my mother/father about the house.

12. I do/make lessons after school.

13. I watch/see TV in the morning.


Read the sentences and circle the correct option.

  1. We usually wash our hands with soap/shampoo.

  2. We usually wash our hair with toothpaste/shampoo.

  3. We usually clean our teeth with soap/toothpaste.

  4. A doctor gives products/medicine to us when we are not well.

  5. We can read about the news in books/newspaper.

Find and circle the extra word.

1. We can buy meat, sausages, ham, bread, chickens at the butcher’s.

2. At the baker’s we can buy bread, buns, rolls, beets, cakes, pies.

3. At the newsagent’s they sell newspapers, magazines, shoes, copy-books, pens.

4. We can buy tomatoes, cucumbers, apples, oranges, meat, lemons at the greengrocer’s.

5. At the chemist’s we can buy medicines, toothpaste, clothes, shampoo, soap.

6. At the diary department we can buy milk, butter, cheese, cabbage, sour cream.

‘’ Travelling’’

Choose and circle the correct opinion

  1. The plane is the (fastest, slowest ) mean of communication.

  2. The train has many (carriages, rooms).

  3. The (flight, tour ) to Paris will be delayed for 30 minutes.

  4. There are many compartments in a (train, plane).

  5. If I want any information I ask for it at ( departure, airport information desk).

  6. The smallest mean of communication is a ( car, bike).

  7. I shall get to Australia by ( car, plane).

Вариант 2

‘’ Seasons’’

Agree or disagree. Put plus or mines:

1. There are six days in a week.

2. There are thirty-one days in February.

3. Christmas is in July.

4. School begins in October.

5. The autumn months are September, October, November.

6. The weather is sunny and warm in spring.

7. There is much snow in winter.

8. There are many leaves in the trees in November.

9. Birds make their nests in autumn.

10. The spring months are March, April, May.

11. There twelve months in a year.

12. There are seven weeks in a month.

13. Winter holidays begin in February.

14. There are many flowers in summer.

15. It often rains in spring.

16. The snow thaws in March.

17. The flowers begin to bloom in spring.

‘’ English Holidays’’


Read, choose and complete.

1.People in Ukraine celebrate Christmas on the…

a) 25th of December; b) 7th of January;

2. In Ukraine they sing… at Christmas.

a) carols; b) koliadas;

3. Who comes at night of New Year?

a) Father Frost; b) Santa Claus;

4. Santa Claus puts the presents into…

a) stockings; b) bags;

5. What do English people do some days before Christmas?

a) send greeting cards; b) send presents;

6. The English people decorate a Christmas tree on…

a) Christmas Eve; b) the New Year’s day;

7. The Queen’s speech is on television at…

a) 5 o’clock; b) 7 o’clock;

8. English people also bring… to their homes.

a) toys; b) Christmas tree;

9. They also have their traditional Christmas dinner with…

a) stuffed turkey; b) cakes;

10. The English people … the holiday of Christmas.

a) don’t like; b) like;


Match the words in A with the words in B. Make up the word combinations.


Christmas the party

Marry Christmas

Father greeting cards

Decorate the tree

New Year turkey

Invite to Frost

Send Eve

Have many Day

Stuffed presents

Celebrate a holiday

My Working Day’’

Read the sentences and circle the correct option.

1. I get up at 7 o’clock in the morning/evening.

2. I clean/wash my face and hands in the bathroom.

3. I have my breakfast at seven/ eight o’clock in the morning.

4. I usually wash my hair with a soap/shampoo.

5. I clean my teeth with a toothpaste/ soap.

6. I drink/eat a cup of tea for breakfast.

7. I have my lunch at school/home.

8. I clean my room every Saturday/Friday.

9. I eat/drink an apple after dinner.

10. I do/make my homework after school.

11. I walk with my friends/pet in the yard.

12. I wash up after dinner/supper.

13. I come/go home at 2 o’clock.


Read the sentences and circle the correct option.

  1. We usually wear trousers/sweater on the heard.

  2. We usually wear raincoat/coat in winter.

  3. We usually take bags/toys to school.

  4. We usually buy products/medicine at the drugstore.

  5. We can read about the news in books/newspaper.

Find and circle the extra word.

1. We can buy meat, sausages, ham, cake, chickens at the butcher’s.

2. At the baker’s we can buy bread, buns, rolls, cabbage, cakes, pies.

3. At the newsagent’s they sell newspapers, magazines, dresses, copy-books, pens.

4. We can buy tomatoes, cucumbers, apples, oranges, milk, lemons at the greengrocer’s.

5. At the chemist’s we can buy medicines, toothpaste, shoes, shampoo, soap.

6. At the diary department we can buy milk, butter, cheese, beet, sour cream.

‘’ Travelling’’

Choose and circle the correct opinion

1.The fastest mean of communication is the (plane, bike)

2. The train has many (carriages, rooms).

3.The (flight, tour ) to London will be delayed for 40 minutes.

4. There are many compartments in a (train, plane).

5. If I want any information I ask for it at ( departure, airport information desk).

6. I shall get to the USA by ( car, plane).

7. The travelling by bike is the (cheapest, most expensive).