Контрольные работы по английскому языку 4 класс

Test №1

  1. Найди значение слов:

  1. hairbrush _____ a) перчатки

  2. guitar ______ b) роликовые коньки

  3. helmet _____ c) гитара

  4. gloves _____ d) шлем

  5. watch _____ e) расческа

  6. roller blades _____ f) часы

  1. Найди правильный перевод:

  1. in front of the house a) перед домом b) за домом

  2. behind the fridge a) перед холодильником b)за холодильником

  3. under the bed a) под кроватью b) за кроватью

  4. next to the cooker a) за плитой b) рядом с плитой

  5. in the school bag a) под портфелем b) в портфеле

  6. on the sofa a) под диваном b) на диване

3.Поставь слова в правильном порядке и запиши предложения:

1) is / my friend / lemonade /drinking.


2) Cathy / not / the violin / playing / is.


3) you / watching / are / a video?


4.Подчеркни правильный вариант :

1. She is /are sailing.

2. They isn’t /aren’t going to school.

3. They are/is skiing now.

4. Look! Mary is dance/dancing.

5. Am /Are you skating at the moment?

5. Выбери правильный вариант:

1) My friend ___ in the park at the moment.

a) is skiing b) is diving

2) My dad ____ a boat now.

a) is sailing b) is playing

3) My brother ___ the guitar now.

a) is playing b) is watching

4) My sister ____ a video at the moment.

a) is watching b) is skating

Test №2

  1. Найди значение слов:

  1. waiter _____ a) продавец овощей и фруктов

  2. nurse ______ b) театр

  3. baker _____ c) станция

  4. theatre _____ d)медсестра

  5. greengrocer _____ e) официант

  6. station _____ f) пекарь

  1. Подчеркни правильный вариант:

  1. They have / has to wear a uniform at school.

  2. I don’t / doesn’t have to make breakfast in the morning.

  3. Betty don’t /doesn’t have to serve food in the café.

  4. Peter have / has to drive a car.

  5. The children don’t / doesn’t have to get up early on Sundays.

  6. My sister have / has to wash the dishes after lunch.

3. Подбери правильные ответы:

1) Excuse me, where’s the café, please? ______ a) At the garage.

2) Where does he work? _______ b) At a quarter to six.

3) What time is it? _______ c) I help sick people.

4) What do you do at work? ______ d) It’s in Green Street.

5) How often do you clean your room? _______ e) It’s half past five.

6) What time is Helen’s birthday party? _____ f) Once a week.

4.Поставь слова в правильной последовательности :

  1. uniform / He / wear / doesn’t / a / have to .


  1. go / They / usually / twice / park / the / week / a / to.


  1. often / do / drive / How / you/ your / car?


Test №3

  1. Найди значение слов:

  1. beans _____ a) перец

  2. flour ______ b) масло

  3. pineapple _____ c) сахар

  4. butter _____ d) ананас

  5. sugar _____ e) бобы

  6. pepper _____ f) мука

  1. Найди правильный вариант:

  1. How much / many flour do you need?

  2. Are there much / many oranges on the table?

  3. There isn’t much / many bread for my sandwich.

  4. I need a lot of / much tomatoes to make a salad.

  5. I have got a lot of / many of butter in the fridge.

  6. There aren’t much / many pineapples on the table.

3. Поставь исчисляемые существительные во множественное число, а для неисчисляемых подбери подходящую упаковку / емкость:

Bottle kilo tin bar carton jar loaf

lemon- lemons

cheese- a kilo of cheese

  1. apple –

  2. lemonade-

  3. chocolate-

  4. sandwich-

  5. butter-

  6. milk-

  7. tomato-

  8. bread-

  9. mango-

  10. juice-

  11. jam-

4.Подбери соответствующую реплику :

A How much butter is there? 1) There are four.

B Can I have a kilo of potatoes, please? 2) Not yet. It’s not ready.

C How many oranges are there? 3) Sure. Here you are.

D Can you pass me the salt, please? 4) Here you are. That’s one pound, fifty pence, please

E May I have a cup of coffee, please? 5) A lot.

Test №4

  1. Найди значение слов:

  1. lizard _____ a) обезьяна

  2. crocodile ______ b) тюлень

  3. seal _____ c) ящерица

  4. hippo _____ d) крокодил

  5. whale _____ e) бегемот

  6. monkey _____ f) кит

  1. Найди правильный вариант:

  1. Look! She is feeding / feeds the lions.

  2. John never is walking / walks to school.

  3. Monkeys always climb / are climbing trees.

  4. Bob and Kelly have / are having a piano lesson every Saturday.

  5. Look! The dolphin is jumping / jumps so high.

3. Выбери правильный вариант:

  1. Dolphins are clever / cleverer than whales.

  2. Horses are tall / taller than dogs.

  3. Cats are big / bigger than mice.

  4. Tigers are fast / faster than dogs.

  5. You must / mustn’t eat in class.

  6. You must / mustn’t clean your teeth every day.

  7. You must / mustn’t eat too much chocolate.

  8. You must / mustn’t listen to your teacher.

4.Подбери соответствующую реплику :

A What’s mum making?

  1. She’s making a cake.

  2. She makes a cake.

B Look at the seal!

  1. This is a seal.

  2. It’s clapping.

C When is your birthday?

  1. I’m nine years old.

  2. In July.

5. Прочитай тест и заполни:

Giraffes are very tall animals. They can be from 4 to 5 metres tall. They live in Africa. Giraffes have their babies during the dry months of July and August. They eat tree leaves and live for about 10-15 years.

Name: giraffe

Lives in ……………………….. eats …………………….

Has babies in ………………….. lives for ……………….

and …………………………….

Test №5

  1. Match:

  1. Twenty- third _____ a) 40th

  2. fifth ______ b) 18th

  3. sixty- second _____ c) 23d

  4. twelfth _____ d) 5th

  5. eighteenth _____ e) 12th

  6. fortieth _____ f) 62nd

  1. Make up questions, then find the answers:

  1. Pam’s/ party/ was / when? A No, they were in Russia.

  2. Tom and Nancy/in Spain/ were/ last week? B No, he wasn’t.

  3. Where/ you and Jane/ were/ yesterday? C We were at the party.

  4. Larry/ was/ yesterday/ at school? D Yesterday.





  1. Read the text and complete. Use was or were:

I … at the circus yesterday. It … fun! There … lots of animals there: elephants, seals, monkeys and lions. There … two funny clowns too! Their hair … red and their hats … orange. I … very happy! I love the circus!

Test №6

  1. Make sentences:

e.g. Kathy visited (visit) her aunt yesterday afternoon.

  1. The children (play) football last Sunday.

  2. Phil (wash) the dishes last night.

  3. John (watch) a funny film on TV last night.

  4. Janet and Pat (dance) at the party yesterday.

  1. Make sentences:

e.g. Did they play (they / play) tennis yesterday?

Ron didn’t water (not / water) the flowers last Sunday.

  1. Linda (not / cook) dinner last night.

  2. Andy (not / help) Tim with his homework yesterday.

  3. (John / go) shopping last week?

  4. (she / listen) to music last night?

  1. Read, match and complete:

No, she visited Paris.

Yes, it was wonderful.

No, he played tennis.

No, I walked the dog in the park.

  1. A: Did Sam play basketball with his friends yesterday?


  1. A: Did you like the concert last night?


  1. A: Did Mandy visit Madrid last year?


  1. A: Did you watch the film on TV yesterday?


  1. Read and answer:

Last Saturday Fiona invited her friends for lunch. She wanted to have a barbecue. The barbecue was in the garden. Fiona’s father cooked the food and Fiona helped him. After lunch everyone danced and played games. It was a really nice day!

  1. Where was the barbecue?

  1. Who cooked the food?

  1. What did Fiona do?

  1. What did they do after lunch?

Test №7

  1. Найди значение слов:

  1. pretty ____ a) сильный

  2. strong ____ b) добрый

  3. kind ____ c) симпатичный

  4. loud ____ d) хороший

  5. shy ____ e) громкий

  6. good ____ f) робкий

  1. Выбери нужное прилагательное:

  1. Helen is the _____ I know.

  1. clever 2) cleverer 3) cleverest

  1. Denis is the _____ boy in our class.

  1. loud 2) louder 3) loudest

  1. Sue is _____ than Lisa.

  1. pretty 2) prettier 3) prettiest

  1. Max is a very ____ boy.

  1. shy 2) shyer 3) shyest

  1. Our mother is ____ than our father.

  1. kind 2) kinder 3) kindest

  1. Выбери правильную форму:

  1. We sing / sang a song at the concert yesterday.

  2. I drink/ drank milk every day.

  3. Sandy goes / went to the cinema last week.

  4. They see /saw an elephant at the zoo three days ago.

  5. Tom rides / rode his bike every Sunday.

  1. Прочитай текст и впиши пропущенное слово:

liked better best book read the friend

The _________ day of this month was when I went to _____ cinema with my __________ Misha. We saw the cartoon “The Lorax” and it was very interesting. I _________ the film but Misha said that the book was much ________. Dr.Seuss wrote it and drew pictures for the _______. Now I want to _________ the book too.

Контрольная работа по английскому языку (4 класс)

(Фамилия Имя)

1. Запиши буквы английского алфавита под диктовку.


Запиши эти слова в алфавитном порядке.


3. Вычеркни лишнее слово в каждой строке, дополни список 1 словом:

— Mother, sister, rabbit, father, ________________.

— Black, clean, blue, red, __________________.

Dog, fox, six, cat, ____________________.

— One, ten, ball, five, ________________.

4. Соедини числа и слова разными цветами: 

1) 16                           a) fourty

2) 24                            b) sixteen

3) 50                            c) twenty

4) 40                         d) twenty-four

5) 93                            e) fifty-seven

6) 19                            f) ninety-three

7) 57                            g) fifty

8) 20                           h) nineteen

5. Нарисуй и раскрась изображение, соответствующее предложению.

I see two red tomatoes.

6. Соотнеси слова с противоположным значением. Заполни таблицу.

1) clean

2) bad

3) long

4) black

5) happy

6) big

a) small

b) short

c) sad

d) dirty

e) good

f) white







7. Ответь на вопросы.

Do you like to ski in winter?

What do you like to do in summer?

8. Вставь am, is, are:

  1. She ______ sleeping now.

  2. You _____watching TV now.

  3. I _____playing tennis now.

  4. A cat_____eating now.

Ориентируясь на перевод, подпиши соответствующую цифру под каждым изображением.


9. Прочитай текст.

Max is a nice Russian boy. He is eight. He doesn’t like to paint pictures, but he likes to play computer games. Max likes to go to school. His favourite subject is Maths.

Max likes to visit his grandpa. He visits his grandpa on Sundays. They play and read books. Max likes to eat. His favourite food is soup. He doesn’t like sausages.

Запиши перевод 3 и 7 предложений .


10. Запиши рядом с утверждениями, верны они или ложны. Используй слова True (T) и False (F).

Контрольная работа по английскому языку 4 класс (3 четверть)

Контрольная работа по английскому языку

за 3 четверть

4 класс _______________________________________________________________________

  1. Вставь пропущенные буквы и переведи слова.

apple t__ __e –________________

sh__ __p — _______________

b__ __dge — ________________

c__w — __________________

r__ __d — _________________

f__ __ld — ________________

h__ll — _________________

c__ __el — ________________

g__ __den — __________________

r__ver — ________________

  1. Напиши степени сравнения прилагательных.








  1. Прочитай предложения и вставь is или are.

  1. There _____ a kitchen and three bedrooms in the house.

  2. There _____ no picture in the hall.

  3. _____ there a pantry in the house? – Yes, there _____ two pantries.

  4. There _______ a nice garden behind the house.

  5. There _______ a lot of big apple trees in the garden.

  6. There _______ a cow and a house near the river.

  1. Выбери нужную степень прилагательного, обведи правильный ответ.


  1. Составь предложения.

  1. my house, His house, smaller, than, is. — ______________________________________________________________________

  2. is, his garden, bigger, Ann’s garden, than. — ______________________________________________________________________

  3. the, sea, is, The, ocean, larger, than. — ______________________________________________________________________

  4. flowers, the, Her, beautiful, most, are. — ______________________________________________________________________

  5. best, pupil, the, is, he. — ______________________________________________________________________

  1. Раскрой скобки, поставь прилагательные в нужную степень сравнения.hello_html_m74f989e8.png

Годовая контрольная работа по английскому языку (4 класс)

Exit test

Name ________________________________________ Class __________ Date ______________

Task 1 (Аудирование) (максимальный балл-6).



Task 2 (Лексика) (максимальный балл-12) Переведи слова на английский язык.

12. место-__________________________

Task 3 (Грамматика) (максимальный балл-5). Выбери и напиши нужные формы прилагательных, чтобы закончить предложения.

1) The green apples were (tastier/ the tastiest) _____________than the red apples.2) I think football is (more interesting/the most interesting) _____________ game of all ball games. 3) The early morning was (foggier/ the foggiest) _____________than the late morning. 4) Was the weather (better/the best) _____________ yesterday than last Wednesday? 5) Today the weather is (sunnier/the sunniest) _____________ than it was yesterday.

Task 4 (Грамматика) (максимальный балл-16). Выбери в скобках соответствующие варианты, чтобы закончить предложения.

1) Next summer Peter won’t travel/ travels ______________ about Russia, he will travel/ travels ______________ in Europe. He visited/ will visit ______________ Rome and small Italian towns. Peter tries/ will try ______________ to meet a lot of Italian people. He is learning Italian and he will talk/ talks ______________ to them.

2) Last summer Mary travels/travelled ______________ about Russia. Her parents and she decided/decide ______________ to go to St Petersburg. Mary invited/will invite ______________ her best friend Tatyana to join them. In St Petersburg they visit/visited ______________a lot of beautiful places. In the evenings they talk/talked ______________about the wonderful city.

3) Every summer Lena travel/travels ______________ to London. She is learning/ learns ______________ English there. She usually lives/live ______________ with her friend Ruby. The girls speak/speaks______________ English a lot. It is summer now and Lena is in London. She doesn’t study/ isn’t studying ______________ now, she is having /has lunch______________.

Task 5 *(Грамматика) (максимальный балл-8). Ответь на следующие вопросы.

  1. Do you like summer holidays? ________________________________________________

  2. Do you usually travel in summer? ______________________________________________

  3. Did you travel last summer? __________________________________________________

  4. Where did you travel last summer? _____________________________________________

  5. Will you travel next summer? _________________________________________________

  6. Where will you travel next summer? ___________________________________________

  7. What places would you like to visit next weekend?________________________________

  8. Where were you last weekend? _______________________________________________

Task 6 (Чтение) (максимальный балл-10)




ИТОГО: ____ баллов. Оценка ______ .

Контрольная работа по английскому языку для 4 класса

Test №1

V – I

  1. Постройте вопросы к предложению:

My mother reads books in the evening.

  1. Yes\ No 2) What



  1. Напишите словосочетания, используя притяжательный падеж.

Their granny flowers домик рыбки ____________________

Our pupils books кольцо поросенка ___________________

His sister video film

That men new cars

Mr White pupils

  1. Переведите слова на английский язык.

Кузина, интересный, дочь, часто, никогда, смотреть.


V – II

  1. Постройте вопросы к предложению:

We watch TV on Sunday evenings.

  1. Yes\No 2) When


  1. Напишите словосочетания, используя притяжательный падеж.

His brother TV my cousins parents

Her daughter bike our teacher desk молоко кошки ______________ children toys

домик куклы ________________________

  1. Переведите слова на английский язык.

Работа, иногда, обычно, всегда, слушать, смотреть.


Test 2 4 class

I – v

Раскройте скобки, используя Present Continuous.

1. We _____________________________(swim) in the swimming pool.

2. She ______________________________ (watch) TV now.

3. I and my sister _______________________________ (go) to school now.

4. My father _______________________________________ (wash) his car at the moment.

5. They ____________________________________________ (play) the piano now.

Задайте вопросы к предложению.

Will is standing at the bus stop.

Is __________________________________________________________________________________________

Where _______________________________________________________________________________________


Test 4 class

II — v

Раскройте скобки, используя Present Continuous.

1. My sister __________________________________ (drive) now.

2. I ___________________________________________ (write) a letter now.

3. We ____________________________________________ (read) interesting books at the moment.

4. My mother ____________________________________________ (cook) lunch now.

5. My brother and I ____________________________________________ (run) in the park.

Задайте вопросы к предложению.

Rose is taking her little sister to the zoo.

Is ______________________________________________________________________________________

Where __________________________________________________________________________________


Test 4 class

I – v

Раскройте скобки, используя Present Continuous.

1. We _____________________________(swim) in the swimming pool.

2. She ______________________________ (watch) TV now.

3. I and my sister _______________________________ (go) to school now.

4. My father _______________________________________ (wash) his car at the moment.

5. They ____________________________________________ (play) the piano now.

Задайте вопросы к предложению.

Will is standing at the bus stop.

Is __________________________________________________________________________________________

Where _______________________________________________________________________________________


Test 4 class

II — v

Раскройте скобки, используя Present Continuous.

1. My sister __________________________________ (drive) now.

2. I ___________________________________________ (write) a letter now.

3. We ____________________________________________ (read) interesting books at the moment.

4. My mother ____________________________________________ (cook) lunch now.

5. My brother and I ____________________________________________ (run) in the park.

Задайте вопросы к предложению.

Rose is taking her little sister to the zoo.

Is ______________________________________________________________________________________

Where __________________________________________________________________________________

Test 3.

V – I

1. Переведи слова на английский язык:

Книжный шкаф_________________________________ за ___________________________________

Квартира_______________________________________ ковёр ________________________________

Спальня________________________________________ справа _______________________________

Ванная__________________________________________картина _____________________________

По середине_____________________________________

2. Вставьте предлоги: on / in

___ the armchair 1) The bank ___ High Street is big and modern.

___ the chair 2) You can sit __ this comfortable armchair when you watch TV.

____ the street 3) The birds __ the tree are not sparrows. What birds are they?

_____ the piano 4) We can often see roses ___ the piano ___ the living room.

_____ the photo

3. Раскрой скобки употребив Present Simple / Present Continuous

1) We ________________ __________(jump) and _______ ________________(play) at school every day.

2) My sister ________________(read) a book now.

3) Sometimes I _____________ (watch) TV in the morning.

4) Sally and John ________________ (run) now.

5) My mum usually ________________ (cook) at 7 o’clock.

4. Выбери нужную форму местоимений и обведи её:

1) John and Sally like ( they/their) house in Green Street.

2) I can see the Barkers, ( they/their) are in (them/their) garden.

3) John! Can you help (us/our), please?


V – II

1. Переведи слова на английский язык:

грязный _____________________________________________ слева __________________________

Удобный____________________________________________ уютный _________________________

Гостиная___________________________________________ рядом __________________________

Кухня______________________________________________ кухонный шкаф __________________


2. Вставьте предлоги: on / in

____ the street 1) Today the sun __ the sky is bright yellow.

_____ the picture 2) Where are you __ this family photo.

_______ the tree 3) In the evening I like to sit __ the sofa and read a book.

________ the sofa 4) We can often see flowers __ the piano __ the living room.

_________ the sun

3. Раскрой скобки употребив Present Simple / Present Continuous

1) My brother ____________ (sleep) now.

2) We ___________________ (go) to school every day.

3) My friend often ___________(play) computer games.

4) Peter and Martin ________________ (watch) TV now.

5) What _____ she _______(do) now?

4. Выбери нужную форму местоимений и обведи её:

1) John likes computers. Show (him/his) (you/your) new computer, please.

2) Children, where are (you/your)? I can’t see (you/your).

3) Daddy! Can (I/me) go to the cinema with (you/your)?

Test 4.

V — I

  1. Вставьте is / are

  1. There ……. two books in the bag.

  2. There …….. no TV in our room.

  3. There ……. a lot of toys, a picture, a mirror in the bedroom.

  4. There …….. one window in the kitchen.

  1. Выбери и обведи правильный вариант.

    1. … …. pets has he got? a) How b) How old c) How many

    2. There are … there. a) a chair b) chairs c) some chairs

    3. … in the bag. a) There is no apple b) There is the apple c) No apple is

4) There … an apple on the table. a) is no b) aren’t c) isn’t

5) What … in the bag? a) are there b) is there c) are

6) There aren’t … pictures on the wall. a) some b) any c) the

  1. Составьте предложение из слов.

  1. a fireplace/ there/ is/ in my house._______________________________________________________

  2. is/ an armchair/ there/ in your room?_____________________________________________________

  3. no/ books/ there/ are/ in my school bag.___________________________________________________

  1. Сделай предложения отрицательными и вопросительными.

1) There are some shelves on the wall. ___________________________________________________________

2) There is a black car near the house. ________________________________________________________

5. Переведи.

1) понимать _____________________________ 5) сливочное масло ______________________________

2) отвечать_____________________________ 6) вопрос __________________________________

3) класс__________________________________ 7) джем ___________________________________

4) варенье ______________________ 8) давать ___________________


V – II

1. Вставьте is/ are

1) There ……. no armchairs in the bedroom.

2) There …….. a shelf next to the fireplace.

3) There ……. a picture, a lamp, five chairs in the room.

4) There ……. two bathrooms in the house.

2. Выбери и обведи правильный вариант.

1) … …. toys have you got? a) How b) How old c) How many

2) There aren’t … carpets in the house. a) some b) any c) the

3) There … a sofa in the kitchen.. a) is no b) aren’t c) isn’t

4) What … in the kitchen? a) are there b) is there c) are

5) There are … there. a) book b) a book c) some books

6) … … in the box. a) There is no pen b) No pen is c) There is the pen

3. Составьте предложения из слов.

1) there/ is/ in my flat/ no kitchen. _____________________________________________

2) two kittens/ are/ there/ in the box?___________________________________________

3) is/ there/ a desk/ in my room._______________________________________________

4. Сделайте предложения вопросительными и отрицательными.

1) There is a dog in the car. _____________________________________________________________________

2) There are some trees near the old house. _________________________________________________________

5. Переведи.

1) понимать _____________________ 5) хлеб _______________________________________

2) вода _________________________ 6) отвечать _______________________________________

3) вопрос ______________________________ 7) доска _____________________________________

4) сок _________________________________ 8) чай ______________

Test № 5

V — I

  1. Выбери правильный вариант.

  1. This book is … than that book. a) worse b) the worst c) bad

  2. He is … teacher in that school. a) the youngest b) young c) younger

  3. … a lot of toys in this shop. a) They are b) These are c) There are

  4. It is … oldest toy in the museum. a) an b) the c) –

  5. Our school is better … their school. a) than b) then c) –

  1. Построй степени сравнения прилагательных.

Funny ___________________________________________________

Small ____________________________________________________

Nice _____________________________________________________




  1. Переведи предложения на английский язык.

Солнечно. ___________________________________________

Весна. _______________________________________________


  1. Переведи на английский язык.


Любимый ___________________________________

Обед _______________________________________

Думать _____________________________________

Гулять ______________________________________


Test №5

V – II

1. Выбери правильный вариант.

1) The jacket is … than the coat. a) good b) better c) the best

2) … a lot of apples in the box. a) They are b) These are c) There are

3) The picture is more beautiful … the photo. a) than b) then c) –

4) I am busy but my brother is … . a) busy b) busier c) the busiest

5) It is … longest day of the year. a) a b) the c) –

2. Построй степени сравнения прилагательных.

Sunny ____________________________________________________

New _____________________________________________________

Large _____________________________________________________




3. Переведи предложения на английский язык.


Жарко. _____________________________________________


4. Переведи на английский язык.

Холодильник ______________________________________

Чудесный ___________________________________________

Ужин _______________________________________________

Овощи _____________________________________________

Хлопья _____________________________________________

Test 5

V — I

  1. Выбери правильный вариант.

  1. This book is … than that book. a) thin b) the thinnest c) thinner

  2. He is … teacher in that school. a) the youngest b) young c) younger

  3. … a lot of toys in this shop. a) They are b) These are c) There are

  4. It is … oldest toy in the museum. a) an b) the c) –

  5. Our school is newer … their school. a) than b) then c) –

  1. Построй степени сравнения прилагательных.

Funny ___________________________________________________

Small ____________________________________________________

Nice _____________________________________________________


Clean _____________________________________________________

  1. Переведи предложения на английский язык.

Солнечно. ___________________________________________

Весна. _______________________________________________


  1. Переведи на английский язык.

Курица_____________________________________ огурец ____________________________________

Любимый ___________________________________ холодильник_______________________________

Обед _______________________________________ хлопья _____________________________________

Думать _____________________________________ сливки ____________________________________

Гулять ______________________________________ картофель _________________________________


Test №5

V – II

1. Выбери правильный вариант.

1) The jacket is … than the coat. a) old b) older c) the oldest

2) … a lot of apples in the box. a) They are b) These are c) There are

3) The picture is nicer … the photo. a) than b) then c) –

4) I am busy but my brother is … . a) busy b) busier c) the busiest

5) It is … longest day of the year. a) a b) the c) –

2. Построй степени сравнения прилагательных.

Sunny ____________________________________________________

New _____________________________________________________

Large _____________________________________________________


High ________________________________________________________

3. Переведи предложения на английский язык.


Жарко. _____________________________________________


4. Переведи на английский язык.

Холодильник ______________________________________ любимый ______________________________

Чудесный ___________________________________________ думать ______________________________

Ужин _______________________________________________ огурец ________________________________

Овощи _____________________________________________ вкусный ______________________________

Каша _____________________________________________ ходить пешком ___________________

Test №7 (class)

I — V

    1. Вставьте was/ were

  1. ________ you at home last night? – Yes, I ___________.

  2. The house _________ old but nice.

  3. She ________ in the city.

  4. There _________ some letters on the table.

  5. Where _________ they three days ago?

    1. Выберите like/would like

  1. I ( like/ would like) summer very much.

  2. I ( like/ would like) some porridge for breakfast.

  3. (Do you like/ Would you like) some apples?

Составьте из слов вопросительные предложения

  1. school, Were, at, they, yesterday?


  1. summer, hills, he, last, Was, the, in?


    1. Опишите погоду, которая сегодня

The weather is __________________________________________________


    1. Переведите на английский язык

Надевать ____________ дождливая __________________

Дуть _______________ тёплая ______________________

Ненастная _____________ облачная ____________________


II – V

    1. Вставьте was/ were

  1. There _______ a lot of horses on the farm.

  2. The weather _______ rainy last autumn.

  3. _________ you in the mountains last month? – No, I ______ not

  4. The cow’s eyes ________ big and kind.

  5. It ________ time to go to bed.

    1. Выберите like/would like

  1. I ( like/ would like) to come with you.

2) I ( like/ would like) some chocolate cake.

3) (Do you like/ Would you like) to ride a bike?

— Yes, of course.

    1. Составьте из слов вопросительные предложения

  1. last, Was, in, the, month, park, he?


  1. you, in, Were, Moscow, ago, a, week?


    1. Опишите погоду которая была вчера

The weather was__________________________________________________


    1. Переведите на английский язык

снимать ____________ солнечная __________________

ветреная ____________ снежная______________________

светить _______________ сухая _________________________

Test 8 (4 class)

V – I

1. Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в нужное время.

1) We _________________ (to eat) green and red apples every day.

2) My sister ___________________ (to cook) a very nice pie last week.

3) Our friends _________________ (to travel) by car next year.

4) Look! I _____________________ (to play) video games now.

5) Every year Ann _________________(to go) to her granny on holiday.

2. Постройте отрицание и вопросы к предложениям.

1) My mother plays the piano every day.




2) Pupils will do their homework tomorrow.




3) Peter jumped and played at school yesterday.




3. Переведите слова на английский язык.

Страна – вступать —

Праздник — путешествовать —

V – II

1. Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в нужное время.

1) Every week I _____________________ (to go) to the swimming pool.

2) My brother ________________ (to sing) a song at the moment.

3) My friends ___________________ (to invite) me to the party last week.

4) They _______________________ (to fly) to London next summer.

5) Mary usually __________________ (to run) in the park in the evening.

2. Постройте отрицание и вопросы к предложениям.

1) We will try to write these new words tomorrow.




2) Schoolboys play football every week.




3) My sister painted the flowers last week.




3. Переведите слова на английский язык.

Решать – люди —

Приглашать — разговаривать –

Контрольная работа по английскому языку для 4 класса

Контрольная работа 4 класс

Тема: Настоящее продолженное время

I. Вставьте is, am, are. Переведите на русский язык.

1. I … reading a book now.

2. They … playing football now.

3. We … watching a new film.

4. Ann … washing the car now.

II. Раскройте скобки, написав глаголы в настоящем продолженном времени.

Образец: Mrs Bird (play) is playing the piano.

1. Mr.Smith (drive) ____ home.

2. Jimmy (sleep) ___ after lunch.

3. They (finish) ___ their work.

4. He (watch) ___ television.

III. Напиши 2 предложения, чего в данный момент ты не делаешь. Используй словосочетания в рамочке.

have lunch, get up, play the piano, play football, go to bed, listen to music

Подготовка к контрольной работе 4 класс

Тема: Настоящее продолженное время

I. Вставьте is, am, are. Переведите на русский язык.

1. We … having lunch.

2. I … playing computer games now.

3. Jack … riding a bike.

4. They … dancing now.

II. Раскройте скобки, написав глаголы в настоящем продолженном времени.

Образец: Mrs Bird (play) is playing the piano.

1. Bess (read)___ a book now.

2. I (swim) ___ in the swimming pool.

3. The pupils (write) ___ a test now.

4. My mum (cook)___ now.

III. Напиши 2 предложения, чего в данный момент ты не делаешь. Используй словосочетания в рамочке.

have breakfast, wash cups, play tennis, ride a bike, read a book, watch television

Контрольная работа по английскому языку.( 4 класс)

Контрольная работа, 4 класс

Вариант I


Напиши вторую форму глаголов:

Play, open, say, do, work, have, go, study, take, help, see.

Образец: play – played.


Напиши, что произошло вчера.

Образец: We help Tom. – We helped Tom.

  1. I play tennis.

  2. We wash our cars.

  3. They skate.

  4. You watch TV.

  5. I walk in the park.


Выпиши предложение с ошибкой. Рядом напиши правильный вариант предложения.

  1. Was it clean?

  2. Were you happy?

  3. Was children right?

  4. Was she fantastic?


Сделай предложение отрицательным. Запиши его:

We told many stories.


Задай вопрос к подчёркнутому слову:

Yesterday Nick and Mike ran and played in the forest.

Вариант II


Напиши вторую форму глаголов:

Play, invite, water, go, give, answer, fly, sit, walk, try, wash.

Образец: play – played.


Напиши, что произошло вчера.

Образец: We help Tom. – We helped Tom.

1. I play football.

2. We go to school.

3. They help me.

4. She work in the garden.

5. He open the window.


Выпиши предложение с ошибкой. Рядом напиши правильный вариант предложения.

  1. Was she fantastic?

  2. Was it clean?

  3. Was children right?

  4. Were you happy?


Сделай предложение отрицательным. Запиши его:

We told fairy tales.


Задай вопрос к подчёркнутому слову:

Yesterday the children ran and played in the park.

Ключи (ответы)

Вариант 1














I played tennis.

We washed our cars.

They skated.

We watched TV.

I walked in the park.


Was children right? – Were children right?


We didn’t tell many stories.


Where did they play yesterday?

Ответы (ключи)

Вариант 2














I played football.

We went to school.

They helped me.

I walked in the park.


Was children right? – Were children right?


We didn’t tell many stories.


Where did they play yesterday?