Олимпиадные задания по иностранному языку (4 класс): Олимпиада по английскому языку среди 4 классов

Школьная олимпиада по английскому языку среди 4 классов

  1. Вычеркни лишнее слово
  1. tall, funny, kind, friendly
  2. seventy, thirteen, eighty, ninety
  3. swimming, running, reading, putting
  4. park, forty, farm, car
  5. pencil case, ruler, lamp, rubber
  6. PE, computer, Geography, English
  1. Посмотри и напиши что они делают


________________________            _____________________        __________________      ___________________

  1. Расшифруй число и найди соответствие. Запиши ответы в таблицу
  1. eninyt               ____ninety______                         a. 80
  2. tihtry                _______________                          b. 40
  3. tyseevn            _______________                          c. 100
  4. isyht                 _______________                          d. 50
  5. dhnredu            _______________                         e. 70
  6. oyfrt                 _______________                          f. 90
  7. egtyhi               _______________                          g. 30
  8. ftyfi                 ________________                         h. 60


  1. Прочитай и найди слово
  1. You can tell the time with this.              Watch
  2. You open doors with this.                   _____________
  3. You can play music with this.             _____________
  4. You can brush your hair with this.       _____________
  5. You can talk to your friend on this.     _____________
  6. You can take photos with this.            _____________
  1. Ребята играют в прятки. Допиши, кто где спрятался, используя слова из рамочки.


next to

in front of



  1. Fiona is __________________ (рядом с) the window.
  2. Ben and Tom are ____________ (за) the door.
  3. Chris is _____________ (перед) the sofa.
  4. Rob is ______________ (под) the table.
  5. Ann and Betty are _____________ (в) the kitchen.
  1. Напиши, кто чем занимается в данный момент, используя подсказки.


  1. Tom /eat an apple. – Tom is eating an apple.
  2. Patrick/skate. –  ___________________________________ __________
  3. Alice and Tony/ski. – _________________________________________
  4. He/surf. – __________________________________________________
  5. Dad/dive. – _________________________________________________
  6. My friends/play soccer. –  _____________________________________
  7. I/sail. – ____________________________________________________
  1. Поставь слова в правильном порядке и запиши предложения.
  1. is/our/kind/and/teacher/clever.


  1. mobile/on/phone/is/The/table/the.


  1. and/best/tall/friend/is/My/slim.


  1. is/your/like/sister/what?


  1. your/subject/What’s/favourite?


  1. Соотнесите названия стран и их флаги, затем напишите столицу

England                                           _______________







Northern Ireland                               _______________                                                                            

Олимпиада по английскому языку 4 класс

Олимпиада по английскому языку

2019-2020 уч. год

4 класс

Время выполнения работы 45 минут.

(максимальное количество баллов-33)

Олимпиада по английскому языку для учащихся 4 класса состоит из трёх разделов, включающих 6 заданий.

Раздел 1 (Чтение) включает 3 задания. За каждый правильный ответ выставляется один балл. Максимальное количество баллов за выполнение заданий Раздела 2 — 18. Рекомендуемое время на выполнение Раздела 2 – 25 минут.

Раздел 2 (Лексика и грамматика) состоит из 3 заданий на поиск лишнего слова, альтернативный выбор ответа из двух предложенных и выбор правильного ответа. Рекомендуемое время на выполнение этого раздела работы – 20 минут. За каждый правильный ответ выставляется один балл. Максимальное количество баллов за выполнение заданий Раздела 3 — 10.

Общее время проведения олимпиады – 45 минут. Максимальный общий балл за выполнение работы – 33.

Участникам олимпиады запрещено:

— обращаться с вопросами к кому-либо, кроме учителей;

— приносить в классы тетради, справочную литературу, учебники, любые электронные устройства (в том числе телефоны), служащие для передачи, получения или накопления информации.

Answer Sheet (лист ответов)

РАЗДЕЛ 1. Чтение

1 задание

2 задание




3 задание

РАЗДЕЛ 2. Лексика и грамматика

1 задание

2 задание

3 задание


РАЗДЕЛ 2. Чтение

1 задание

2 задание

3 задание

РАЗДЕЛ 3. Лексика и грамматика

1 задание

2 задание

3 задание

РАЗДЕЛ 2. Чтение

Задание 1 Прочитай рассказ о питомце, и вставь в пропуски подходящие слова из рамочки.

Напиши эти слова в бланк ответов.

love park meat tail white

My dog is called Sam and it is three years old. It is black and _________ (1) and it has got a long ___________ (2). It has got big ears too.

I must take Sam for a walk every day. I take it to the _______________ (3) with my dad. Sam can run fast, but it can’t catch balls. Sam must eat a lot of _____________ (4), but it must not eat ice cream. It must drink lots of water too. It sleeps in my bedroom.

I _______________ (5) Sam because it is friendly and clever. When I’m sad, Sam makes me happy again!

Задание 2 Посмотри на картинку и напишите, кто чем занят. В бланк ответов напиши только имена.

  1. She’s drinking water.

  2. He’s sitting under the tree.

  3. He’s kicking a ball.

  4. She’s writing.

  5. They’re reading.

  6. They’re climbing.

  7. They’re eating sandwiches.

  1. hello_html_m35dbe9eb.jpg

  2. Задание 3 Прочитай рассказ о том, как девочки ходили в кафе и напишите, верны ли предложения после текста. В бланк ответов запиши T (верно) или F (неверно).

  3. Little Apples and Big Apples

  4. Little Ann likes apples. She likes to look at them, she likes to play with them and she likes to eat them. Her mother gives her apples every day.

  5. But today the little girl’s mother hasn’t got any apples. She can’t give Ann an apple. But Ann wants to have an apple. She comes up to her mother and says, “Mummy, I want an apple! Give me an apple, please.” Her mother thinks and answers, “It is evening, my girl. Apples sleep in the evening. You must go and sleep too.” Ann says. “Oh, no, Mummy! Only little apples sleep. Big apples don’t sleep. Give me a big apple, Mummy!”

  1. Little Ann likes only to play with apples.

  2. The little girl eats apples every day.

  3. Today Ann doesn’t want to have an apple.

  4. Her mother can’t give Ann an apple today.

  5. Ann’s mother says that apples sleep in the evening.

  6. Ann goes to sleep because apples sleep in the evening.

  1. РАЗДЕЛ 3. Лексика и грамматика

  2. Задание 1. Какое из слов в каждой строчке лишнее? Подчеркните его. Свои ответы занесите в таблицу

  3. 1. cabbage, carrot, potato, ham, tomato, onion

  4. 2. teeth, tenth, twentieth, sixth, seventh, first

  5. 3. bear, fox, parrot, hare, tiger, elephant

  6. 4. write, read, run, get, nice, count

  7. 5. mouth, eye, ear, town, toe, foot

  8. Задание 2. Выберите нужное слово. Свои ответы занесите в таблицу.

  9. 1. Dogs like / likes meat.

  10. 2. I have got many/ much friends.

  11. 3. Do/ Does you drink milk every day?

  12. 4. Is/ Are you a student?

  13. 5. We don’t/ doesn’t go to school on Sunday.

  14. Задание 3. Выбери правильный ответ. Занеси ответ в таблицу.

  15. Fred and Vicky are talking about their pets. hello_html_5919a526.gif

  16. 1. Fred: Our new kitten is so funny! Vicky: a) Do they run?

  17. b) Is it?

  18. c) Are they new?

  19. 2. Vicky: Why is your kitten funny? Fred: a) You all smile

  20. b) I can’t tell them.

  21. c) It likes playing.

  22. 3. Vicky: What’s your kitten’s favourite toy? Fred: a) It’s another one.

  23. b) On the ground

  24. c) A big ball.

  25. 4. Fred: How old is your puppy? Vicky: a) It’s not big.

  26. b) Twelve weeks.

  27. c) It’s fine, thanks.

  28. 5. Fred: Does your puppy sleep outside? Vicky: a) No, it’s too young.

  29. b) Yes, we can do that.

  30. c) Its bed is very well.

Олимпиада по английскому 4 класс 2019

Городская олимпиада по английскому языку для учащихся 4 классов

2018-2019 уч. год

Код __________






Задания на 2 балла:

  1. Поменяйте местами буквы и отгадайте виды спорта:

1) LBSTBLAEAK ________________________________

2) OKHСYE _________________________________ ___ б.

2. Вставьте формы глагола to be (was, were, am, is, are, will be):

1) It ________ сold next winter.

2)_____ you happy now?

3)There ______ a lot of warm days last summer.

4) My brother_____ a good pupil. ___ б.

3. Обведите правильную форму прилагательного:

  1. China is a (large / larger / largest) country.

  2. The cat is (small / smaller / smallest) than the tiger.

  3. Tom is the (bad / worse / worst) boy in his class.

  4. There are some (beautiful/ more beautiful / the most beautiful) posters on the door. ___ б.

Задания на 3 балла:

4. Напишите вопросы, которые были заданы.

1._______________________________________________________________________ ?

Yes, she did. She sang well.

2. _______________________________________________________________________?

Yes, they can. They can ski.


Yes, he does. He runs every day. ___ б.

5. Решите примеры и запишите ответ по-английски (буквами):

sixty nine + one = ______________________________________________

eighty + fifteen= _______________________________________________

thirty four — six = _______________________________________________

___ б.

6. Вставьте в каждое предложение глагол «go» в соответствующей форме:

1) He _________________ to school every day.

2) They _______________ to the museum last Sunday.

3) We _________________ to the zoo tomorrow.

___ б.

Задания на 5 баллов:

7. Прочитайте текст:
Schools in Great Britain

        In Great Britain boys and girls begin to go to school when they are five years old. Some boys and girls go to school till they are fifteen years old, others go up to sixteen or eighteen.

        English schools are open five days a week. On Saturdays and Sundays there are no lessons.

        There are primary and secondary schools in Great Britain. English children begin to go to a secondary school when they are eleven or older. There are different kinds of secondary schools in Britain. Some secondary schools are only for boys, some are only for girls and some are for boys and girls. Some schools prepare pupils for work, others for the university.

        The pupils of all schools have uniforms. The boys wear dark grey, dark green or dark blue uniforms. The girls in some schools wear blouses and skirts, in others they wear dresses.

primary schools — начальные школы

secondary schools — средние школы

university — университет

Отметьте буквой T (True) правдивые утверждения, а буквой F (False) – ложные.
1. In Great Britain boys and girls begin to go to school when they are six.

  1. English schools work five days a week.

  2. Some schools prepare pupils for work, others for the university.

  3. The pupils of all schools have no uniforms.

5. On Saturdays and Sundays there are no lessons.

___ б.

8. Составьте и запишите по картинке 5 предложений по — английски.








___ б.

  1. Отгадайте ребус. Запишите отгадку по — английски и перевод

по- русски.


___ б.

Спасибо за участие в олимпиаде!

Ответы к городской олимпиаде по английскому языку для 4 класса:

1. За каждое слово – по 1 баллу.



Итого: 2 балла.

2. За каждую форму глагола — по 0,5 балла.

  1. will be

  2. Are

  3. were

  4. is

Итого: 2 балла.

3. За каждую форму прилагательного — по 0,5 балла.

1) large

2) smaller

3) worst

4) beautiful

Итого: 2 балла.

4. За каждый вопрос – по 1 баллу.

  1. Did she sing well?

  2. Can they ski?

  3. Does he run every day?

Итого: 3 балла.

5. По 1 баллу за каждый правильный ответ.

1) seventy

2) ninety- five

3) twenty- eight

Итого: 3 балла.

6. За каждую форму глагола – по 1 баллу.

1) goes

2) went

3) will/shall go

Итого: 3 балла.

7. За каждую правильно поставленную букву – по 1 баллу.

1) F 2) T 3) T 4) F 5) T

Итого: 5 баллов.

8. За каждое предложение – по 1 баллу. За каждую ошибку снимаем 0,5 балла.

Итого: 5 баллов.

9. За правильный ответ – 5 баллов.

Parrots – попугаи. (Если в ответе написано в ед. числе — то 4 балла)

Итого: 5 баллов.

Всего за олимпиаду: 30 баллов (100%).

Коллеги! Спасибо за работу на городской олимпиаде

по английскому языку!

Олимпиада по английскому языку для 4 класса


по учебному предмету «Английский язык»

для учащихся 4 классов.

Общее количество баллов – 52.


I. Listening.

Прослушай текст 2 раза и выполни задания.

1.Put the sentences in the correct order (1-8) :

񠑙Oh, Dan . Where are you?

񠑙What is the weather like in Italy?

񠑙 Dan! Dan!

񠑙I am in Italy now

񠑙It iֺs sunny and hot

񠑙Hello, Jim. It’s me, Dan.

񠑙I will swim and dive!

񠑙That’s great! What will you do tomorrow?

2.Choose the correct answer Выбери правильный ответ :

1 Who is Dan speaking to?

a) Jim

b) Dino

c) Martin

2 Where is Dan?

a) in Antarctica

b) in Italy

c) in America

3 What is the weather like?

  1. sunny and hot

  2. hot and fine

  3. sunny and warm

4 What will Dan do tomorrow?

  1. dive and swim

  2. dive and play football

  3. swim and jump

2 Reading

Прочитай текст и выполни задания

Ann, Dolly and Rex.

Ann is a little girl. She has got no brothers or sisters. But she’s got two friends: Rex and Dolly.

Rex is a big dog. Dolly is a big doll (кукла). Day after day Ann plays with Dolly and Rex. They play in the field (поле) near the river.

One day Ann sees many red, blue and yellow flowers near the river. She wants to give them to her mother.

But she falls (падает) into the river. Rex jumps after her. He catches (ловит) Ann by the dress. Then he puts her under a big tree.

Ann opens her eyes. ”Oh, Rex”, she cries.” Dolly! Where is Dolly?”

Rex jumps into the river. Then he comes back and puts Dolly under a big tree.

1 Answer the questions:

1 How many friends has Ann got?

2 Is Rex a big or little dog?

3 Where does Ann play with Dolly and Rex?

4 Does Rex help Ann and Dolly?

5 Can Ann swim?

2 True or false?

1 Ann is a little girl

2 She has got no friends

3 Rex is a big cat

4 Dolly is a little girl

5 Rex catches Ann by dress

3 English in use

1 Choose the proper variant of the translation of the proverb.

All is well that ends well.

a) Все хорошо, что хорошо кончается.

b) Мал золотник, да дорог.

c) Нет худа, без добра.

2 Look at the picture and say where the animals are. Choose the proper variant.

1. a) in b) next to c) in the middle

2. a) behind b) in front of c) above

3. a) above b) under c) between

4. a) under b) on c) behind

5. a) on b) next to c) in front of

6. a) between b) behind c) under

3 Choose the proper variant.

1. a) tooth b) teeth 2. a) man b) men 3. a) sheep b) ship

4. a) butterflys b) butterflies 5. a) boys b) boyes 6. a) busies b) buses

4 Составь утвердительное предложение из данных слов.

listen any to music season can We at

Ответ: _____________________________________________

5 Choose the correct form of the verb:

1. My granddad ____ brave and strong.

a) am b) is c) are

2. ____ they happy?

a) am b) is c) are

3. We ____ nice family.

a) am b) is c) are

4. Jim ____ got a new kite.

a) have b) has c) is

5. You _____ be late to school!

a) can b) must c) mustn’t

6. She _____ English very well.

a) speak b) speaks c) speaking

7. They often _____ basketball after school.

a) play b) plays c) playes

8. ____ you watch TV in the evening?

a) Do b) Does c) Have

9. ____ he like fairy-tales?

a) Do b) Does c) Has

10. Bears usually _____ in winter.

a) sleep b) sleeps c) sleeping

4 Writing

Write the letter to John and answer his questions

Los Angeles

10 December

Dear pen friend,

My name is John. I am 10. I am from the USA. I live with my mum.dad and two sisters Betty and Kate. What is your name? How old are you? Have you got a brother or a sister?

My birthday is on the 18th of August. Summer is my favourite season. In Summer I roller skate and ride my bike. When is your birthday? What is your favourite season?

Please write back.

Your pen friend,

John Smith

Бланк ответов

I Listening. Внеси ответы в таблицу.

1.Put the sentences in the correct order Расположите предложения в правильном порядке(1-8) : 8 баллов

񠑙Oh, Tiny. Where are you?

񠑙What is the weather like in Africa?

񠑙 Tiny! Tiny!

񠑙I am in Africa now

񠑙It iֺs sunny and hot

񠑙Hello, Billy. It’s me, Tiny.

񠑙I will swim and dive!

񠑙That’s great! What will you do tomorrow?

2.Choose the correct answer. Выберите правильный ответ : 4 балла

2 Reading

1 Answer the questions: 5 баллов

2 True or false? 5 баллов

3 English in Use

1 Choose the proper variant of the translation of the proverb. Выбери подходящий перевод пословицы. 1 балл

All is well that ends well


2 Look at the picture and say where the animals are. Choose the proper variant. Посмотри на картинки и скажи, где находятся животные. Выбери соответствующий вариант ответа. 6 баллов

3 Choose the proper variant. 6 баллов

4 Составь утвердительное предложение из данных слов. 1 балл

Ответ: _____________________________________________

5 Choose the correct form of the verb: 10 баллов.

4 Writing

Write the letter to John and answer his questions. Напиши письмо Джону и ответь на его вопросы

Ответы на все вопросы-5 баллов, првильное оформление письма 1 балл


Бланк ответов

I Listening. Внеси ответы в таблицу.

1.Put the sentences in the correct order (1-8) Расположите предложения в правильном порядке : 8 баллов

2񠑙Oh, Dan. Where are you?

4񠑙What is the weather like in Italy?

8񠑙 Dan! Dan!

3񠑙I am in Italy now.

5񠑙It iֺs sunny and hot

1񠑙Hello, Jim. It’s me, Dan.

7񠑙I will swim and dive!

6񠑙That’s great! What will you do tomorrow?

2.Choose the correct answer:

2 Reading

1 Answer the questions:








In the field

Yes,he does

No,she can’t

2 True or false?

3 English in use

1 Choose the proper variant of the translation of the proverb. Выбери подходящий перевод пословицы.

All is well that ends well

2 Look at the picture and say where the animals are. Choose the proper variant. Посмотри на картинки и скажи, где находятся животные. Выбери соответствующий вариант ответа.

3 Choose the proper variant. Выбери правильный вариант.

4 Составь утвердительное предложение из данных слов.

Ответ: _We can listen to music at any season____________________________________________

5 Choose the correct form of the verb: Выбери правильную форму глагола.





















4 Writing

Write the letter to John and answer his questions Напиши письмо Джону и ответь на его вопросы

Аудирование (текст)

— Hello, Jim. It’s me, Dan.

— Oh, Dan. Where are you?

— I am in Italy now.

— What is the weather like in Italy?

— It iֺs sunny and hot.

— That’s great! What will you do tomorrow?

— I will swim and dive!

— Dan! Dan!

Олимпиадные задания по английскому языку: олимпиада 4 класс 2019

Part I Listening

Task 1 You will hear a conversation between a woman and Matt. What is each person in Matt’s family reading? For questions 1–7 cross out the wrong answer in the table. You will hear the recording twice.















address book









birthday card





Part II Reading

Task 2. Read the text. Are these statements true (T) or false (F)?

Is There Anybody Out There?

We have seen them in films, we have read about them in books and we have heard about them in the news. But do those green creatures with big heads really exist? The astronomer, Ros Watts, has just written a new book called Is there anybody out there? Here, Carl Jackson interviews her.

CJ: Professor Watts, you go to a lot of international conferences on astronomy. Where have you been this month?

RW: Well, I have just come back from Puerto Rico. We have just had a meeting there to discuss radio signals from space.

CJ: Have we ever received signals from outer space?

RW: No, we haven’t. But scientists have begun a programme to look for them. They are using radio telescopes.

CJ: And have scientists sent messages into space?

RW: Yes, we have. In fact, we have just sent a new message. We’ve used mathematics to try to communicate with aliens. But we haven’t had a reply!

CJ: And what about space exploration? What have scientists found? Have you ever seen signs of life?

RW: We haven’t discovered ‘life’ but we’ve seen conditions for it. A spaceship has just taken new pictures of Mars. They show that there was water on the planet once. And, we have just made a very interesting discovery – there is ice at the poles of the Moon!

CJ: Wow, that’s interesting. One last question, Professor Watts. Have you ever seen an alien or a UFO?

RW: No, I’ve never seen one! But that doesn’t mean they don’t exist!

8.Professor Watts travels a lot on business.

9. Scientists have received messages from space.

10. Astronomers use English in messages to space.

11. Scientists have discovered life on Mars.

12. There is water on Mars.

13. There is ice on the Moon.

14. Professor Watts thinks there are no aliens.

Part III

Use of English

Task 3  Choose the correct answer A, B or C.

15. They had a lot of balls, …?

A. didn’t they

B. did they

C. hadn’t they

16. He lives in Paris. – How long … there?

A. does he live

B. did he live

С. has he lived

17. … a lot of children in the park tomorrow.

A. It won’t be

B. It will be

C. There will be

18. If you go there you … to meet him.

A. could

B. will be able

C. must

19. Jim is a … speaker.

A. slow

B. slowly

C. well

20. The news … terrible.

21. She must … the police.

A. calls

B. to call

C. call

22. Nobody … leap frog now.

A. play

B. plays

C. doesn’t play

23. What … dirty clothes!

24. I have a lot of sandwiches, but I have very … cakes.

Task 4. Fill in the gaps in the poem with the correct words from the box:

child               hands                lips                 ears             eyes           roads              feet

Two little (25) ______

To look around.

Two little (26) ______

To hear any sound.

Two little (27) ______

To hold hands tight.

Two little (28) ______

To walk left or right.

Two little (29) ______

To say: “Beware”.

One little (30) ______

To cross the (31) ______

With care.

Task 5. Complete the sentences with these words from the box:

Long           short             square              bright                small                  medium

He’s got a (32) _______ mouth.

She’s of (33) _______ height.

He isn’t tall – he’s quite (34) ________ .

She’s got (35) ______ brown hair.

I like (36) _______ colours – I hate black and grey.

He’s got a (37) ______ face.

Part IV Writing

Imagine you are in a holiday camp and your mobile phone doesn’t work. Leave a note to your roommate Ann/ Nick:


 — you can’t go to the cinema with him/ her;

 — where you are going instead;

 — when you can see each other;

 — where you will meet; —

what you will do together when you meet.

 Write about 35-45 words.

Школьный тур олимпиады по английскому языку. 4-й класс


Задание № 1

Внимательно прочитай утверждения. Послушай
текст и подчеркни слово “True”, если ты согласен с
утверждением, и “False”, если ты не согласен.

1It often rained when Peter was in the country.True/ False
2Peter and his friends didn’t swim when it was rainy.True/ False
3Peter and friends didn’t find any mushrooms.True/ False
4Nobody could cook mushroom soup.True/ False
5Peter didn’t like mushroom soup.True/ False

Задание № 2

Прочитай текст и ответь на вопросы (отвечай на
вопросы кратко, не пиши полные предложения).


It was the first day of the winter holiday. It was a beautiful day. The
trees were white with snow. Peter and his friends went for a walk to the yard. There was a
lot of snow. Peter said, ‘Let’s make a snowman, Tom!’ “Oh! That’s a good
idea,” Tom said.

They made three big snowballs. The first snowball was very big. The
second ball was smaller than the first one. The third was the smallest. The smallest
snowball was the “head”. Then they took three sticks: one for a “mouth” and two
small sticks for “eyes”.

Tom had an idea. “We can make the nose out of a big carrot”. They
ran home, took a big carrot and an old pot. The boys put the pot on the snowman’s head
and made the “nose” out of the carrot. The snowman was ready. How funny it was! The
friends were happy. They had a lot of fun.


What season was it?



What colour were the trees?



What was Peter’s friend name?



What did Peter and Tom want to make?



How many snowballs did the boys make?



What did they use to make the snowman’s mouth and


Задание № 3

Задай вопросы к подчеркнутым членам

  1. The boy is at home.
  2. Jack went to the park yesterday.
  3. He is a doctor.
  4. Jane will read a book tomorrow.
  5. Mary is helping about the house.

Задание № 4

Раскрой скобки и поставь глагол в
правильной форме.

The boy (1) (to be) in the park now. He (2) (to roller-skate). He (3)
(to like) to roller-skate. The weather (4) (to be) fine and sunny. It (5) (not to rain)
now. The wind (6) (not to blow). But yesterday it (7) (to be) windy and cold so he (8)
(not to go) to the park. Today he (9) (to meet) his friend in the park. He thinks they
(10) (to roller-skate) together tomorrow.

Задание № 5

Представь, что сейчас лето и ты находишься на
отдыхе. Напиши открытку Бетти и сообщи:

  1. Где ты находишься.
  2. Какая там погода.
  3. Чем ты занимаешься сейчас.

Задание № 6

Собери английскую пословицу и запиши
ее русский аналог.

Задание № 7*

Превратите “lean” в “meet”, меняя за ход
только одну букву.










Задание № 8*

Соедините половинки пословиц. Укажите
номера пословиц с одинаковым смыслом.


Silence is …


in the mouth


Out of sight…


far from heart


Don’t look a gift horse…


to learn


It is never too late…




Far from eye…


out of mind

Задание № 9*

Разгадай ребусы


Задание № 1

Внимательно прочитай утверждения. Послушай
текст и подчеркни слово “True”, если ты согласен с
утверждением, и “False”, если ты не согласен.

1Peter didn’t like mushroom soup.True/ False
2It often rained when Peter was in the country.True/ False
3Peter and friends didn’t find any mushrooms.True/ False
4Peter and his friends didn’t swim when it was rainy.True/ False
5Nobody could cook mushroom soup.True/ False

Задание № 2

Прочитай текст и ответь на вопросы (отвечай на
вопросы кратко, не пиши полные предложения).


It was the first day of the winter holiday. It was a beautiful day. The
trees were white with snow. Peter and his friends went for a walk to the yard. There was a
lot of snow. Peter said, ‘Let’s make a snowman, Tom!’ “Oh! That’s a good
idea,” Tom said.

They made three big snowballs. The first snowball was very big. The
second ball was smaller than the first one. The third was the smallest. The smallest
snowball was the “head”. Then they took three sticks: one for a “mouth” and two
small sticks for “eyes”.

Tom had an idea. “We can make the nose out of a big carrot”. They
ran home, took a big carrot and an old pot. The boys put the pot on the snowman’s head
and made the “nose” out of the carrot. The snowman was ready. How funny it was! The
friends were happy. They had a lot of fun.


What season was it?



What colour were the trees?



What did Peter and Tom want to make?



What did they use to make the snowman’s mouth and



What was Peter’s friend name?



How many snowballs did the boys make?


Задание № 3

Задай вопросы к подчеркнутым членам

  1. He is a doctor.
  2. Mary is helping about the house.
  3. Jack went to the park yesterday.
  4. The boy is at home.
  5. Jane will read a book tomorrow.

Задание № 4

Раскрой скобки и поставь глагол в
правильной форме.

The boy (1) (to be) in the park now. He (2) (to roller-skate). He (3)
(to like) to roller-skate. The weather (4) (to be) fine and sunny. It (5) (not to rain)
now. The wind (6) (not to blow). But yesterday it (7) (to be) windy and cold so he (8)
(not to go) to the park. Today he (9) (to meet) his friend in the park. He thinks they
(10) (to roller-skate) together tomorrow.

Задание № 5

Представь, что сейчас лето и ты находишься на
отдыхе. Напиши открытку Бетти и сообщи:

  1. Где ты находишься.
  2. Какая там погода.
  3. Чем ты занимаешься сейчас.

Задание № 6

Собери английскую пословицу и запиши
ее русский аналог.

Задание № 7*

Превратите “lean” в “meet”, меняя за ход
только одну букву.










Задание № 8*

Соедините половинки пословиц. Укажите
номера пословиц с одинаковым смыслом.


Silence is …


in the mouth


Out of sight…


far from heart


Don’t look a gift horse…


to learn


It is never too late…




Far from eye…


out of mind

Задание № 9*

Разгадай ребусы

Бланк ответов


Требования и баллы


Олимпиада по английскому языку, 3 – 4 классы

Олимпиада по английскому языку, 3 – 4 классы

  1. Прочитай текст и выполни задания


Sally is six. She is a girl. She is from Great Britain. She lives with her mum,dad and a brother. He is ten

Today is the 9th of January. It’s her birthday. Winter is her favourite season. In winter she skates, skis, play snowballs, and makes a snowman.

In the morning her mother, father, and brother give Sally presents.

Her father gives Sally a red ball. The ball is very nice and she likes the present. Her mother gives her a big doll. The doll is very nice too. Her brother Sam gives Sally a little kitten. It is not a toy. The kitten is black and white. He is very nice and funny. The kitten can run and jump and it likes to play. 
Sally takes the kitten into her hands. She likes her kitten and she is very happy.

1)Отметь утверждения, соответствующие содержанию рассказа , знаком «+» , не соответствующие – «-»

1) Sally is ten.

2) Her mother, father, brother, don’t give her presents.

3) Her father gives Sally a red ball.

4) Sally does not like the present.

5) Her mother gives her a big doll.

6) Her brother gives Sally a little kitten.

7) The kitten is red.

8) Sally does not take the kitten into her hands.

2) Найди правильный вариант окончания следующих предложений .

1) Sally is…

a) a little kitten.

2) Her father gives her…

b) six.

3) Her mother gives her…

c) a red ball.

4) Her brother gives her

d) run and jump.

5) The kitten is…

e) a big doll.

6) The kitten can…

f) black and white

7) Sally takes the kitten…

g) very happy.

8) She is…

h) into her hands.

2. Прочитайте вопросы в первой колонке и найдите на них ответы во второй колонке.

1) Сan cats jump? a) She is from London.

2) Where are your balls? b) He likes to play with his friends.

3) Where is Mary from? c) Yes, they do.

4) Who does Mike like to play with? d) Yes, they can.

5) Сan snakes jump? e) They are in the box.

6) Do they like to dance? f) She is my mother.

7) What colour are the horses? g) No, they can’t.

8) Who is she? h) They are brown.

3.Составьте предложения из следующих слов .

1) сan’t, football, girls, play

2) to, hockey, likes, he , play, table, and , tennis.

3) kitten, is, the, grey, black, and.

4) boys, well, swim, can?

5) stadium, play , with, volleyball, let’s, friends, at the.

4.Найди значение следующих слов. Ответы впиши в таблицу.

1) milk a) шоколад

2) honey b) мороженое

3) juice с) масло

4) favourite d) спорт

5) sport e)молоко

6) butter f)мед

7) chocolate g)любимый

8) ice-cream h) сок

5.Переведи данные словосочетания на английский язык.

1) первое мая —

2) второе декабря –

3) четвёртое октября –

4) двенадцатое ноября –

5) тринадцатое февраля –

6.Выбери только один правильный вариант.

1) People don’t work__________ holidays.

a) in b) on c) near

2) Last week I had a birthday___________.

a) holiday b) visit c) party

3) Christmas is on the______________________.

a) 25th of January b) 25thof December c) 25th of November

4) «We wish you a__________ Christmas!»

a) happy b) merry c) funny

5) What is there in Father Christmas’ bag?_______________

a) greeting cards b) Christmas trees c) presents for children

6) English people celebrate New Year on the______________.

a) 31st of November b) 31st of January c) 31st of December

7) He usually__________________ his homework at four o’clock.

a) do b) does c) is doing

8) Is your brother _________________ ?

a) a sportsman b) sportsman c) sportsmen

9) Who _____________in the classroom?

a) are b) is c) play

10) ______________ the present?

a) does she like b) she like she likes

7. Прочитай рассказ. Подчеркни подходящие по смыслу слова.

My favourite (holidays, season, book) is autumn. It’s a (beautiful, ugly, bad) season. The leaves in the trees are (violet, blue, yellow). It is (warm, cold, snowy) in September. I can go for a (walk, run, jump). On the 1st of September I am glad to see my ( parents, friends, pilots) at school after the long summer holidays.

Ключи к олимпиаде по английскому языку 3-4 классы

  1. 1)-








2. 1) b

2) c

3) e

4) a

5) f

6) d

7) h

8) g

  1. 1) d

2) e

3) a

4) b

5) g

6) c

7) h

8) f

3. 1) Girls can’t play football.

2) He likes to play hockey and table tennis.

3) The kitten is black and grey.

4) Can boys swim well?

5) Let’s play volleyball with friends at the stadium.

4. 1) e

2) f

3) h

4) g

5) d

6) c

7) a

8) b

5. 1) The first of May

2) The second of December

3) The fourth of October

4) The twelfth of November

5) The thirteenth of February

6. 1) b

2) c

3) b

4) b

5) c

6) c

7) b

8) a

9) b

10) a

7. season




