Тест по английскому языку 4 класс
Лексический раздел.
1.Выбери лишнее слово:
a)aunt, uncle, daddy, ant
b) green, yellow, butter, red
c) bean, shirt, skirt, hat
d) tree, rose ,short, leaves
2. Какое это время года?
It begins in June, after the last spring month. It is the favorite season for the most people.
a) It is winter. b) It is spring. c) It is autumn. d) It is summer.
3. Найди подходящий перевод.
She is my friend.
a) Она подруга.
b) Мы с ней друзья.
c) Она моя подруга.
4.Угадай о каком предмете идет речь.
I am good with trains. I like sport.
5. Разделите слова на две темы:
Class, lesson, popcorn, chicken,
teacher, science, meat, milk
Грамматический раздел.
6. Найди правильный перевод.
Don’t touch my book!
a) Трогай мою книгу! b) Не трогай мою книгу!
c) Никогда не бери мою книгу! d)Это не твоя книга!
7. Вставьте глагол to be (is,am,are).
a) I ___a student.
b) ___he riding a horse?
c) What ___ Ben Doing?
d) It __ a pity!
8. Выберите правильное местоимение.
We are brothers. ____ names are Tom and Harry.
9. Вставьте нужную форму have или has.
1) We ___got 6 pencils.
2) I ___got a brother.
3) My dog ___ got green eyes.
4) My mother ____ got fair hair.
10.Найди предложение в Present Cont. Tense (настоящем продолженном времени):
a) What are you doing?
b) I have got an umbrella.
c) You wear this on your head.
d)I make bread and cakes.
Лексико-грамматический раздел.
11. Соедините слова с правильным переводом.
Dad зеленый
Gran хлопать
Clap папа
Green бабушка
12. Образуй отрицательные предложения.
a) I can read.
b) You will sleep.
c) I am a pupil.
d) They go to school.
13.Выбери правильный перевод словосочетания.
1.The mother’s hat.
a)мамина шляпа
b)шляпы мам
2. The girls’ toys
a)игрушки девочек
b)игрушка девочки
3. The uncle’s car.
a)дядина машина
b)машина дядь
4. The boys’ pens.
a)ручки мальчиков
b)ручки мальчика
14.Задай вопросы к ответам.
1.Yes,I can.
2.Yes,you may.
3.No, he isn’t.
4. No, she has not.
15. Выбери правильное слово Much, Many.
1. … coffee
2. …cheese
3. ….butter
4. ….pen
16. Дайте короткие ответы на вопросы.
1. Do you go to school every day?
2. Can you swim?
3. Has your mother got a car?
4.Is there a kitchen in your flat?
17. Выбери правильный ответ.
What is your name?
a)I am Nanya
b) I is Nanya
c) I are Yasha
d) He is Sasha
18. Ответь правильно на вопрос.
Is there a kitchen in your flat?
a) No, there are not
b) No, there am
c) No, there is not
d) No, there did
Итоговый тест по английскому языку 4 класс
Итоговый тест
по английскому языку 4 класс
Прочитай транскрипцию и напиши слово буквами.
[‘ru:lə] /5
Составь словосочетания и запиши их.
Go | by heart |
Ride | snowballs |
Large | in the armchair |
Warm | in the garden |
Work | flowers |
Water | the washing up |
Sit | carpet |
Play | a bike |
Do | kitchen |
learn | to school |
1.ходить в школу- __________________________________________________
2.кататься на велосипеде- ____________________________________________
3.большая кухня- ___________________________________________________
4.теплый ковер- ____________________________________________________
5.работать в саду- __________________________________________________
6.поливать цветы- __________________________________________________
7.сидеть в кресле- __________________________________________________
8.играть в снежки- __________________________________________________
9. мыть посуду-_____________________________________________________
10.учить наизусть- __________________________________________________
Заполни пропуски предлогами.
Предлоги: in the middle of, in, to, above, on.
1.He likes to ski _____ winter.
2.Do you like to listen _____ music?
3.I play tennis _____ Sunday.
4.What is there _____ the room.
5.There is a nice picture _____the table. /5
Составь предложения из слов.
1.is, an armchair, there, in your kitchen?
2. did, clean, your room, you, yesterday?
3.it, in winter, is, very cold.
4.a lot of sweets, there, in the box, were.
5.my mother, next summer, will take me, to the Black Sea.
_______________________________________________ /10
Раскрой скобки, употребив глагол в Past Simple.
The Red Cow (1) _____ (live) in the field of beautiful flowers. In the morning she (2) _____ (give) lessons to her daughter. In the afternoon they (3) _____ (eat) sweet green grass. In the evening the Red Cow (4) _____ (think) about her happy life. One night the Red Cow (5) _____ (get) up suddenly and (6) _____ (begin) to dance. There (7) _____ (be) no music but she (8) _____ (dance). Then she (9) _____ (want) to stop but she could not. /9
Переделай предложения по образцу.
Образец: She watches TV every day. – Yesterday she watched TV too.
1.We wash our hands every day. – Yesterday we ___________ our hands too.
2.I go to school every morning. – Yesterday I ___________ there too.
3.She waters flowers every day. – Yesterday she __________ flowers too.
4.My cat catches a mouse every day. – Yesterday my cat __________ a mouse too.
5.I see my friends every day. – Yesterday I __________ my friends too.
Выбери нужное слово и заполни пропуски.
1.I always ______ my homework in the evening.
2.Mag ______ the flowers every morning.
3.When do you usually ______ lunch?
4.______ you do your homework two days ago?
5.His sister ______ puzzles yesterday.
a) didn’t play
b) doesn’t play
c) won’t play /5
Раскрой скобки, употребив прилагательное в правильной форме.
1.My sister is the __________ (good) pupil in her class.
2.It is a very __________ (funny) English book.
3.This baby is the __________ (smart) baby in the world.
4.My bike is __________ (small) than your bike.
5.Tigers are __________ (big) than dogs. /5
Заполни таблицу.
Давать | give | gave |
go | ||
Приносить | ||
get | ||
Покупать | ||
made | ||
put | ||
Слышать | ||
fell |
1.ходить в школу- go to school
2.кататься на велосипеде- ride a bike
3.большая кухня- large kitchen
4.теплый ковер- warm carpet
5.работать в саду- work in the garden
6.поливать цветы- water the flowers
7.сидеть в кресле- sit in the armchair
8.играть в снежки- play snowballs
9. мыть посуду – do the washing up
10.учить наизусть – learn by heat
1. in
2. to
3. on
4. in the middle
5. above
1. Is there an armchair in your kitchen?
2. Did you clean your room yesterday?
3. It is very cold in winter.
4. There were a lot of sweets in the box.
5. .My mother will take me to the Black Sea next summer.
The Red Cow (1) __lived_ in the field of beautiful flowers. In the morning she (2) _gave lessons to her daughter. In the afternoon they (3) __ate___ sweet green grass. In the evening the Red Cow (4) _thought____ about her happy life. One night the Red Cow (5) _got____ up suddenly and (6) _began____ to dance. There (7) __was___ no music but she (8) _danced. Then she (9) wanted to stop but she could not.
.We wash our hands every day. – Yesterday we __washed_________ our hands too.
2.I go to school every morning. – Yesterday I _went__________ there too.
3.She waters flowers every day. – Yesterday she ___watered_______ flowers too.
4.My cat catches a mouse every day. – Yesterday my cat ____caught______ a mouse too.
5.I see my friends every day. – Yesterday I ____saw______ my friends too.
1. b)do
2. b)waters
3. b)have
4. c)Did
5. a) didn’t play
1.My sister is the __best________ (good) pupil in her class.
2.It is a very _____funny_____ (funny) English book.
3.This baby is the ___smartest_______ (smart) baby in the world.
4.My bike is ___smaller_______ (small) than your bike.
5.Tigers are ____bigger______ (big) than dogs.
давать | give | gave |
идти | go | went |
приносить | bring | brought |
получать | get | got |
покупать | buy | bought |
делать | make | made |
класть | put | put |
слышать | hear | heard |
падать | fall | fell |
Лексико-грамматический тест по английскому языку для 4 класса
Предлагаю вам несложный лексико-грамматический тест для 4 класса, который направлен на проверку таких грамматических тем, как
- построение кратких ответов
- число существительных
- использование have/has
- использование Present Simple
- использование глагола to be в настоящем времени
- предложения с there is/there are
Lexical-grammar Test (4 th form)
I. Match the words with the translation.
Lazy Naughty Hair Daughter A shop-assistant A woman A cinema Bones Grass Boring A wardrobe | Дочь Продавец Кости Женщина Кинотеатр Скучный Ленивый Непослушный Трава Платяной шкаф Волосы |
II. Insert have or has.
1) We _____ got 5 lessons today.
2) My parents _____ got a lot of money.
3) I ________ got a brother and a sister.
4) My friends ________ got green eyes.
5) My mother ________got fair hair.
III. Choose the right option.
1) My parents am\is\are kind.
2) My sister tidy\tidies the room every day.
3) Do\Does you go to school every day?
4) My friends don’t\doesn’t like to read.
5) I wear a hat\sweater on my head.
6) I wear trousers\gloves on my hands.
IV. Give short answers.
1) Do you go to school every day?
2) Can you swim?
3) Can your brother dance?
4) Has your mother got a car?
5) Does your friend feed his pet?
6) Are there two bedrooms in your flat?
7) Have your parents got roller-skates?
8) Is there a kitchen in your flat?
V. Write negatives and questions.
I am a pupil.
She has got a dog.
I play football every day.
He takes a shower every day.
My Mum can swim.
There is a pen on the table.
Смотрите также второй вариант данного теста.
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Тест по иностранному языку (4 класс) на тему: Тест по английскому языку для 4 класса
Прочитайте текст, состоящий из 6 частей ( A-F).Перед вами 5 вопросов (1-5) к разным частям текста.Установите в каких частях текста можно найти ответы на эти вопросы. Ответ на каждый вопрос можно найти только в одной части текста. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу, приведенную ниже, где под номером вопроса впишите соответствующую букву. В задании одна часть текста лишняя.
A. Once upon a time there lived a family of rabbits. There were five of them: Mr.Rabbit, Mrs.Rabbit and little baby-rabbits. Their parents called them “bunnies” and they loved them very much.
B. Sweety was big and fat. He liked only sweets, chocolate, sugar and honey. He didn’t like vegetables and porridge. Their sister’s name was Fruity. As you can see by her name, she liked fruit very much.
C. Mr. and Mrs. Rabbit bought their children the food they liked.
D. One day Mrs. Rabbit went shopping and bought many apples, sweets, potatoes, oranges, cakes, a box of chocolate, ice-cream, carrots and tomatoes for breakfast.
E. She gave sweets, cakes, ice-cream and a box of chocolate to Sweety and he was happy. She gave apples and oranges to Fruity.She gave potatoes and carrots to Potato.
F. But what about tomatoes? Whom did she give tomatoes to? What is a tomato? It is a fruit! So she gave tomatoes to Fruity.
- Was Sweety big and fat?
- Whom did Mrs. Rabbit give tomatoes to?
- How did the parents call their children?
- What did Mrs. Rabbit give to Sweety?
- What did Mrs. Rabbit buy one day?
1 2 3 4 5
Прочитайте письмо английского мальчика Майка Робинсона, который решил завести переписку с кем-нибудь в Австралии. В письме есть пропуски,обозначенные номерами А1-А10. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям А1-А10, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов.Запишите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа.Например: А1-2.
Dear Pen Friend,
Hello! My name ( A1) Mike Robinson. I (A2) from Bodmin, it’s the town of Cornwall. It (A3) half an hour to get to the ocean from our place by car. We often (A4) there in the summer. I like swimming very much.
I like football, too. We (A5) football at school. It’s a pity the field is rather small. Bodmin is on the hills and it’s difficult to find a place for the field.
I have already (A6) to London. I have (A7) the Tower of London, St Paul’s Cathedral, Trafalgar Square and other interesting places. I have (A8) a lot about the history of London. Have you ever been to London?
My favourite food is fish. My father (A9) a job in the bank. He says that in Australia there are a lot of people from Cornwall. They (A10) to Australia ten years ago.
Write soon!
Best wishes, Mike.
A1 | 1) am | 2) is | 3) are |
Вы услышите 5 коротких объявлений директора школы на утреннем собрании перед учениками(ASSEMBLY), когда вся школа собирается, чтобы послушать последние новости о спортивной и учебной жизни заведения и получить наставления или порицания. Установите соответствие между объявлениями 1-5 и утверждениями, данными в спискеA-F. Используйте каждую букву, обозначающую утверждение только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите объявление дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.
- Our football team is the best one in our city. Yesterday it was a football match between two best schools of the city. Our boys played very well. Let’s congratulate them.
- Yesterday some pupils were late for classes. Certainly, you know the proverb: “ Better late than never”. But you mustn’t be late for classes. Go to bed earlier and get up earlier. Come to school in time.
- Our school dining-room will not work tomorrow. You must take your lunch boxes. You can put there cookies, sandwiches, sweets and juice. Please, don’t forget about your uniform.
- We are sorry, but the teacher of Math is ill. Tomorrow you will not have Math , you will have Physical Education and Handicraft. Please, don’t forget about your uniform.
- On Friday it will be a very interesting film on at the cinema “ Odeon”. This cinema is not far from our school. It is near the Main Road and tickets are not very expensive. So we can go there after classes.
This announcement is about:
- the place they can go after classes.
- the timetable for the next year.
- a packed lunch.
- pupils who were late for classes.
- the timetable for tomorrow.
- sport.
Объявление | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Утверждение |
Прочитайте текст, состоящий из 6 частей (А-F).Перед вами 5 вопросов (1-5) к разным частям текста.Установите в каких частях текста можно найти ответы на эти вопросы. Ответ на каждый вопрос можно найти только в одной части текста. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу, приведённую ниже, где под номером вопроса впишите соответствующую букву. В задании одна часть текста лишняя.
- Last Tuesday after classes I went to see Andrew’s new flat. It was not far from our school. There was a beautiful
garden with a lot of trees and flowers opposite it.
- We came in and went upstairs onto the second floor. Andrew opened the front door with the key as it was locked. As we came into the hall we took off our caps and jackets.
- The hall was not large but the carpet on the floor made it very comfortable. I saw a big bookcase in the corner, a mirrow and three pictures on the walls. In fact the hall was like a little room.
- Then we went to Andrew’s room, which was behind the sitting-room and next to his parents’ bedroom. There was not much furniture in Andrew’s room. There was a wardrobe near the sofa and next to it under the window his desk with a lot of exercise-books on it.
- There was nothing in the middle of the room, so we could play some games with a ball there. I liked Andrew’s armchair very much. It was next to the door and was very large and nice.
- Andrew’s mother wasn’t at home. We went into the kitchen to have lunch. We warmed the soup on the cooker and cooker and took some cold meat and vegetables from the fridge.
Andrew took some cookies from the cupboard and we had them with milk. Everything was very tasty. We washed up after the meal. At half past five I left. I think Andrew’s new flat is very nice indeed.
- Where did they see a bookcase?
- What was opposite Andrew’s flat?
- Where did they have for lunch?
- Where was Andrew’s room?
- Why did he like Andrew’s armchair?
Прочитайте текст, состоящий из 6 частей ( A-F).Перед вами 5 вопросов (1-5) к разным частям текста.Установите в каких частях текста можно найти ответы на эти вопросы. Ответ на каждый вопрос можно найти только в одной части текста. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу, приведенную ниже, где под номером вопроса впишите соответствующую букву. В задании одна часть текста лишняя.
A. Once upon a time there lived a family of rabbits. There were five of them: Mr.Rabbit, Mrs.Rabbit and little baby-rabbits. Their parents called them “bunnies” and they loved them very much.
B. Sweety was big and fat. He liked only sweets, chocolate, sugar and honey. He didn’t like vegetables and porridge. Their sister’s name was Fruity. As you can see by her name, she liked fruit very much.
C. Mr. and Mrs. Rabbit bought their children the food they liked.
D. One day Mrs. Rabbit went shopping and bought many apples, sweets, potatoes, oranges, cakes, a box of chocolate, ice-cream, carrots and tomatoes for breakfast.
E. She gave sweets, cakes, ice-cream and a box of chocolate to Sweety and he was happy. She gave apples and oranges to Fruity.She gave potatoes and carrots to Potato.
F. But what about tomatoes? Whom did she give tomatoes to? What is a tomato? It is a fruit! So she gave tomatoes to Fruity.
- Was Sweety big and fat?
- Whom did Mrs. Rabbit give tomatoes to?
- How did the parents call their children?
- What did Mrs. Rabbit give to Sweety?
- What did Mrs. Rabbit buy one day?
1 2 3 4 5
Прочитайте письмо английского мальчика Майка Робинсона, который решил завести переписку с кем-нибудь в Австралии. В письме есть пропуски,обозначенные номерами А1-А10. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям А1-А10, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов.Запишите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа.Например: А1-2.
Dear Pen Friend,
Hello! My name ( A1) Mike Robinson. I (A2) from Bodmin, it’s the town of Cornwall. It (A3) half an hour to get to the ocean from our place by car. We often (A4) there in the summer. I like swimming very much.
I like football, too. We (A5) football at school. It’s a pity the field is rather small. Bodmin is on the hills and it’s difficult to find a place for the field.
I have already (A6) to London. I have (A7) the Tower of London, St Paul’s Cathedral, Trafalgar Square and other interesting places. I have (A8) a lot about the history of London. Have you ever been to London?
My favourite food is fish. My father (A9) a job in the bank. He says that in Australia there are a lot of people from Cornwall. They (A10) to Australia ten years ago.
Write soon!
Best wishes, Mike.
A1 | 1) am | 2) is | 3) are |
Вы услышите 5 коротких объявлений директора школы на утреннем собрании перед учениками(ASSEMBLY), когда вся школа собирается, чтобы послушать последние новости о спортивной и учебной жизни заведения и получить наставления или порицания. Установите соответствие между объявлениями 1-5 и утверждениями, данными в спискеA-F. Используйте каждую букву, обозначающую утверждение только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите объявление дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.
- Our football team is the best one in our city. Yesterday it was a football match between two best schools of the city. Our boys played very well. Let’s congratulate them.
- Yesterday some pupils were late for classes. Certainly, you know the proverb: “ Better late than never”. But you mustn’t be late for classes. Go to bed earlier and get up earlier. Come to school in time.
- Our school dining-room will not work tomorrow. You must take your lunch boxes. You can put there cookies, sandwiches, sweets and juice. Please, don’t forget about your uniform.
- We are sorry, but the teacher of Math is ill. Tomorrow you will not have Math , you will have Physical Education and Handicraft. Please, don’t forget about your uniform.
- On Friday it will be a very interesting film on at the cinema “ Odeon”. This cinema is not far from our school. It is near the Main Road and tickets are not very expensive. So we can go there after classes.
This announcement is about:
- the place they can go after classes.
- the timetable for the next year.
- a packed lunch.
- pupils who were late for classes.
- the timetable for tomorrow.
- sport.
Объявление | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Утверждение |
Прочитайте текст, состоящий из 6 частей (А-F).Перед вами 5 вопросов (1-5) к разным частям текста.Установите в каких частях текста можно найти ответы на эти вопросы. Ответ на каждый вопрос можно найти только в одной части текста. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу, приведённую ниже, где под номером вопроса впишите соответствующую букву. В задании одна часть текста лишняя.
- Last Tuesday after classes I went to see Andrew’s new flat. It was not far from our school. There was a beautiful
garden with a lot of trees and flowers opposite it.
- We came in and went upstairs onto the second floor. Andrew opened the front door with the key as it was locked. As we came into the hall we took off our caps and jackets.
- The hall was not large but the carpet on the floor made it very comfortable. I saw a big bookcase in the corner, a mirrow and three pictures on the walls. In fact the hall was like a little room.
- Then we went to Andrew’s room, which was behind the sitting-room and next to his parents’ bedroom. There was not much furniture in Andrew’s room. There was a wardrobe near the sofa and next to it under the window his desk with a lot of exercise-books on it.
- There was nothing in the middle of the room, so we could play some games with a ball there. I liked Andrew’s armchair very much. It was next to the door and was very large and nice.
- Andrew’s mother wasn’t at home. We went into the kitchen to have lunch. We warmed the soup on the cooker and cooker and took some cold meat and vegetables from the fridge.
Andrew took some cookies from the cupboard and we had them with milk. Everything was very tasty. We washed up after the meal. At half past five I left. I think Andrew’s new flat is very nice indeed.
- Where did they see a bookcase?
- What was opposite Andrew’s flat?
- Where did they have for lunch?
- Where was Andrew’s room?
- Why did he like Andrew’s armchair?
Тест по иностранному языку (4 класс) на тему: Тест по англ.яз .4 класс
Тест к уроку по теме “My house”
Вариант 1
1.Подчеркни предметы мебели карандашом, а части дома не подчеркивай.
Kitchen, bed, table, living-room, sofa, flat, armchair, pantry, bedroom, table, bathroom, chair.
2.Соотнесите стрелочками английское слово и перевод.
1. Table
2. Sofa
3. Bedroom
4. Living-room
5. Picture
6. Carpet
7. Kitchen
8. Armchair
a. Диван
b. Спальня
c. Стол
d. Кресло
e. Картина
f. Гостиная
g. Ковер
h. Кухня
3.Какую мебель можно расположить в гостиной? Подпишите названия.
4. Choose the right item.
1. There (is, are) a carpet on the floor.
2. There (is, are) three windows in my classroom.
3. There (is, are) a sofa next to armchair.
4. There (is, are) a table in the middle of the kitchen.
5. There (is, are) three pictures on the wall.
6. There (is, are) a hall between rooms .
5 Перевести на русский язык.
A. The room is big, bright and cosy. It has a wide window. The bathroom has a jacuzzi. You can see a modern colour television.
B. My room is never clean. Books are on the floor. Picture is on the telly. It is not comfortable.
C. It is very nice. Downstairs are a living room and a kitchen. Upstairs are bedrooms and a bathroom.
Тест к уроку по теме “My house”.
Вариант 2
1.Подчеркни части дома карандашом, а предметы мебели не подчеркивай.
Kitchen, bed, table, living-room, sofa, flat, armchair, pantry, bedroom, table, bathroom, chair.
2.Соотнесите стрелочками английское слово и перевод.
1. Pantry
2. Fireplace
3. Wall
4. Bathroom
5. Hall
7. Chair
8. Shelf
b. Ванная комнатв
d. Коридор
e. Полка
f. Гостиная
g. Стена
3.Какие предметы можно расположить в спальне? Подпишите названия.
4. Choose the right item.
1. There (is, are) a lamp between sofa and TV.
2. There (is, are) a pantry behind the kitchen.
3. There (is, are) two chairs next to table.
4. There (is, are) picture above the armchair.
5. There (is, are) two books on the shelf.
5 Напиши слова по-английски.
1. Уютный — _______________
2. Готовый — _______________
3. Справа от меня — _______________
4. Позади — _
Тест по английскому языку для 4 класса на определение уровня владения дисциплиной
TEST 4 ______________________________________________________________________
1.Выбери правильный ответ.
1) The weather ___ yesterday. a) is b) are c) was d) were
2) ____ there many people in the shop now? a) Is b) Was c) Are d) Were
3) It will ____ rainy tomorrow. a) is b) be c) was d) are
4) We went to the zoo two days ____. a) ago b) before c) after d) last
5) My sisters are the _____ pupils in the class. a) better b) good c) worse d) best
6) My aunt _____ me every weekend. a) phone b) phones c) is phoning d) phoned
7) We ___ a lot next summer. a) swam b) have swum c) will swim d) are swimming
8) My friends ____ at the last concert. a) will sing b) sung c) singed d) sang
9) They _____their homework already. a) did b) have done c) has done d) do
2.Задай разделительный вопрос.
1) There are new armchairs in the room, …?
2) Fred didn’t buy a new flat,….?
3) Betty will come soon, ….?
4) They played tag yesterday, ….?
5) Mary can cook well,….?
3. Заполни пропуски в предложениях словами из списка. Используй слово только один раз! Одно слово лишнее! (place, buildings, centuries, main, just, tower, wake up)
1) Exuse me, how can I get to the old ____________?
2) Where is the best ____________ to spend the summer?
3) The Romans came to England many ___________ ago.
4) I usually ___________early in the morning.
5) There are many new ____________ in Moscow now.
6) What is the __________idea of the book?
4. Составь предложения
1) hasn’t/ door/yet/ the/ He /locked/.
2) They / decorated/ the/have/tree/ New /already/Year/.
3) children/the/ help/ parents/ their/ yesterday/ Did/?
4) did/ go/ to/ When /you/ museum /that/?
5) Greece /Have /you/ seen/ the/ ever /beaches/ you /of/?
5. Исправь ошибку
1) We has lived there for 4 years.
2) They have been to the USA never.
3) Mary has cook dinner already.
4) You have ever played basketball?
5) I have visited the Tower of London yesterday.
Дайте ответ на вопрос
1. How old is London?
2.What are the names of old villages in London?
3. What is Kensington now?
4. Why do many ships come from other countries?
5. When does the first railway station begin to work?
Отметьте верные (+) и не верные (-) утверждения
1. London is a big town now._______
2. Westminster is a name of the village in modern London.________
3. London is near the sea.________
4. The capital of Great Britain is not very big._______
5. Modern London is a beautiful city with large parks and squares._________
Тест по английскому языку ( класс) по теме: Тест 4 класс
1. Составь предложения.
- is / football / he / playing / every day.
- car / is / our / blue.
- looking / are / a painting / at / they.
- are / my friends / these.
- lots of / are / there / trees.
2. Напиши существительные во множественном числе.
Man — _________________
Person — _______________
Mouse — _______________
Child — _________________
Woman — _______________
Leaf — __________________
3. Напиши цифры.
50 — ______________________________
90 — ______________________________
15 — ______________________________
27 — ______________________________
64 — ______________________________
83 — ______________________________
95 — ______________________________
18 — ______________________________
4. Исправь предложения.
1. They is at school.
2. Where are she now?
3. My best friends is Tom.
4. His T-shirt has got pink and stripes.
5. Tanya is played with the dog.
5.Переведи на английский.
Это мой друг. _________________________________________________________
Что ты делаешь? _______________________________________________________
Наш флаг белый, красный и синий. ________________________________________
У них есть желтая машина. _______________________________________________
Она читает книгу сейчас. _________________________________________________
Они снимают фильм. ____________________________________________________
Их дом зеленый. ________________________________________________________