Тест по английскому языку по теме: Грамматические упражнения по английскому языку 4 класс

Open the brackets (Раскрыть скобки)

My parents (to be) at work today.

My cousin (to be) in London now.

I (not to be) a worker.

My elder brother (to be) tall.

It (to be) rainy today.

My friends (not to be) from Spain.

He (to be) ill.

They (to be) in the garden.

My grandparents (to be) at the cinema.

His little sister (to be) afraid of cats.

2. Ask and answer the questions. Use the words in brackets.

How old your pet (to be)? (4)

Where their aunt (to be) from? (England)

What it (to be)? (a fox)

Who those boys (to be)? (her nephews)

Where that man (to be) from? (Greece)

What it (to be)? ( a box)

What those girls (to be)? (students)

Where their cousin (to be) from? (Holland)

How old your uncle (to be)? (48)

What it (to be)? (a window)

3. Раскрыть скобки

1. We often (to play) football here.

2. My sister (to play) chess in her room now.

3. Look! Jane (to dance).

4. When you mother (to come) home from work?

5. Your parents (to work) in Moscow?

6. You (to watch) TV now?

7. Where Mary’s friend (to live)?

8. Who usually (to cook) in your family?

9. Who (to cook) breakfast in the kitchen at the moment?

10. We (not to read) texts at home.
4. Fill in the blanks with “have got” or “has got”.

We_____ ten trees in the garden.

Mario __________ a cup of tea.

They __________ good records.

Their family ___________ a big bus.

Kim and Linda __________ glasses of juice.

John _____________ a new white car.

You _____________ two beds in your room.

The table __________ four legs.

The child ___________ a new beautiful toy.

They ____________ a helicopter.

5. Перевести с русского на английский.

Дети дома сейчас? Нет. Они в школе.

Где моя сестра? Она в своей комнате.

У твоего друга есть дядя? Да.

Сколько лет твоей маме? Ей 42 года.

Ты не должен помогать другу с дом.заданием.

Ты можешь играть в шахматы? Да.

Что может делать твой маленький брат? Он может читать и писать.

Его зовут Том? Нет. Его зовут Билл.

Твоя сестра бухгалтер? Нет. Она – менеджер.

Почему ты не можешь помочь своим друзьям?

6. Перевести с русского языка на английский

1. Сестра моей мамы не живет в России. Она живет в Америке.

2. Они сейчас смотрят телевизор? Нет. Они делают дом.задание.

3. Где он всегда гуляет? Он всегда гуляет в парке.

4. Друзья Лены редко ходят в театр. Они любят ходить в кино.

5. Кто работает в школе? Моя мама.

6. Кто играет на пианино в данный момент в твоей комнате? Моя сестра.

7. Почему ты не в школе? Я болен.

8. Что ты делаешь сейчас? Я иду домой.

Тренировочные упражнения по английскому языку на тему «Степени сравнения прилагательных» (4 класс)

I. Выбери нужное слово.

1. The 1-st of Sерtеmbеr isn’t the_(longest/ long) day.

2. The mouse is_ _(smaller/ smallest) than the cat.

З. lt is а very_(funniest/ funny) English book.

4. Не is a_(nicest/ niсе) bоу.

5. Му hands are _(сlеаnеr/ clean) than уоur hands.

6. Russia is the_(larger/ largest) country.

7. In the city the rivers аrе_(dirtiеr/ dirty) than in the country.

8. Ted is the_(worse/ worst) pupil in оur class.

II. Переведи и запиши пропущенные слова.

1. Miss Chatter is_(выше) thаn Маry.

2. Tim is _(yмнee) than Tom.

3. In the соuntrу rivеrs аrе_(чище) than in the city.

4. Moscow isn’t the _(самый большой) city.

5. Не is the _ (лучший) teacher in my school.

6. It is the _(самый холодный) day today.

7. John is а_(хуже) singer than me.

8. This is the _(самая смешная) story I know.

III. Подбери ответы к вопросам и запишите их.

Wintеr. Grass. А giraffe. Russia. Fish. Dolphins.

Whales. Fеbruаrу. А pig. А camel.

1. What is the farm animal?

2. What is the tallest animal in the world?

3. What is the coldest sеаsоn in а уеаr?

4. What do horses eat?

5. What animals live in the sea?

6. What is the shortest mоnth of the уеаr?

7. What is the largest country in the world?

8. What animal саn саrry things?

IV. Заполни таблицу.



the longest

the best




the nicest



the worst

V. Раскрой скобки, поставив прилагательное в нужную форму.

1. The ocean is __ thаn the sea. (large)

2.I think this book is __ than уоur book (interesting)

3. Му brоthеr is the __ pupil in his class (good)

4. l think monkeys аrе __animals the in the Zoo. (funny)

5. Аnn is the__ girl in class. (beautiful)

6. Camels аrе __than horses. (strоng)

Vl. Поставь суффикс —еили –iеr, -est или -iest

1) Раrrоts аrе small… than hens.

2) Monkey’s tail is long… than pig’s tail.

З) Cows аrе fat… than horses.

4) Grаnnу is short … than Grandpa.

5) Apples are tasty… than саrrоts.

6) Elephants аrе the bigg … animals.

7) My brоthеr is old… than me.

8) Monkeys аrе the clever… animals.

9) Cliff is the strong… bоу in оur class.

10) Giraffe’s neck is the lоng ….


Тренировочные упражнения по грамматике 4 класс

Open the brackets. (Раскройте скобки)

  1. Look! The children (to play) football.

  2. Yesterday Mike (to go) to the Zoo.

  3. Mother (to cook) dinner now.

  4. We (to watch) TV in the evening.

  5. The girl (to play) the piano now.

  6. The children (swim) in the pool yesterday.

  7. Listen! The girl (to play) the guitar.

  8. We (to have) dinner 10 minutes ago.

  9. He (to take) a book yesterday.

  10. Jack (to have) dinner at the moment.

Ask questions.(Задайте вопросы)

  1. We are having breakfast now. (Who?)

  2. The zookeeper feeds animals every day. (When?)

  3. John is writing a letter now. (What?)

  4. The pupils sit in the class. (Where?)

  5. They had dinner 10 minutes ago. (When?)

  6. The zookeeper looks after the animals. (Who?)

  7. The teacher is speaking English now. (Who?)

  8. Mike goes for a walk every day. (When?)

  9. Kate is playing leapfrog. (When?)

  10. There is a book on the table. (What?)

Make the sentences negative. (Сделайте предложения отрицательными)

  1. They are watching TV now.

  2. He went to the Zoo yesterday.

  3. Mike swims in the pool every day.

  4. There is a toy on the floor.

  5. David is writing a letter.

  6. Mike got up at 7 o’clock yesterday.

  7. The children go to school every day.

  8. Dad bought a present.

  9. They play chess.

  10. We ran a race yesterday.

Refer these verbs to the past. (Поставьте глаголы в прошедшее время)





















Write the degrees of comparisons. (Напишите степени сравнения прилагательных)













Упражнения на отработку лексико-грамматических навыков по английскому языку для обучающихся 4 класса


1. Образуйте множественное число существительных.

  1. a dish -______________

  2. a baby –______________

  3. a brush – _____________

  4. a sheep – ____________

  5. a tomato– _____________

  6. a man – ______________

  7. a puppy– ______________

  8. a loaf – ________________

  9. a mouse – ______________

  10. a goose — _______________

2. Заполните пропуски в предложениях, использую подходящую форму глагола и нужный предлог.


11.There ….. a bed …. the bedroom.

12. there …a small table…. the bed.

13. There … some books … the desk.

14. There … a bag … the desk.

15. There … a chair … the desk.

16. There … a picture… the wall.

17.There… the cat … the small table.

18. There …. two shoes… the bed.

19. There ….a lamp …. the table.

20. There …. a mat… the bedroom.

3. Раскройте скобки, использую нужную степень сравнения прилагательных.

22. My brother is  ____________ pupil in his class.(good)

23. Camels are ______________ than horses. (strong)

24. A cow is _____________than a sheep.(big)

25. Summer is __________season in a year.(hot)

4. Раскройте скобки, используя нужную форму глагола.26-35

  1. My sister ….. the kitchen now.

a) is cleaning b) cleans c) are cleaning

27. I often ….. food on Fridays.

a)is buying b) buys c) buy

  1. Nick …. to the Caucasus last year.

a) was not go b) doesn’t go c) didn’t go

  1. Look out! Who….. you?

a) watching b) is watching c) watches

  1. My grandfather usually ….. in the garden in the morning.

a) works b) is working c) worked

  1. I ….. my homework last Monday.

a) is doing b) do c) did

  1. Sometimes Maria ….. lunch for herself.

a) are swimming b) swims c) is swimming

  1. Sorry! I … late.

a) is b) was c) am

  1. …. three eggs in the fridge.

a) There are b) There c) There were

35. I ….. in the Crimea last summer.

a) are b) was c) is

Материал по английскому языку на тему: Упражнения для 4 класса

Упражнения для 4 класса

Впиши глагол в правильной форме:

1.My friend  (live) in London.

2.You  (want)  to go for a walk.

3.She  (go)  to bed at 10 o`clock.

4,His sister  (have) breakfast.

5.Ann and Nick  (read) books in the afternoon.

6.I  (stop) my work at 2 pm.

7.He  (work)  at school.

8.The teacher  (write) on the blackboard.

9.We  (do) morning exercises.

10.They  (come) into the park.

Выбери правильную форму вспомогательного глагола :

1.Do / does Mary play the piano?

2.I doesn`t / don`t drive a car.

3.My sister doesn`t / don`t like milk.

4.Do / does we go to the cinema?

5.He don`t / doesn`t play tennis every day.

6.Tom and Jack don`t / doesn`t do their homework.

7.Do / does she eat chicken?

8.His father don`t / doesn`t like fishing.

9.My dog don`t / doesn`t like milk.

10.My friend don`t / doesn`t  play football.

Восстанови рассказ, употребляя глаголы в простом прошедшем времени.

Yesterday I (go) to the park. I (meet) my classmates there/ The weather (be) fine. It (be) sunny and frosty. There (be) a lot of snow on the trees and ground. We (ski) and (skate) in the park. Then we (play) snowballs and (do) snowman. We (like) it very much. It (be) evening. We (go) home. We (meet) my brother and (tell) him about our walking. We (want) to go to the park with him again. But he (say) that he can`t ski and skate. All my friends (say) that they can help him. He (be) very glad.

Выбери правильную форму глагола :

1.I see / saw a wonderful dream last night.

2.He gets / got up at 7 o`clock every day.

3.They were / are in the park last week.

4.My friend told / tells me a story two days ago.

5.I often play / played tennis.

6.Mary helped / helps her mother every day.

7.We learn / learned English at school.

8.Once my mother cooked / cooks a big cake.

9.Tom has / had two English lessons yesterday.

10. I collect /collected stamps two years ago.

Сборник грамматических упражнений для 4 класса

Сборник упражнений

по грамматике английского языка

для учащихся 4х классов


Разработан и составлен

учителем английского языка

В. В. Моисеевой

2019 год

I. Fill in he, she, it, we, you, they as in the example

  1. Helen — she

  2. Sam –

  3. father –

  4. mother –

  5. father and mother –

  6. Ann and Tom –

  7. stamps –

  8. pen

  9. Tom and I –

  10. car –

  11. dogs –

  12. you and Jane –

  13. all –

  14. plane —

  15. sister –

  16. brother –

  17. school –

  18. apples –

  19. book –

  20. Nick and I –

  21. children –

  22. feet –

  23. guitar –

  24. Mary –


  2. II. Choose the correct form of the verb

  1. Joey is / are my parrot.

  2. Brian and I am / are friends.

  3. Dave, you is / are very tall!

  4. Jenny is / are from Australia.

  5. I are / am OK!

  6. Brian and Jenny are / is cousins.

  1. III. Write as in the example

  1. It is a doll. It’s a doll.

  2. They ___ dancers. ___ dancers.

  3. She ___ a teacher. ___ a teacher.

  4. We ___ students. ___ students.

  5. I ___ Tony. ___ Tony.

  6. He ___ a cosmonaut. ___ a cosmonaut.

  1. IV. Read and write

  1. Brian is clever. He’s clever.

  2. Zoe and Vicky are friend. They’re friends.

  3. Dave is a basketball player. ______ a basketball player.

  4. The children are in the garden. ______ in the garden.

  5. My cousin and I are 9 years old. ______ 9 years old.

  6. The door is open. ______ open.

  7. The cats are on the table. ______ on the table.

  8. Vicky is happy. ______ happy.

  1. V. Answer the questions hello_html_m4da4c9b1.gif

  1. 1. Is it a mouse?

  2. Yes, it is.

  3. 2. Are they cats?hello_html_7ec13aef.gif

  4. No, they aren’t.

  5. They are dogs.

  6. hello_html_54bd1632.jpg

  7. 3. Is Pam a student?

  8. 4. Is it a bird? hello_html_m677a633d.gif

  9. hello_html_43fd3199.jpg

  10. 5. Are they at home?

  11. 6. Are the balls in the box?

  12. hello_html_71abd3f8.jpg

  13. 7. Are you a teacher?

  14. 8. Are you happy?

  1. hello_html_35c8b68.jpg

  2. VI. Ask and answer hello_html_4089369b.gif

  1. 1. Is it a flower?

  2. Yes, it is. hello_html_31566cd.gif

  3. 2. ___ ducks?

  4. No, ________

  5. 3. _____ a fish? hello_html_m4fdc98ba.gif

  6. No, ______

  7. 4. ___ he a pilot?

  8. Yes, _____hello_html_m227dca20.png

  9. 5. ___ she a teacher?

  10. No, ______

  11. 6. ___ they birds?hello_html_m4d2025a2.gif

  12. Yes, ______

  1. VII. Ask and answer as in the example

  2. hello_html_e678461.gif

  3. 10 28 12 25 13 25

  4. student teacher student teacher student doctor

  5. English Greek Italian American Greek Japanese

  6. London Athens Rome New York Thessaloniki Tokyo

  1. Ann / a doctor Is Ann a doctor? No, she isn’t. She’s a student.

  1. Mario and Costas / students

  2. Susan / American

  3. Rim / from Athens

  4. Susan and Mario / teachers

  5. Ann and Mario / Greek

  6. Manos / from New York

  7. Kim / a student

  8. Manos / a doctor

  9. Costas / thirteen years old

  1. VIII. Look at Exercise VII and fill in is / isn’t / are/ aren’t

  2. Ann isn’t a doctor. She is a student. Manos 1___ a student. He 2___ a doctor. Susan and Kim 3___ students. They 4___ teachers. Ann 5___ from Athens. She 6___ from London. Kim 7___ 10 years old. She 8___ twenty-five. Ann, Mario and Costas 9___ doctors. They 10___ students. Manos and Costas 11___ English. They 12___ Greek. Susan and Kim 13___ 13 years old. They 14___ 25 years old.

  1. Fill in: my, your, his, her, its, our, their.

  1. (Looking through the photos.)

  1. This is Billy and this is … dog.

  2. This is Mary and this is … lamb.

  3. These are Pam and Ted and this is … cat.

  4. This is me and this is … bike.

  5. This is a robot and this is … head.

  6. This is Kim and Sam and this is … dog.

  7. We are Rob and Kevin and this is … parrot.

  8. This is you and this is … friend.

  1. Fill in: my, your, his, her, its, our, their.

  1. We are sisters. Our eyes are the same.

  2. Look at that dog! … ears are very funny.

  3. This is my best friend. … name is Peter.

  4. These are my friends. … names are Polly and Max.

  5. The children are in the kitchen with … mother.

  6. We are from England. … houses are in London.

  7. This is my brother. … name is Brian.

  8. Peter’s got a sister. … name is Lucy.

  9. Please, open … books on page 28.

  10. Hello. … name’s Kate and I’m ten years old.

  1. Fill in the correct form of the verb.

  1. Mike … basketball. (play)

  2. We … to school at 8 o’clock. (go)

  3. Carlos … the guitar very well. (play)

  4. They … mother with the cooking. (help)

  5. I … milk for breakfast. (drink)

  6. My mum … a uniform at work. (wear)

  1. Write about them.

  2. hello_html_3bc43481.gif

  3. hello_html_m7d404e75.gifhello_html_4b681e2.gifhello_html_4eda6210.gif

  1. Choose the correct form.

  1. Brian, Dave and Zoe have got/has got a new bike.

  2. Dave have got/has got tickets for the cinema.

  3. You have got/has got a clever dog.

  4. I haven’t got/hasn’t got a bike.

  5. They have got/has got two bananas.

  6. We haven’t got/hasn’t got an mp3 player.

  7. She have got/has got green eyes.

  8. Peter haven’t got/hasn’t got a computer.hello_html_m17731186.jpg

  1. Look, read and write.

  1. Dave hasn’t got a big family.

  2. He … a sister. Her name is Suzy. He … a brother.

  3. Suzy … a purple T-shirt. She … a jumper.

  4. Dave’s grandfather … a moustache. He … beard.

  5. Dave’s mother and grandmother … short hair. They … long hair.

  6. They … glasses.

  1. Tell or write about your family. hello_html_3c32a93f.gif

  1. I / big family — I haven’t got a big family.

  2. I / brother(s)

  3. I / sister(s)

  4. My dad / moustache

  5. My mum / short hair

  6. I / brown eyes.

  7. My granny / glasses

  1. Ask and answer as in the example:

  1. 1.) It / a short nose 2.) They / fluffy tailshello_html_5658c110.jpghello_html_5253d1e0.jpg

  2. — Has it got a short nose?

  3. — No, it hasn’t. It’s got a long nose.

  4. 3.) It / legs hello_html_m1c9aefd1.png

  5. 4.) She / long hair

  6. hello_html_3298c235.jpg

  7. hello_html_1c9b2c54.jpg

  8. 5.) They / balls

  9. hello_html_m36d51666.jpg

  10. 6.) He / a dog

  11. I. Write some or any.

  1. 1.There are … potatoes in the bag.

  2. 2. Are there … books on the table?

  3. 3. There is … milk in the bottle.

  4. 4. Is there … butter in the fridge.

  5. 5. There is … juice in the glass.

  6. 6. Are there … chairs in the room?

  7. 7. There aren’t … pencils on my table.

  8. 8. Is there … bread in the shop?

  1. II. Write some or any. hello_html_m2a1c4d.jpg

  2. Stephanie is packing her suitcase.

  3. Stephanie: I need 1… shoes. I don’t need 2… boots. I need 3… dresses and T-shirts. I don’t need 4… jumpers or gloves. I don’t need 5… warm clothes at all. I need 6… shorts, jeans and I need 7… money of course.

  4. III. Look at the picture and ask/write questions and give the answers.hello_html_mbb1bbf0.jpg

  5. 1.grapes? Are there any grapes?

  6. Yes, there are some.

  7. 2.bread? Is there any bread?

  8. No, there isn’t any bread.

  9. 3. bananas?

  10. 4.yoghurt?

  11. 5. eggs?

  12. 6.milk?

  13. 7. butter?

  14. 8. cheese?

  15. 9.oranges?

  16. 10.mice?

  17. 11. dogs?

  18. 12.cucumbers?

  19. IV. Complete with Is there or Are there. Then answer the questions.hello_html_1a834e29.gif

  1. Is there an i-pod on Beth’s desk? – No, there isn’t.

  2. …………four photos on Beth’s desk? — …………

  3. ………. two keys on Lucy’s desk? — …………..

  4. ………. three CDs on Lucy’s desk? — …………..

  5. ……….. a laptop on Beth’s desk? — ……………

  6. ……….. a lamp on Lucy’s desk? — ……………..

  7. ………… a cake on Beth’s desk? — …………….

  8. …………. two magazines on Lucy’s desk? — ………..

  1. V. (Pair work) Compare the pictures. Guess what picture your friend is thinking about?

  2. — Is there a table next to the TV in your picture?

  3. — Yes, there is.

  4. hello_html_21c26227.gif

  1. Write was / were.

  1. Zoe is a pretty girl. She was a pretty baby.

  2. Dave is tall. He … a tall baby too.

  3. The girls are at the shop today. They … at shops yesterday too.

  4. We are in London this week. We … in Paris last week.

  5. It is cold this morning. It … cold yesterday morning.

  6. I’m in the park today. I … at school yesterday.

  7. You are at home this Saturday. You … at home last Saturday too.

  1. Write was / were.

  1. It … hot last summer.

  2. There … two cakes yesterday.

  3. The boys … at home last night.

  4. Mum … at work yesterday.

  5. There … a cat here an hour ago.

  6. My friends … at school yesterday.

  7. James … at the party on Sunday.

  8. There … a lot of people yesterday.

  1. Read and correct the sentences.

  1. hello_html_m52e38df0.jpghello_html_m7768f658.png

  2. Saturday Sunday

  3. Peter Jenny

  4. morning: park morning: zoo with Vicky

  5. afternoon: cinema with Adam afternoon: swimming pool

  6. evening: Adam’s house evening: at home

  1. Peter was at the cinema on Saturday morning.

  1. He wasn’t at the cinema. He was in the park.

  1. Jenny was at home on Sunday afternoon.

  2. Jenny and Vicky were in the park on Sunday morning.

  3. Peter was at home on Saturday evening.

  4. Jenny was at Zoe’s house on Sunday evening.

  5. Peter and Adam were at the library on Saturday afternoon.

  1. Ask and answer.

  1. you / at home yesterday afternoon?

  1. Were you at home yesterday afternoon? — No, I wasn’t.

  1. you / at the cinema? -Yes, …

  2. Mick and Carol / with you? -No, …

  3. they / at the swimming pool? -Yes, …

  4. the film / interesting? -No, …

  5. it / a comedy? -Yes, …

  6. your / brother at home? -No, …

  7. he / at the sports center, too? -Yes, …

  1. Answer the questions.

  1. Where were you last Sunday?

  2. Who was with you?

  3. Was the weather good?

  4. Were you happy on your first day at school?

  5. What was your teacher’s name?

  6. Was she kind?

  1. Read, choose and write.

  1. where when what how many whose whohello_html_m1f4c858b.gif

  1. Fill in who, whose, what, when, where.

  1. Where? in the park.

  2. … ? Jane’s.

  3. … ? a table.

  4. … ? at 6 o’clock.

  5. … ? at school.

  6. … ? a doctor.

  7. … ? on Sunday.

  8. … ? Peter.

  9. … ? a house.

  10. … ? at night.

  11. … ? today.

  12. … ? Julie.

  13. … ? a snake.

  14. … ? Dan’s.

  15. … ? at noon.

  16. .. ? my mother.

  17. … ? my father’s.

  18. … ? at Christmas.

  19. … ? on Tuesday.

  20. … ? in the room.

  21. … ? in May.

  1. What/Who is that? – That’s Mike.

  2. Where/When do you live? – In Green Street.

  3. How many/How much is this bag? – It’s 15€.

  4. What/Who is this? – It’s a pen.

  5. How/How many old are you? – I’m 11.

  6. Whose/Who jacket is this? – It’s Kate’s.

  7. What/What time is it? – It’s ten o’clock.

  8. How much/How many books? – A lot.

  9. What/Why are you happy? – It’s my birthday.

  10. When/Where is your birthday? – On May 25th.

  11. What/When is the weather like? – It’s raining.

  1. Why are you wearing a coat? – Because it’s cold.

  2. -… is your party? – On Sunday.

  3. — … money have you got? — £10.

  4. — … is your school? – It’s near the park.

  5. — … brothers have you got? – Two.

  6. – is he? – He’s Mr. Smith.

  7. — … are you reading this book? – Because it’s interesting.

  8. – is the weather like? – It’s snowing.

  9. — … hat is this? – It’s Ann’s.

  10. — … does he come from? – from Spain.

  11. … water is there? – Two bottles.

  12. …girls are there? – Twelve.

  13. … are they doing? – They’re playing.

  14. … is he? – In the kitchen.

  15. — … is your birthday? – In June.

  16. — … are you running? – Because I’m late.

  17. — … is the weather like? – It’s sowing.

  18. — … books have you got? – Not many.

  19. -… pencil is this? – It’s mine.

  1. Plurals

  1. Write the plurals.

  1. an apple – two …

  2. one bird – two …

  3. one squirrel – two …

  4. one elephant – two …

  5. one bear – two …

  6. one spider – two …

  1. a watch — …

  2. a fox — …

  3. a dress — …

  4. a tomato — …

  5. a brush — …

  6. a photo — …

  7. a video — …

  8. a piano — …

  1. a leaf — …

  2. a wolf — …

  3. a knife — …

  4. a hobby — …

  5. a scarf — …

  6. a boy — …

  7. a monkey — …

  8. fly — …

  1. Write the plurals in the correct column.

  1. bear knife butterfly potato leaf bus toy wolf sandwich baby class robin shelf photo piano day cherry beach thief city

  2. a tooth – teeth a foot – feet a goose – geese

  3. hello_html_b0c919c.gif

  4. a man – men a woman – women a child – children

  5. hello_html_m1e654e00.gif

  6. a sheep – sheep a fish – fish a dear – dear

  7. hello_html_m59a1108a.gif

  8. a mouse – mice an ox – oxen

    1. Write the plurals

    1. a fox — …

    2. a bus — …

    3. a woman — …

    4. a mouse — …

    5. a tiger — …

    6. a fish —

    7. a tooth — …

    8. a monkey — …

    9. a child — ..

    10. a city — …

    11. a foot — ..

    12. a sheep — …

    1. Comparisons

    1. Complete with comparatives. Then do the quiz.

    1. Are these statements true or false?

    1. Neptune is smaller than Jupiter. (small) true/false

    2. The Mississippi River is ___ the Nile River. (long) true/false

    3. N. Novgorod is ___ Moscow. (big) true/false

    4. The Pyramids are ___ Moscow Kremlin. (old) true/false

    5. Moscow University ___ Ostankino TV Tower. (tall) true/false

    6. The USA is ___ Australia. (big) true/false

    7. The Volga River is ___ the Moskva River. (shorter) true/false

    8. The USA is ___ Russia. (young) true/false

    1. Complete with superlative.

    1. The smallest bird in the world is only 5.5 cm long. (small)

    2. The blue whale is ___ animal in the world. (big)

    3. ___ fish in the world is the Indo-Pacific sailfish. (fast)

    4. The seahorse is ___ fish. (slow)

    5. ___ spider in the world can eat birds. (big)

    6. ___ snake in the world is a python. (long)

    7. Everest is ___ mountain in the world. (high)

    8. The Amazon River is ___ river in the world. (long)

    1. Complete the sentences with of / in / than.

    1. My room is bigger ___ yours.

    2. Tom is the oldest ___ us all

    3. She is taller ___ me.

    4. Ben is the tallest boy ___ class.

    5. Summer is hotter ___ winter.

    6. The Volga is longer ___ the Oka.

    7. This car is the fastest ___ these three cars.

    1. Complete the sentences.

    1. Jill is ___ Cody. (short)

    2. A horse is ___ a dog. (big).

    3. A blue whale is ___ animal. (big)

    4. Sam is ___ boy in our class. (tall)

    5. Tim is ___ Harry. (happy)

    6. June is ___ April. (hot)

    7. February is ___ month of the year.

    8. June is ___ April. (hot)

    9. February is ___ month of the year.

    1. Compare the pets.

    1. dangeroushello_html_me833be9.gif

    1. a dog a snake a tarantula

    1. intelligenthello_html_2c4e71c7.gif

    1. a goldfish a shark a dolphin

    1. popularhello_html_3424e1f8.gifhello_html_364461d6.gifhello_html_62f526ff.jpg

    1. a horse a hamster a dog

    1. beautifulhello_html_m4d2e4185.jpghello_html_m6efbf152.jpghello_html_4b2f3050.png

    1. a frog a fish a goldfish

    1. expensivehello_html_m12351fde.gifhello_html_62f526ff.jpghello_html_19f8071f.gif

    1. a hamster a cat a horse

    2. 1.Snakes are more dangerous than dogs. Tarantulas are the most dangerous of all.

Упражнения по английскому языку для тренировки группы настоящих времен (4 класс)

Упражнения 1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous или в Present Simple.

I (to read) now. He (to sleep) now. We (to drink) tea now. They (to go) to school now. I (not to sleep) now. She (not to drink) coffee now. I (to read) every day. He (to sleep) every night. We (to drink) tea every morning. They (to go) to school every morning. I (not to sleep) in the daytime. She (not to drink) coffee after lunch. We (not to watch) TV now. They (not to eat) now. My mother (not to work) now. You (to work) now? He (to play) now? They (to eat) now? Your sister (to rest) now? What you (to do) now? What you (to read) now? What they (to eat) now? What your brother (to drink) now? We (not to watch) TV in the morning. They (not to eat) at the lesson. My mother (not to work) at an office. You (to work) every day? He (to play) in the afternoon? They (to eat) at school? Your sister (to rest) after school? What you (to do) every morning? What you (to read) after dinner? What they (to eat) at breakfast? What your brother (to drink) in the evening?

Упражнения 2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous или в Present Simple. 

1. I (not to drink) coffee now. I (to write) an English exercise. 2. I (not to drink) coffee in the evening. I (to drink) coffee in the morning. 3. Your friend (to do) his homework now? 4. Your friend (to go) to school in the morning? 5. Look! The baby (to sleep). 6. The baby always (to sleep) after dinner. 7. My grandmother (not to work). She is on pension. 8. My father (not to sleep) now. He (to work) in the garden. 9. I usually (to get) up at seven o’clock in the morning. 10. What your sister (to do) now? — She (to wash) her face and hands. 11. When you usually (to come) home from school? — I (to come) at three o’clock. 12. Where your cousin (to work)? — He (to work) at a hospital. 13. Your sister (to study) at an institute? No, she (to study) at school. 14. My cousin (to go) to school every day. 15. My mother (not to play) the piano now. She (to play) the piano in the morning. 

Упражнения 3. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous или в Present Simple. 

1. I (to read) books in the evening. 2. I (not to read) books in the morning. 3. I (to write) an exercise now. 4. I (not to write) a letter now. 5. They (to play) in the yard now. 6. They (not to play) in the street now. 7. They (to play) in the room now? 8. He (to help) his mother every day. 9. He (to help) his mother every day? 10. He (not to help) his mother every day. 11. You (to go) to school on Sunday? 12. My friend (not to like) to play football. 13. I (not to read) now. 14. He (to sleep) now? 15. We (not to go) to the country in winter. 16. My sister (to eat) sweets every day. 17. She (not to eat) sweets now. 18. They (to do) their homework in the afternoon. 19. They (not to go) for a walk in the evening. 20. My father (not to work) on Sunday. 21. He (to work) every day. 

Упражнение 4. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в нужном времени и в нужной форме.

1. It sometimes (snows/is snowing) here in April. 2. It (snows/is snowing) now. 3. Every morning mother (cooks/is cooking) breakfast for us. 4. It is 8 o’clock. Mother (cooks/ is cooking) breakfast. 5. Every day father (leaves/is leaving) the house at half past eight. 6. It is half past eight. Father (leaves/is leaving the house). 7. We often (watch/are watching) TV. 8. Now we (sit/ are sitting) in armchairs and (watch/are watching) TV. 9. Sometimes Mike (does/is doing) his lessons in the evening. 10. Look at Mike. He (does/is doing) his lessons. 11. It often (rains/is raining) in September. 12. It (rains/is raining) now. 13. Every day the family (has/is having) tea at 5 o’clock. 14.  It is 5 o’clock. The family (has/is having) tea.

Упражнение 5. Выберите из скобок нужную форму. Объясните сделанный выбор.

1. Не often (go) to the cinema. 2. They (watch) TV at the moment. 3. She (write) letters to her mother every week. 4. Nina usually (drive) to work. 5. Father (sit) on the sofa now. 6. Listen. The telephone (ring). 7. Tim (study) a new language every year. 8. We always (spend) the summer in York. 9. In summer we usually (go) to the seaside. 10. Look at Tom. He (ride) a horse.