Контрольные работы по английскому языку (5 класс)

Контрольная работа по итогам 2 четверти

для учащихся 5 класса


1. Задание на грамматику. Употребите глаголы в скобках в Present Simple, Past Simple или Future Simple.


  1. She (go) ……… to school every day.

  2. I (skate) ……… next winter.

  3. We (do) ……… our homework yesterday.

  4. My mum (make) ……… cakes every Sunday.


2. Задание на грамматику. Употребите в предложении модальный глагол have to или has to.


  1. I ……… come home at 5 o’clock.

  2. My mother ……… clean the floor every day.

  3. Will you ……… buy a new jacket?

  4. My sister will ……… go to school by bus, because she is not going to be late.

  5. Who ……… answer these questions?


3. Задание на грамматику. Употребите в предложении модальный глагол must или must not.


  1. You ……… swim here, because it is very dangerous.

  2. Children ……… help their parents.

  3. A boy has got a pet, so he ……… take care of it.

  4. These boys are hooligans. You ……… play with them.

  5. He ……… go out. It is very cold.


4. Задание на лексику. Запишите английский эквивалент к данным фразам.


электрические машинки


такой же большой, как слон


я собираюсь покушать







5. Задание на чтение. Прочитайте небольшой диалог и закончите его фразой.


— Let’s go to the cinema.

— I don’t want to go to the cinema.

— What would you like to do?

— I ………………………………………………………


6. Задание на письмо. Составьте небольшой маршрут от вашего дома до школы.














Контрольная работа по итогам 3 четверти

для учащихся 5 класса


1. Задание на грамматику. Выберите вспомогательный глагол в предложениях с Present Perfect.


1) My mom have / has already cooked a cake.

2) I have / has just written a long letter.

3) The boys have / has done their homework.

4) Have / Has you ever been to London?

5) He have / has never eaten sushi.


2. Задание на грамматику. Переведите предложения, используя модальный глагол could.


1) Мой дедушка мог играть в футбол 10 лет назад. -

2) Она не умела говорить по-английски в прошлом году. –

3) Он не умел плавать в детстве. — 


3. Задание на грамматику. Выберите одну из форм глагола to be в пассивной залоге.


1) The Internet is / was / will be invented in America in 1989.

2) Mickey Mouse is / was / will be created by Walt Disney in 1933.

3) My project is / was / will be done tomorrow.

4) A vase is / was / will be made of glass.


4. Задание на лексику. Запишите английский эквивалент к данным фразам.










был изобретен



5. Задание на чтение. Прочитайте небольшой рассказ про машину будущего и вставьте слова electric, poisonous, atmosphere, way.


Cars are very useful, but they are also dirty. They pollute the ………… . This is because the petrol they burn fills the air with …………gases. So inventors are looking for a ………… to reduce pollution. They are designing electric cars. The car of the future will be cleaner. It won’t need to burn petrol. Its engine will be quieter. It will be an …………car.


6. Задание на письмо. Напишите мини-сочинение «My future job».
















Контрольная работа по итогам 4 четверти

для учащихся 5 класса


1. Задание на грамматику. Выберите местоимение many или much.


1) I don’t like ……… sugar in my tea.

2) There isn’t ……… milk in the fridge.

3) There are so ……… stars in the sky.

4) Are there ……… children on the beach?

5) How ……… money have we got with us?


2. Задание на грамматику. Переведите, используя модальный глагол have to или has to.


1) Мне приходится мыть посуду. -

2) Ей приходится выносить мусор. -

3) Ему приходится выгуливать собаку. -


3. Задание на лексику. Запишите английский эквивалент к данным фразам.


подводная лодка


застилать постель









4. Задание на чтение. Прочитайте стишок про остров и вставьте слова Pacific, island, lagoon, rather.


In the middle of the South ………,

Is an island with a blue ……… ?

It’s ……… small but it’s terrific.

It’s my ……… with a blue lagoon.


5. Задание на письмо. Напишите мини-сочинение «Jobs».









Контрольная работа по английскому языку 5 класс

Контрольная работа по английскому языку в 5 классе.

Составил: учитель английского языка Лебедева Е.А.

Пояснительная записка

УМК :  Биболетова М. З.,  Добрынина Н. В., Ленская Е. А “ Enjoy English –5” Учебник английского языка для 5 класса, Обнинск «Титул», 2014.

Данная контрольная работа составлена в соответствии с минимальными требованиями к уровню подготовки учеников 5 класса по иностранному языку, обозначенными в федеральном компоненте государственного стандарта общего образования по иностранным языкам в области чтения и письма.

Назначение работы: определение уровня владения учащимися коммуникативными умениями на английском языке в чтении про себя и письме.

 В ходе контрольной работы проверяются следующие умения:

-уметь понимать при чтении основное содержание текстов, доступных по содержанию и языковому материалу.

— владеть минимальными лексико-грамматическими навыками.

-уметь написать письмо о себе, своей семье, своих увлечениях.

Контрольная работа состоит из 3 частей. На выполнение проверочной работы учащимся отводится 40 минут чтение (10 мин), лексика и грамматика (20 мин), письмо (10 мин).

   В проверочной работе используются следующие типы заданий:

-задания на установление соответствий

-задания с выбором ответа из нескольких вариантов.

-задания с кратким ответом в виде одного слова на дополнение предложения или связного текста.

-задания открытого типа, требующие записи развёрнутого ответа

        Максимальное количество баллов за выполнение заданий –42  (36 + 6 за письмо)

Если ученик набрал менее 20 баллов -оценка 2

От 21 до 28 баллов — оценка 3

От 29 до 36 баллов — оценка 4

От 37до 42 баллов — оценка 5

I. Прочитайте текст и выберите правильный вариант ответа:

Tony and Alison are friends. Tony is twelve. Alison is eleven. Tony is English. Alison is Scottish. Alison is with her cat. The cat’s name is Lucky. Lucky is very kind. She is white and grey. Lucky is Alison’s friend. The cat is her good friend. Tony is with his dog. His dog’s name is Ben. He is grey. Tony’s dog is very clever. The dog is Tony’s great friends. The cat is not the dog’s friend.

1) Tony and Alison are…

a) classmates   b) friends   c) pupils

2) Tony is…

a) eleven   b) twelve   c) ten

3) Alison is …

a) ten   b) twelve   c) eleven

4) Tony is from…

a) Scotland  b) Wales  c) England

5) Alison is from…

a) England  b) Scotland  c) Wales

6) Alison has … and Tony has…

a) a cat, a parrot   b) a dog, a fox   c) a cat, a dog

7) The cat is very…

a) clever   b) kind   c) angry

8) The dog is very…

a) kind   b) angry  c) clever

9) Alison’s good friend is …

a) Tony   b) Ben   c) Lucky

10) Tony’s good friend is …

a) Ben   b) Lucky   c) Alison


1)Добавьте разделительные вопросы.

11. It is a lovely evening,….

12. Your parents aren’t from Britain,….

13. You will come here again,….

14. My students don’t need any help,….

2) Выберите по смыслу нужное слово (many or much):

15. There is … snow in the streets.

16. How … books are there on the shelf?

3) Выберите правильную форму глагола (am, is, are):

17. I … in the seventh form.

18. What … your name?

19. The boys … English.

4) Выберите правильную форму глагола to have (have, has, had):

20. My sister … got three dogs.

21. We … English three times a week.

22. Yesterday I … 5 lessons.

5) Вставьте глаголы do, does am, is или are:

23. … your sister wash the plates?

24. … you sleep well?

25. My sister … playing chess now.

26. Mary … not drive a car.

27. Children … not doing their homework now.

28. I … watching TV at the moment.

6) Выберите правильную форму глагола:

29. She … milk every morning. (drinks, drinking, drink)

30. We ___ to the park now. (goes, are going, go)

31. The woman ___ shopping now. (goes, is going, go)

32. She often ___ her red dress. (wears, is wearing, wear)

33. Look! The cat ___ up the tree. (climbs, is climbing, climb)

34. They ___ to the theatre every Sunday. (go, goes, are going)

35. Father always ___ these newspapers. (read, reads, is reading)

36. I ___ a letter at the moment. (write, am writing, writing)

III. Письмо

Напиши письмо Барбаре Грей, расскажи ей о своей семье. Не забудь про правила написания письма.


Тест (5 класс): Контрольные работы для 5 класса по английскому языку

Test-paper 1  5th grade

Variant 1

  1. Listening comprehension.

You’ll hear a conversation between Clare and Katie about Katie’s summer holidays.

Mark the following statements with “T” if they are true and with “F” if they are false.

1 Katie spent her summer holidays in France.

2 Katie enjoyed the trip very much.

3 Her father fished in the river every day.

4 Katie was on holiday with her dad, mum and brother.

5 Katie is happy because she can swim now.

6 Katie’s sister liked riding a horse,

7 Katie didn’t like the weather.

  1. Reading comprehension.

Here is a letter from a girl to a children’s newspaper and the response to this letter.

For questions 1-4, choose the correct answer a or b.

My sister always spends a lot of time on the computer and I don’t have the time. I don’t think that’s fair. What should I do?

Ann B., Norwich

Your sister may spend longer hours on the computer because of her schoolwork. If she is older than you, she may have more difficult homework to do.

You should talk to your parents and your sister. Tell your parents how you feel. They may not know that your sister spends a long time on the computer, or they may think it is fair.

Computers are interesting and it’s easy to forget about the time when you are on the Internet or playing a game. Some families buy a timer. Then all people in the family can get a bit of computer time.

1 What is the girl’s problem?

a Her sister is not fair.

b Her sister uses the computer longer.

2 Why is it happening?

a Perhaps the girl’s homework is easier than her sister’s homework.

b Perhaps the girl’s sister has to do a lot of chores about the house.

3 What tips can be useful for the girl?

a To talk with the parents about the problem.

b To forget about the problem.

4 What do the parents think about the problem?

a Perhaps they don’t think it is good.

b Perhaps they don’t know about the problem.

  1. Vocabulary/Grammar.

3.1 Here are some tips on using the Internet.

Choose the best variant a, b, or c. There is an example (0) at the beginning.

Talk with your (0) parents about the rules for using the Internet. Always (1)                   these rules.

People from all over the world can (2)       you. They are (3)         to you. Don’t forget about this when you are on the Net and you’ll be (4)           .

You shouldn’t give out your (5)            , telephone number, parents’ work address/telephone number without your parents (6)           .

Be very (7)         of any people (8)           they ask you to come to some place, or ask you to give money.

You shouldn’t write e-mail (9)          all in CAPITAL LETTERS, people may think you are angry.

  1. a parents            b adults                     c sisters
  2. a care about      b follow                     c argue
  3. a tell                    b check                      c contact
  4. a adults               b friends                    c strangers
  5. a safe                  b dangerous              c cautious
  6. a permission      b tips                          c address
  7. a permission      b message                  c contact
  8. a care                  b cautious                  c dangerous
  9. a if                       b because                  c before
  10. a rules                 b messages               c nicknames

3.2 Paul talks about his summer holidays.

Fill in the gaps with the correct verb forms. There is an example (0) at the beginning.

Usually we (0)  take  (take) trips on our holidays. We often (1)                   (spend) holidays in Spain. Last summer we (2)            (be) in Spain. We (3)            (have) a great time there. I (4)                (swim) a lot, (5)                   (fish) in the river and       (6)                     (ride) a bike. The weather (7)                    (be) very nice. I think we (8)                    (go) to Spain next summer, too.

3.3 Kerry talks about her first school days.

Choose the best word or phrase a or b. There is an example (0) at the beginning.

I like going back to school because I (0) can see all my friends. I (1)            hurry because on the first day I (2)           be at school only at 9 o’clock. At school I meet my friends and we (3)               go to our classroom. We get information about our new classes and we (4)             get our homework diaries. Then we (5)           to find our classes and meet our teachers.

  1. a can                                  b have to
  2. a don’t have to                 b mustn’t
  3. a may                                 b have to
  4. a should                             b shouldn’t
  5. a don’t have to                 b might
  6. a have to                            b must

Variant 2

  1. Listening comprehension.

You’ll hear a conversation between Clare and Katie about Katie’s summer holidays.

Mark the following statements with “T” if they are true and with “F” if they are false.

1 Katie spent her summer holidays in Italy.

2 Katie enjoyed the trip very much.

3 Her father fished in the river once a week.

4 Katie was on holiday with her dad, mum and brother.

5 Katie is happy because she can play tennis now.

6 Katie’s sister liked riding a horse.

7 Katie liked the weather.

  1. Reading comprehension.

Here is a letter from a girl to a children’s newspaper and the response to this letter.

For questions 1-4, choose the correct answer a or b.

My sister always spends a lot of time on the computer and I don’t have the time. I don’t think that’s fair. What should I do?

Ann B., Norwich

Your sister may spend longer hours on the computer because of her schoolwork. If she is older than you, she may have more difficult homework to do.

You should talk to your parents and your sister. Tell your parents how you feel. They may not know that your sister spends a long time on the computer, or they may think it is fair.

Computers are interesting and it’s easy to forget about the time when you are on the Internet or playing a game. Some families buy a timer. Then all people in the family can get a bit of computer time.

1 What is the girl’s problem?

a She doesn’t know how to use a computer.

b Her sister uses the computer longer.

2 Why is it happening?

a Perhaps the girl’s homework is easier than her sister’s homework.

b Perhaps the girl’s sister has to do a lot of chores about the house.

3 What tips can be useful for the girl?

a To talk with the parents about the problem.

b To talk with her form teacher about the problem.

4 What do the parents think about the problem?

a Perhaps they don’t think it is good.

b Perhaps they don’t know about the problem.

  1. Vocabulary/Grammar.

Here are some tips on using the Internet.

Choose the best variant a, b, or c. There is an example (0) at the beginning.

Talk with your (0) parents about the rules for using the Internet. Always (1)                   these rules.

People from all over the world can (2)       you. They are (3)         to you. Don’t forget about this when you are on the Net and you’ll be (4)           .

You shouldn’t give out your (5)            , telephone number, parents’ work address/telephone number without your parents (6)           .

Be very (7)         of any people (8)           they ask you to come to some place, or ask you to give money.

You shouldn’t write e-mail (9)          all in CAPITAL LETTERS, people may think you are angry.

  1. a parents            b adults                     c sisters
  2. a check               b follow                     c argue
  3. a say                    b check                      c contact
  4. a parents              b friends                    c strangers
  5. a safe                  b angry                        c cautious
  6. a permission      b messages                 c address
  7. a permission      b message                  c address
  8. a safe                  b cautious                  c dangerous
  9. a if                       b because                  c after
  10. a tips                   b messages               c nicknames

Paul talks about his summer holidays.

Fill in the gaps with the correct verb forms. There is an example (0) at the beginning.

Usually we (0)  take  (take) trips on our holidays. We often (1)                   (spend) holidays in Spain. Last summer we (2)            (be) in Spain. We (3)            (have) a great time there. I (4)                (swim) a lot, (5)                   (fish) in the river and       (6)                     (play) tennis. The weather (7)                    (be) fantastic. I think we (8)                    (go) to Spain next summer, too.

3.3 Kerry talks about her first school days.

Choose the best word or phrase a or b. There is an example (0) at the beginning.

I like going back to school because I (0) can see all my friends. I (1)            hurry because on the first day I (2)            be at school only at 9 o’clock. At school I meet my friends and we (3)               go to our classroom. We get information about our new classes and we (4)             get our homework diaries. Then we (5)           to find our classes and meet our teachers.

(0) a can                                  b have to

(1) a don’t have to                 b mustn’t

  1. a should                              b have to
  2. a should                             b mustn’t
  3. a don’t have to                 b might
  4. a have to                            b must

Variant 3

  1. Listening comprehension.

You’ll hear a conversation between Clare and Katie about Katie’s summer holidays.

Mark the following statements with “T” if they are true and with “F” if they are false.

1 Katie spent her summer holidays  in Spain.

2 Katie enjoyed the trip very much.

3 Her father fished in the river every day.

4 Katie was on holiday with her dad, mum and sister.

5 Katie is happy because she can play football now.

6 Katie’s sister liked riding a horse.

7 Katie liked the weather.

  1. Reading comprehension.

Here is a letter from a girl to a children’s newspaper and the response to this letter.

For questions 1-4, choose the correct answer a or b.

My sister always spends a lot of time on the computer and I don’t have the time. I don’t think that’s fair. What should I do?

Ann B., Norwich

Your sister may spend longer hours on the computer because of her schoolwork. If she is older than you, she may have more difficult homework to do.

You should talk to your parents and your sister. Tell your parents how you feel. They may not know that your sister spends a long time on the computer, or they may think it is fair.

Computers are interesting and it’s easy to forget about the time when you are on the Internet or playing a game. Some families buy a timer. Then all people in the family can get a bit of computer time.

1 What is the girl’s problem?

a Her sister is not fair.

b Her sister uses the computer longer.

2 Why is it happening?

a Perhaps the girl’s homework is easier than her sister’s homework.

b Perhaps the girl’s sister has to do a lot of chores about the house.

3 What tips can be useful for the girl?

a To talk with the parents about the problem.

b To talk with her friends about the problem.

4 What do the parents think about the problem?

a Perhaps they don’t think it is fair.

b Perhaps they don’t know about the problem.

  1. Vocabulary/Grammar.

Here are some tips on using the Internet.

Choose the best variant a, b, or c. There is an example (0) at the beginning.

Talk with your (0) parents about the rules for using the Internet. Always (1)                   these rules.

People from all over the world can (2)       you. They are (3)         to you. Don’t forget about this when you are on the Net and you’ll be (4)           .

You shouldn’t give out your (5)            , telephone number, parents’ work address/telephone number without your parents (6)           .

Be very (7)         of any people (8)           they ask you to come to some place, or ask you to give money.

You shouldn’t write e-mail (9)          all in CAPITAL LETTERS, people may think you are angry.

  1. a parents            b adults                     c sisters
  2. a care about      b follow                     c check
  3. a meet                 b check                      c contact
  4. a adults               b relatives                   c strangers
  5. a safe                  b dangerous              c ready
  6. a permission      b information             c address
  7. a permission      b work                         c contact
  8. a care                  b cautious                  c polite
  9. a if                       b that’s why               c before
  10. a tips                   b messages               c nicknames

Paul talks about his summer holidays.

Fill in the gaps with the correct verb forms. There is an example (0) at the beginning.

Usually we (0)  take  (take) trips on our holidays. We often (1)                   (travel) on holidays to Spain. Last summer we (2)            (be) in Spain. We (3)            (have) a great time there. I (4)                (swim) a lot, (5)                   (fish) in the river and       (6)                     (ride) a horse. The weather (7)                    (be) very nice. I think we (8)                    (go) to Spain next summer, too.

3.3 Kerry talks about her first school days.

Choose the best word or phrase a or b. There is an example (0) at the beginning.

I like going back to school because I (0) can see all my friends. I (1)            hurry because on the first day I (2)           be at school only at 9 o’clock. At school I meet my friends and we (3)               go to our classroom. We get information about our new classes and we (4)             get our homework diaries. Then we (5)           to find our classes and meet our teachers.

  1. a can                                  b have to
  2. a don’t have to                 b mustn’t
  3. a

Контрольные работы по английскому языку 5 класс

Test №1

1.Сomplete the sentences with the correct word:

Room, Science, pen, new, pencil, Tuesdays, subject, years.

  1. What’s your favourite ……………………?.

  2. My PE lessons are on ………………………. and on Thursdays .

  3. David is ……………….. to the school.

  4. The …………………….case is blue.

  5. Bob is 18 ……………..old

  6. Is the Art lesson in ……………….. C?

  7. The …………….. is on the desk.

  8. The …………………. Lesson is in Room A.

2. Underline the correct item:

1. It’s an / a eraser. 5. John am / is not new to the school.

2. This is a / an atlas. 6. Mark ’m / ‘s my best friend.

3. It’s an / a notebook. 7. Fiona ‘s /’re in Class 2C.

4.Is this a / an ruler? 8. Bill and Tim is / are in the same class.

3. Choose the correct response.

1. Hello. My name’s Mark. ——— A It’s in Room E.

2. Nice to meet you, David. ——— B Yes, I am.

3. Where is the History lesson? ——— C OK, great!

4. How old are you? ——— D Hi, my name is David.

5. How do you spell your name? ——— E It, s D-A-V-I-D.

6. Let’s go to the lesson together. ———- F Nice to meet you too.

7. Are you new to the school? ——— G I’m twelve.

4. Fill in : what, how.

1. —————-‘s your name?

2. ————— old are you?

3. ————— is your favourite subject?

4. ————- class are you in?

5. Read the text and underline the correct word.

Hi, Mark!

How are you? My name’s Betty and I’m 9 years old. I’m from England and I go to Green School.

I’m new to the school. My favourite subject is Art and I also like PE and English. My lunch break is from 12.30 to 1.30 every day. My favourite day at school is Friday.

Well, that’s about it. Please write soon and tell me about your school.

Bye for now, Betty.

Betty is 9/10 years old.

Betty is at Green/Red School. The lunch break is at 12.30 / 1.30.

Betty is new/ old to the school. Betty’s favourite day at school is Monday/Friday.

PE/Art is Betty’s favourite subject.

Test №2

1.Write the plurals:

  1. fox-

  2. life-

  3. child-

  4. toy-

  5. baby-

  6. doll-

  7. sheep-

  8. potato-

  9. glass-

2. Underline the correct item:

1. She has got a pink handbag/gloves. 5. We have got new basketball/bicycles.

2. Jim has got brown gloves/teddy bear. 6. Tom has got two skateboard/ skateboards.

3. Emma has got one cap/trainers. 7. Mary has got 56 pin/ stamps.

4. Amy has got a new guitar/helmets. 8. They have got a big symbols/ collection.

3. Choose the correct response.

1. How old are you? ——— A Yes, it is.

2. What colour is your bike? ——— B He is British.

3. Where is Sue from? ——— C 52

4. What is Tim’s nationality? ——— D It’s red.

5. How many stamps are there in his collection? ——— E I’m 12.

6. Is that your new bicycle? ———- F She is from the USA.

4. Underline the correct item

1. I has/ have got a skateboard.

2. Nick has/ have got a digital camera.

3. Peter has/ have got special powers.

4. They has/ have got a new basketball.

5. We has/ have got a big stamp collection.

5. Read the text and mark the sentences T(true) or F (false).

Hi Betty!

How are you? I’m fine. I’ve got a great doll collection. I have got seventeen dolls. They are from the USA, the UK, Australia, France, Japan and Canada. My Japanese doll is a present from my mum and dad. I’m proud of my collection. Doll collecting is fun and easy. It makes me happy.

Love, Amy

1 Amy likes her doll collection. _______

2 She has got 16 dolls in her collection. _______

3 The doll from Japan is from her Japanese friend. _______

4 Amy is proud of the collection. _______

5 Doll collecting isn’t easy.

Test №3

1.Сomplete the sentences with the correct word:

block, cooker, first, garage, lamp, mirror, sink, wardrobe

  1. Her living room is on the…………………… floor.

  2. Dave lives in a …………….. of flats .

  3. There is a ……………………. In the kitchen.

  4. She washes dishes in the ………………….. .

  5. Mark has got a ………………… in his bathroom.

  6. Tom’s clothes are in his …………………………………. .

  7. Wendy has got a …………….. on her desk.

  8. Dad’s car in the ………………… .

2. Choose the correct item:

1. Dan has got a poster ……… the wall.

A) on B) in C) in front of

2. The desk is ………… the bed.

A) on B) next to C) under

3. There’s a lamp …….. the desk.

A) next to B) in front of c) on

4.His bed is ……. the window.

A) behind B) in C) under

3. Underline the correct item.

  1. There is / are a poster on the wall.

  2. The vase is / are on the table.

  3. There is /are some paintings on the wall.

  4. There is / are a garden behind the house.

  5. There isn’t / aren’t any curtains on the window.

  6. There isn’t / aren’t a balcony in my flat.

4. Match the parts of the words:

1 arm ____ A place

2 down ____ B robe

3 coffee ____ C basin

4 fire ____ D chair

5 book ____ E table

6 bed ____ F side

7 out _____ G room

8 wash ____ H case

9 ward ____ I stairs

5. Complete the sentences:

  1. …. a sofa in the room.

В комнате есть диван.

  1. …. two armchairs next to the table.

Рядом со столом есть 2 кресла.

  1. … a TV in my room.

В моей комнате нет телевизора.

  1. ….. any photos on the wall.

На стене нет фотографий.

  1. … three bedrooms in the house?

В доме есть 3 спальни?

  1. … a fridge in the kitchen?

В кухне есть холодильник?

Test №4

1.Сomplete the sentences with the correct word:

naughty, funny, clever, kind, friendly

  1. Dave speaks five languages. He’s very ………………… .

  2. My teacher is ………………… and caring.

  3. My dad is very ……………………….. He makes people laugh.

  4. My brother is noisy and …………………… .

  5. Mike is very …………………. . He smiles and talks to everybody.

2. Choose the correct item:

1. Lisa is a baby. She’s big / small. 6. Wendy’s short and thin / tall.

2. My sister’s got long / big hair. 7. Patty’s got old / black hair.

3. Paul’s naughty and noisy / quiet. 8. Ann’s room is tall / big.

4. Dad’s tall with fair / good hair. 9. Grandpa’s plump with a kind / tall face.

5. My teacher’s got a kind / small nose. 10. Joy’s a good student. She’s very noisy / clever.

3. Underline the correct item.

  1. This is easy. You can’t / can do it.

  2. I can / can’t speak French. I only speak English.

  3. Mark can / can’t play football. He plays on Mondays.

  4. Sara can / can’t play the guitar.

  5. The baby can / can’t walk yet.

4. Choose the correct response.

1. Who is he? ——— A My best friend.

2. How old are they? ——— B The USA.

3. Where is his house? ——— C It’s Jack’s.

4. Whose car is this? ——— D In London.

5. Where are they from? ——— E They’re twelve and fourteen

5.Read the email and choose the correct word:


Hi, thanks for your email. Nice to know you’re well. I want to tell you about …1……… family. My mum’s name is Kate and she’s a teacher. My dad, Mike, is an actor and …2……… films are great. I have one brother. His name’s Paul and he’s cool. My best friend Ellen, really likes …3…….. . My grandma and grandpa are special. I love ……4……. . They make me laugh with ………5……. funny stories.

Tell me about your family in your next email.



  1. a) me b) I c) my 4. a) them b) their c) they

  2. a) his b) him c) he 5. a) they b) them c) their

  3. a) he b) him c) his

Test №5

1.Сomplete the sentences with the correct word:

crocodile, dangerous, sharp, elephants, wing, lion, fur, wild

  1. Koalas have got …………….. claws for climbing .

  2. Indian …………………… have small ears.

  3. A ………………….. can stay under water for two hours.

  4. My parrot can’t fly. He’s got a broken …………….. .

  5. Some snakes are very …………………… . They can bite humans.

  6. The ………… is the king of the jungle.

  7. ………………. animals don’t make good friends.

  8. I like my dog’s ………… . It is white and very soft.

2. Circle the odd one out.

1. peacock – hen – duck – tortoise

2. goldfish – tiger – lion – leopard

3. leg – insect – beak – tail

4. dog – cat – parrot – giraffe

5. sheep – cow – horse — rhino

3. Choose the correct item:

1. Lions ………….. during the day.

a) doesn’t b) sleep c) sleeps

2. Koalas ………………water.

a) drinks b) don’t drink c) doesn’t drink

3. Insects ………….. gardens clean.

a) keeps b) doesn’t keep c) keep

4. Monkeys ………….. in trees.

a) don’t live b) live c) lives

5. A giraffe …………….. leaves from trees.

a) eat b) don’t eat c) eats.

4. Underline the correct item.

  1. People hunt / hunts wild animals.

  2. Bears sleep / sleeps all winter.

  3. Leopards run / runs very fast.

  4. A tortoise eat / eats leaves.

  5. A hen lay / lays eggs.

5. Choose the correct response.

1. What do elephants eat? ——— A It’s black and white.

2. What colour is a penguin? ——— B It’s Max.

3. When do cats sleep? ——— C No, I don’t.

4. What is your dog’s name? ——— D Fruit and grass.

5. Do you like snakes? ——— E During the day.

6.Read the text and answer the questions.

A penguin is a bird. Penguins can’t fly. They live in the Antarctic. Feathers help penguins stay warm in cold weather. Their size helps too. They are fat. The penguin is black and white. Penguins don’t sleep during the day. They sleep at night. They swim fast and catch food in the sea. They eat small fish and stay under water for five minutes.

Size- размер

Where do penguins live? –

Is a penguin a fish or a bird? –

What colour are the penguins? –

When do they sleep? –

What do they eat? —

Test №6

1.Сomplete the sentences with the correct word:

coffee, friends, bed, email, shopping, dinner, lunch, breakfast

  1. On Sundays we usually have …………………… at ten o’clock in the morning.

  2. Sara never eats ………………… after 7 o’clock in the evening.

  3. What time do the children go to …………………. ?

  4. Are you writing a(n) …………………………. to John? .

  5. Helen does the …………………………. with her mum.

  6. I want to have a cup of ………………. .

  7. It’s half past one. Do you want to have …………………. ?

  8. Vera is playing with her …………………… in the garden.

2. Fill in: am, is, are.

1. Jane and Philip ……………. talking to grandpa.

2. What ……….. you doing there?

3. I ………. going to the park.

4. ………. Luke working on the computer?

5. Mum ……….. cooking dinner and I ………. helping her.

3. Write the Present Continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

1. Tom and Fred ……………………………………. (do) a crossword.

2. Why …………………………………………….. (you / cry)?

3. She ……………………………………… (not go) shopping today.

4. David ……………………………………. (practice) kickboxing now.

5. Tina’s computer ………………………………………… (not work).

6. Mr White ………………………………………. (repair) his car.

4. Choose the correct response.

1. Is your father a pilot? ——— A Yes, my maths exercises.

2. What does Henry do? ——— B Yes, he is.

3. What are you doing? ——— C No, they aren’t.

4. Are Susan and Marion teachers? ——— D I’m writing a letter.

5. Are you doing your homework? ——— E He’s a postman.

5.Read the text and answer the questions.

Jason is a baker. He is very busy. When he’s not at the bakery, he’s out having fun. Every day, Jason wakes up at 5 o’clock in the morning. He has breakfast and then he rides his bike to the bakery. When he gets there, he starts to make bread. His work is very hard. He works until 3 o’clock in the afternoon. Then he goes back home where he has lunch and rests for a while. In the evenings, he sometimes goes to the cinema or meets his friends. On Wednesdays, he always does the shopping. On Sundays, he always wakes up late and then reads a book or works in the garden. He usually goes to bed at 11 o’clock at night.

Where does Jason work? –

What time does he wake up every day? –

How does he get to work? –

What time does he finish work? –

When does he do the shopping ? –

What does he do on Sunday? —

Test №7

1.Match the words:

  1. pick ____ a) a book

  2. play ____ b) swimming

  3. go ____ c) a picnic

  4. have ____ d) in the snow

  5. read ____ e) a snowman

  6. make ____ f) flowers

2. Fill in: am, is, are.

1. Jane and Philip ……………. talking to grandpa.

2. What ……….. you doing there?

3. I ………. going to the park.

4. ………. Luke working on the computer?

5. Mum ……….. cooking dinner and I ………. helping her.

3. Write the Present Continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

1. Tom and Fred ……………………………………. (do) a crossword.

2. Why …………………………………………….. (you / cry)?

3. She ……………………………………… (not go) shopping today.

4. David ……………………………………. (practice) kickboxing now.

5. Tina’s computer ………………………………………… (not work).

6. Mr White ………………………………………. (repair) his car.

4. Choose the correct response.

1. Is your father a pilot? ——— A Yes, my maths exercises.

2. What does Henry do? ——— B Yes, he is.

3. What are you doing? ——— C No, they aren’t.

4. Are Susan and Marion teachers? ——— D I’m writing a letter.

5. Are you doing your homework? ——— E He’s a postman.

5.Read the text and answer the questions.

Jason is a baker. He is very busy. When he’s not at the bakery, he’s out having fun. Every day, Jason wakes up at 5 o’clock in the morning. He has breakfast and then he rides his bike to the bakery. When he gets there, he starts to make bread. His work is very hard. He works until 3 o’clock in the afternoon. Then he goes back home where he has lunch and rests for a while. In the evenings, he sometimes goes to the cinema or meets his friends. On Wednesdays, he always does the shopping. On Sundays, he always wakes up late and then reads a book or works in the garden. He usually goes to bed at 11 o’clock at night.

Where does Jason work? –

What time does he wake up every day? –

How does he get to work? –

What time does he finish work? –

When does he do the shopping ? –

What does he do on Sunday? —

Контрольная работа по английскому языку для 5 класса

Test 5 класс, 2 четверть

1. Выберите правильный вариант ответа:

1. Sam usually ________ to his office by car.

a) goes b) is going

2. Look!Boys __________photos of the deer.

a) make b) are making

3. She _______me at the “Gulliver`s café” every Saturday.

a) meets b) is meeting

4. We never __________ by plane.

a) travel b) are travelling

5. I _________a funny comedy now.

a) watch b) am watching

2. Исправь ошибки в использовании глагола must, где необходимо.

1. My brother must studying well.____________________________________________

2. We mustn’t to talk at the lesson.____________________________________________

3. Yesterday we must come to school on time.___________________________________

4. You must keep your uniform clean.__________________________________________

3. Поставьте верную степень сравнения прилагательных.

1. The USA is (large) than Canada._________________________________

2. It is the (old) tree in our town.___________________________________

3. Kate’s picture is (beautiful) than Mike’s one._______________________

4. Being a policeman is one of the (dangerous) job.____________________

5.The rivers in America are (big) than those in England.________________

4.Вставьте в пропуски подходящие прилагательные: nervous, excited, frightened, bored, sad.

1. He feels ______________when he watches horror films.

2. He feels ______________when he is late (опаздывать) for classes.

3. He feels ______________when he goes shopping.

4. He feels ______________when he gets bad mark (отметка).

5. He feels ______________when he goes to the football match.

5. Переведите слова на русский язык.

pearl- turn left-

wool- go straight ahead-

cotton- go across the street-

jewellery- turn at the traffic lights-

tyres- get off the bus —

Контрольная работа по английскому языку 5 класс

Контрольная работа 5 класс Unit 3

Вариант 1.

Task 1. Complete the table

Task 2. Complete the sentences with the following words.

Dancing, driving, doing, going, growing

  1. Mike hates _________________________ to the shops with his aunt.

  2. Olga likes ___________________________ very much and she dances very well.

  3. Granny began __________________________ roses last summer.

  4. Dad stopped _____________________________ his car when he was 60 years old.

Task 3 .Make sentences polite and translate them.

  1. Drink more water.

  2. Eat more healthy food.

  3. Visit your great-grandparents.

  4. Do some sport.

Task 4. Match the sentences.

  1. I’m thirsty. A) Let’s stay at home.

  2. It’s raining again. B) Let’s sing it

  3. The windows are dirty. C) Let’s go to the shop

  4. That’s very beautiful song. D) Let’s drink some water

  5. There’s no milk for a cake. E) Let’s clean them

Task 5. Complete the sentences. (after, in, at ,in, up)

  1. Ben was interested _____ snowboarding and decided to take it _____.

  2. My cousin is good _____ high jumping.

  3. Many people take part _______ marathon every year.

  4. Her granny has many hens and looks ________ them.

Task 6. Finish the sentences

Boys play ____________________________________________________________________

Boys do __________________________________________________________________

Boys go _____________________________________________________________-

Контрольная работа 5 класс Unit 3

Вариант 2.

Task 1. Complete the table

Task 2. Complete the sentences with the following words.

Swimming, skating, singing, getting, doing

  1. Peter likes ________________________________ English songs.

  2. My brother and I enjoy _________________________ in winter.

  3. Mary began _________________ in the swimming pool when she went to the university.

  4. Children hate ____________________________ up early in the morning.

Task 3.Make sentences polite and translate them.

  1. Read more useful books.

  2. Do morning exercises.

  3. Keep regular hours.

  4. Go to the shops.

Task 4. Match the sentences.

  1. Sally doesn’t speak English. A) Let’s stay at home

  2. It’s very hot today. B) Let’s make a sandwich

  3. Sam is hungry. C) Let’s go swimming

  4. It’s snowing again. D) Let’s watch it

  5. There’s a good film on television tonight. E) Let’s speak Russian

Task 5. Complete the sentences. (up, at, in, from, upon)

  1. Once ________ a time ______ Great Britain there lived a queen.

  2. At the end of summer he’ll take _____ water polo.

  3. Jim likes sport he is very good _____ basketball.

  4. This book is different _____ other books of this writer.

Task 6. Finish the sentences

Boys play ____________________________________________________________________

Boys do __________________________________________________________________

Boys go _____________________________________________________________-

Контрольная работа по английскому языку ( 5 класс)

Progress check

1. Look at the picture and describe the picture with as……… as..

hello_html_2e3f4266.jpg hello_html_m2e4b34d8.jpg

hello_html_619eda6.jpg hello_html_40cdc433.jpg hello_html_m585d7fc1.png

2.Translate the words and make sentences with them.


Игривый непослушный

Умный гордый


3. Read the text. Complete the sentences.

Helen and Nick are married. They have a son, Jack, and a daughter, Sandra. Sandra is married to Pete. Sandra and Pete have a daughter, Lisa.

Nick is ___________ husband. Lisa is ______________ niece.( племянница)

Sandra is __________ mother. Pete is Lisa’s _________

Helen is Nick’s __________. Pete is _____________husband.( муж)

Jack is _____________ brother. Helen is Lisa’s ______________.

Jack is ____________ uncle. Sandra is ____________ wife.( жена)

4.Fill in the pronouns:

1. Sam likes Dolly. Dolly likes …………..

2. Sally doesn’t do ……… housework.

3. Do you know these boys? Do you know ……….. names?

4. I don’t like coffee. I can’t stand( терпеть не могу) ………….

5. Where is Bob? I want to talk to ………………..

6. We are having a party. We have invited all _________ friends.

5. Translate the pronouns:

1. Give (мне)………… ( твою)………………. book.

2. Show ( нам)……………… ( наши) ………………. marks.

3. Take (её)………………. pens and put ( их) ……………………on the desk.

4. Bring ( ему)……………. (его)…………….. workbook.

5. Show (им)………………… (мою)………………. room.

6. Take ( ваши)………….. phones and put ( их) ………… into the bags.